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Ausgangstext - Deutsch Nach einem Sturz mit einem kleinen Gleitschirm von ca 10 Metern Höhe, jedoch nicht im freien Fall, und Landung auf dem Gesäss wurde der Patient auf die Notfallstation des Kantonsspitals in Stans eingeliefert bei Lumbalen Rückenschmerzen. Es zeigten sich keine neurologischen Ausfälle. Nach Diagnosestellung o.g. Fraktur wurde die Indication zur operativen Versorgung mittels minimal-invasiver Spondylodese gestellt.
Unauffälliger peri- und postoperativer Verlauf mit allzeit schmerzkompensierten Patienten und weiterhin intakter peripherer Neurologie. Reizlose Wundverhältnisse. Wir entlassen den Patienten in einem guten Allgemeinzustand wieder nach Hause.
Übersetzung - Englisch The patient was transferred to the emergency department of the Canton Hospital in Stans due to lumbar back pain caused by a fall, although not a free fall, with a small paraglider from a height of about 10 meters, and landing on his rear parts. There was no evidence of neurological deficiencies. Upon determination of the diagnosis, the aforementioned fracture, there was indication for surgical treatment using minimally invasive spinal fusion.
Inconspicuous peri- and post-operative course with a permanently anesthetized patient and a furtherly intact peripheral neurology. Non-irritative wound conditions. We are discharging the patient in a good general condition.
Bulgarisch > Deutsch: Objektiver Status
Ausgangstext - Bulgarisch Жена във видима възраст отговаряща на действителната в запазено общо състояние, PS-0; език - влажен, необложен; кожа и видими лигавици - бледо розови. Глава и шия: правилно конфигурирани; щитовидна жлеза и ПЛВ - не се палпират увеличени. ДС - симетричен, нормостеничен гръден кош; двете половини вземат еднакво участие в дишането; сонорен перкуторен тон; чисто везикуларно дишане без пробавени хрипове. ССС - ритмична, нормофреквентна сърдечна дейност; АН - 120/80 mmHg; СЧ - 75 уд/мин.; ясни сърдечни тонове без патологични шумове. Корем - мек, на нивото на гръдния кош, без палпаторна болезненост; черен дроб - неувеличен. Сук. реналис - двустранно (-). Крайници - б.о.
Übersetzung - Deutsch Eine Frau im sichtbarem Alter, welches dem tatsächlichen entspricht, im bewahrtem Allgemeinzustand, PS-0; Zunge – feucht, unbelegt; Haut und sichtbare Schleimhäute – hellrosa. Kopf und Hals: regelrechte Konfiguration; Schilddrüse und palpierbare Lymphknoten – nicht vergrößert. Pulmo – symmetrischer, normostenischer Brustkorb; beide Hälften nehmen gleichermaßen Teil an der Atmung; sonorer Perkussionston; reine Vesikuläratmung ohne zusätzlichen Rasselgeräusche. Cor – rhythmische, normofrequente Herztätigkeit; RR 120/80 mmHg; Herzfrequenz – 75/Min.; klare Herztöne ohne pathologischen Geräusche. Bauch – weich, auf der Höhe des Brustkorbs, ohne palpatorischen Schmerzen; Leber – unvergrößert. Succucio Renalis – beidseitig (-). Extremitäten – ohne Besonderheiten.
Übersetzerische Ausbildung
Master's degree - Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 14. Angemeldet bei seit: Nov 2017. Mitglied seit: Jun 2019.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
CV available upon request
So, here's a bit about my journey: I started my career in graphic design and later moved up to being a creative director. But when I hit 27, I decided to make a big change. I headed back to school and earned a degree in social sciences, psychology, and philosophy from the renowned Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.
After that, I jumped into the world of marketing and worked with some big international companies. My expertise covers a bunch of areas – from DTP and copyediting to creative copy, marketing, organizational stuff, legal matters, finance, IT, web, and even social sciences. I've learned the ropes through hands-on experience and have a good grip on all these different fields.
Outside of work, I'm a bit of a bookworm, especially when it comes to psychology, finance, and law. But my real passion? That's medicine, where I've spent a lot of time as a professional translator.
My main gig is medical translation, but I also get into the action with legal, marketing, financial, and business translation, along with localization projects.
If you ever need a hand in any of these areas, don't hesitate to hit me up. I'll be back to you asap!
Schlüsselwörter: german, bulgarian, english, medicine, cardiology, general medicine, dentistry, anamnesis, epicrisis, medical history. See more.german, bulgarian, english, medicine, cardiology, general medicine, dentistry, anamnesis, epicrisis, medical history, oncology, radiotherapy, radiology, medical reports, medical findings, findings reports, technology, computers, medical technology, . See less.