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Englisch > Slowenisch: Sayings General field: Kunst/Literatur Detailed field: Idiome/Maximen/Sprichwörter
Ausgangstext - Englisch 1. Busy as a bee.
2. Beware the fury of a patient man.
3. Patience is a virtue.
4. Jump in each other's hair.
5. Two wrongs don't make a right.
6. The pen is mightier than a sword.
7. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
8. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
9. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
10. A picture is worth a thousand words
11. There's no place like home.
12. The early bird catches the worm.
13. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs
14. You can't always get what you want.
15. A watched pot never boils.
16. Beggars can't be choosers.
17. Actions speak louder than words.
18. Practice makes perfect.
19. Easy come, easy go.
20. All good things must come to an end.
Übersetzung - Slowenisch 1. Priden kot čebela.
2. Pazi bes potrpežljivega moža.
3. Potrpežljivost je vrlina.
4. Skočiti si v lase.
5. Krivica ne dela pravice.
6. Pero je močnejše od meča.
8. Upaj najboljše, pripravi se na najslabše.
9. Spusti prijatelje blizu in sovražnike še bližje.
10. Slika pove tisoč besed.
11. Ljubo doma, kdor ga ima.
12. Kdor prej pride, prej melje.
13. Ni omlete, brez razbitih jajc.
14. Ne moreš vedno dobiti vsega.
15. Opazovana posoda nikoli ne zavre.
16. Berači ne morejo biti izbirčni.
17. Dejanje pove več kot besede.
18. Vaja dela mojstra.
19. Zlahka pridobljeno, zlahka izgubljeno.
20. Vse dobre stvari pridejo do konca.
Spanisch > Englisch: Dinero, empresas y poder/Money, buisnesses and power General field: Sonstige Detailed field: Journalismus
Ausgangstext - Spanisch Manejan negocios, amasan fortunas y un día saltan a la política para alcanzar la cima del poder: los millonarios devenidos en presidentes se han vuelto algo común en América Latina, despertando entusiasmo e inquietud a la vez.
El último de ellos es el presidente argentino Mauricio Macri, quien se sumó al club en diciembre pasado. Y hay otros dos en funciones: el paraguayo Horacio Cartes y el panameño Juan Carlos Varela.
Si se añaden los que terminaron sus mandatos recientemente, la lista incluye al chileno Sebastián Piñera, al mexicano Vicente Fox o al panameño Ricardo Martinelli.
Todos ellos se ubican en el centro-derecha del espectro político. Hicieron de su éxito empresarial una carta de presentación electoral. Y se beneficiaron del descontento de muchos con la política tradicional, como hace ahora el polémico magnate estadounidense Donald Trump, precandidato presidencial republicano.
"La crítica a estos empresarios es que además quieren comprarse al país: una parte del país los admira por eso, y otra parte desconfía de ellos", le dice el historiador chileno Joaquín Fermandois a BBC Mundo.
Übersetzung - Englisch They run buisnesses, manage fortunes and will one day jump into politics to reach the top of their power: the millionaire-turned-presidents have become common in Latin America, arousing enthusiasm and concern at the same time.
The most important one is the Argentine president Mauricio Macri, who joined the club last December. There are two other presidents worth mentioning: Horacio Cartes president of Paraguay and Panama president Juan Carlos Varela.
If you also count the ones who recently ended their mandates, the list includes the Chilean president Sebastian Pinera, the Mexican president Vicente Fox and the Panamanian president Ricardo Martinelli.
All of them are located in the right-center of the political spectrum. They made their business successful in an electoral presentation letter. And they benefited from the discontent of many with traditional politics, as the American republican presidental candidate Donald Trump is doing right now.
"The criticism of these entrepreneurs is that they also want to buy the country: one part of the country admires that, the other part distrusts them," says the Chilean historian Joaquin Fermandois BBC.
Deutsch > Englisch: Flüchtlingsabkommen zwischen EU und Türkei/Refugees agreement between EU and Turkey General field: Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Detailed field: Staatswesen/Politik
Ausgangstext - Deutsch UN kritisieren geplante Massenabschiebungen
Die Kritik am geplanten Flüchtlingsabkommen zwischen Türkei und EU wächst: Der UN-Hochkommissar für Menschenrechte bezeichnete mögliche Massenabschiebungen als illegal. Auch mehrere EU-Staaten sind skeptisch. Doch bislang wird am Pakt nicht gerüttelt.
Übersetzung - Englisch UN criticized planned mass deportation
Criticism of the planned refugee agreement between Turkey and the EU is growing: The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights indicated possible mass deportations as illegal. Several EU countries are skeptical. But so far Pact will not be shaken on.
Russisch > Englisch: актуальные новости/current news General field: Sonstige
Ausgangstext - Russisch За истекшие сутки в Сирии зафиксировано восемь нарушений режима прекращения боевых действий. Об этом сообщил начальник российского Центра по примирению враждующих сторон в Сирии генерал-лейтенант Сергей Кураленко.
«За истекшие сутки зафиксировано 8 нарушений режима прекращения боевых действий (Алеппо – пять, Деръа, Дамаск и Идлиб – по одному). Наиболее сложная ситуация складывается в провинции Алеппо, где боевиками формирований «Лива Султан Мурад», «Фирка 16» и «Ахрар аш-Шам» четыре раза открывался миномётный огонь по кварталу Шейх-Максуд в городе Алеппо», - говорится в сообщении Центра РФ по примирению в САР.
Кроме того, отмечено нанесение ударов по кварталам «Марааназ» и «Айн-Дакна» из самодельных артиллерийских систем.
Интенсивному артиллерийскому обстрелу регулярно подвергается населенный пункт Фуа (провинция Идлиб), осаждаемый группировкой «Джебгат ан-Нусра».
«В этом городе катастрофическая гуманитарная ситуация. Отсутствуют продовольствие и медикаменты. Необходима эвакуация из блокадного анклава детей, особенно грудного возраста, женщин, стариков и инвалидов», - отмечается в сообщении.
Übersetzung - Englisch Over the past day in Syria recorded eight violations of the cessation of hostilities. This was announced by head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, Lieutenant General Sergei Kuralenko.
"For the past day recorded 8 violations of the cessation of hostilities (Aleppo - five, Daraa, Idlib and Damascus - one). The most difficult situation is in the province of Aleppo, where militias "Liva Sultan Murad", "Firka 16" and "Ahrar al-Sham" four times opened mortar fire on the quarter of Sheikh Maksoud in Aleppo ", - is spoken in the Russian Federation Centre reports on reconciliation of ATS.
In addition, it noted the targeting of neighborhoods "Maraanaz" and "Ain Dakna" of improvised artillery systems.
Intensive shelling regularly exposed location Foy (province of Idlib), deposited the group "Dzhebgat al-Nusra."
"In this city, a catastrophic humanitarian situation. Lack of food and medicines. The evacuation of the besieged enclave of children, particularly infants, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities ", - the report says.
Französisch > Englisch: La Gaule romaine/Roman Gaul General field: Sonstige Detailed field: Geschichte
Ausgangstext - Französisch L'empereur Auguste organise la Gaule en quatre provinces : à la Narbonnaise suffisamment romanisée pour devenir une province sénatoriale, il ajoute la Gaule aquitaine, la Gaule lyonnaise et la Gaule belgique. Les limites des Gaules dépassent largement celles de la France actuelle, principalement en ce qui concerne la Gaule Belgique qui borde le Rhin. Lyon est choisie comme capitale des Gaules. Au IIe siècle il existe déjà une communauté chrétienne dans cette ville. Vers la fin du IVe siècle, en Gaule, presque toute la population des villes a basculé du côté du Christ. Peu à peu l'Église se ceint d'une administration où un évêque dans chaque cité devient le chef de la communauté.
Übersetzung - Englisch Emperor Augustus organizes Gaul into four provinces: the Narbonne Romanized enough to become a senatorial province, he added Gallia Aquitania, the Lyon Gaul and Belgian Gaul. The limits of Gaul greatly exceed those of the current France, mainly as regards the Belgian Gaul which borders the Rhine. Lyon was chosen as capital of Gaul. In the second century there is already a Christian community in that city. Towards the end of the fourth century in Gaul, almost the entire population of cities has shifted from the side of Christ. Gradually the church wearing a jurisdiction where a bishop in each city becomes the leader of the community.
Übersetzerische Ausbildung
Master's degree - Filozofska fakulteta Ljubljana
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 14. Angemeldet bei seit: Mar 2016.