After working for 7 years as a journalist/editor for regional daily newspapers in & around Utrecht in the Netherlands, I was employed for 2 years as assistant personnel & liaison manager on construction sites for oil production & electrical power plants in Northern Africa. Thereafter I followed a three year training course for the state examination translator/interpreter French-Dutch.
I registered in 1991 with the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht as an independent technical translator English/French to Dutch. Since then I estimate to have translated/edited roughly 15 million words working full time, the first ten years mainly in technical & marketing fields and later on tackling more general subjects too, such as website localisation, software translation, creative translation/rewriting of advertising material etc.
I translate from English & French since 1991, since 2001 I do also technical subjects from German. Some translated material:
- workshop and owner manuals for cars;
- operator, maintenance and installation manuals for industrial equipment;
- software strings for displays in automotive diagnosis hardware;
- machine-embedded help systems;
- manuals for fieldbus network systems;
- do-it-yourself and user manuals for motorcycles & scooters;
- user instructions for outboard/inboard boat engines, motor homes, consumer goods;
- rewriting of advertising & marketing copy;
- training courses for salesmen & workshop engineers;
- texts for corporate magazines etc.
I work enthusiastically with Trados & MultiTerm since 1998, presently using version Studio 2024. I am also much experienced in the use of XTM, Translation Workspace. My detailed word/hour rates and résumé are available upon request.