Tech/Engineering: IT and Software (EN-DE), Construction (CZ-DE)
Legal: Civil law, Contract law, Real Estate (with hands-on experience in property management)
Business: General
In the business since 1993.
Native German and near native Czech.
Recent projects:*
2012: storage array management software, 75,000 words translation (html, glossary)
2010-ongoing: linguistic testing for the telecommunications industry, involving functional and linguistic testing of software, web, mobile abd other applications, bugreporting, bugfixing etc., 980 testing hours in 2010-2012
2009: GSM city guide, approx. 120,000 words translation
2007: online project management system, approx. 100,000 words translation
2003-2004: form processing software (help files and glossaries), 185,000 words translation plus 300,000 words proofreading
2003-2004: Learning CD-ROMs for children. 200,000 words
2002-2003: Twinning project CZ00/BOT04 - Strengthening Regulation and Enforcement of the Public Procurement Acquis in the Czech Republic, 250,000 words translation.
2001-2003: Online Shop and other Software and Web Applications, involving translation of Software strings, Help files and HTML files. 100,000 words.
since 1993 ongoing: more than 1.0 million words in the fields of construction and real estate
*Please note: as a freelance translator I often work for translation agencies. These projects may therefore be part of larger translation projects, in which I was involved "only" as a translator and not as a contracting party to the end client.
transcription jobs, I use audio software in combination with Dragon Naturally Speaking. While using my voice as a tool for typing, I am able to handle the audio manually, which is considerably speeding up the whole process. I accept both transcription+translation projects, as well as transcription only.