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Ausgangstext - Deutsch Seminarkalender
Liebe Yoga-Freundin, lieber Yoga-Freund!
Wir bieten Dir im Haus Yoga Vidya die ideale Umgebung, um Dich mal wieder richtig zu entspannen und mit neuer Kraft aufzuladen. Du kannst zu neuen Erkenntnissen gelangen, Zugang zur eigenen Intuition und Kreativität bekommen und Deine innere Quelle von Inspiration und Glück wieder entdecken.
Die bei uns täglich praktizierte Übungskombination von Yoga-Stellungen, Atemübungen, Tiefenentspannung, Mantra-Singen und Meditation wirken optimal auf Körper, Geist und Seele. In der kraftvollen Ruhe der Natur kannst Du Dich aufladen, zu Dir selbst finden und wahrhaftig entspannen.
Auch außerhalb der Seminare finden täglich zwei Meditationen mit Mantra-Singen und eine Yoga-Stunde statt.
Zusätzlich zu den Yoga-Übungen, Meditation und Seminar-Workshops bieten wir verschiedene Arten von Massagen an.
Freizeitmöglichkeiten sind Wanderungen und Radfahren (kostenlose Leihfahrräder) in den umliegenden Wäldern und Tälern, Schwimmen im nahegelegenen Freibad und Hallenbad mit Saunalandschaft, Ausflüge, etc.
Feriengäste sind das ganze Jahr über jederzeit willkommen. Wenn Du bei uns ein Einführungsseminar besucht hast, kannst Du für Yogaferien kommen solange Du willst.
Und noch eine Bitte in eigener Sache:
Wir haben unsere Seminarseiten ganz neu gestaltet. Sicher gibt es noch viel zu verbessern. Über deine Kommentare und Anregungen zur weiteren Verbesserung der Seminarseiten freuen wir uns daher ganz besonders. Bitte schicke deine Hinweise per Mail an
[email protected]
Unser Team kann Verstärkung gebrauchen
Mitarbeiter/in gesucht
Wer ist interessiert daran,
ein spirituelles Leben wirklich zu leben
täglich Meditation, Mantra-Singen, Asanas, Pranayama zu üben
eine sinnvolle Aufgabe zu haben und dafür auch richtig anzupacken und sich zu engagieren: Einen Ort weiter aufzubauen, der eine Oase des Friedens, der Besinnung, des Heilens, der spirituellen Suche und Übung ist. Gerade in dieser Zeit des wachsenden Interesses für ökologische, naturheilkundliche und spirituelle Fragen ist es besonders wichtig, ein Gegenbeispiel zum hektischen, materialistischen, Fast-Fun- Lebensstil zu schaffen und zu leben
mit anderen Yoga Übenden in der spirituellen Gemeinschaft eines Ashrams bzw. eines Yoga-Centers liebevoll, tolerant, in gegenseitiger Achtung und manchmal auch in offener Auseinandersetzung zusammen zu leben
sich ganz dem Göttlichen zu öffnen
eine individuelle spirituelle Führung zu bekommen
als Yogalehrer/in Unterichtspraxis zu sammeln oder überhaupt erst Yogalehrer/in zu werden
Da wir in beständiger Expansion begriffen sind, hast Du bei uns auch optimale Chancen, Deine persönlichen Fähigkeiten zu erweitern und mehr Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Langfristig kannst Du Leiter/in eines Yoga Vidya Centers werden, Seminare leiten, die Leitung eines Mitarbeiterteams übernehmen, an verschiedenen Orten Erfahrungen sammeln, ins Ausland gehen etc.
Auf dieser Seite: Information über langfristige Mitarbeit (mindestens 1 Jahr).
Wir haben auch Seiten über kurzfristige Mithilfe
sowie über Mithilfe während der ca 3-monatigen Aufbauphase im Haus Yoga Vidya
Was heißt es, Mitarbeiter/in bei Yoga Vidya zu sein?
Yoga Vidya ist eine spirituelle Gemeinschaft, die dem Leben und Lehren des klassischen Yoga in der Tradition von Swami Sivananda und Swami Vishnu-devananda gewidmet ist. Bei der Umsetzung dieser Lehren in der spirituellen Gemeinschaft gelten humanistisch-demokratische Grundsätze.
Dabei verfolgt Yoga Vidya 3 Hauptziele:
- Möglichst weite Verbreitung des Yoga in Deutschland und Europa für Gesundheit, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und spirituelles Wachstum
- Schaffung von Gelegenheiten zum schnellen spirituellen Wachstum für ernsthafte Aspiranten durch Leben in spirituellen Gemeinschaften in der Tradition von Swami Sivananda/Swami Vishnu-devananda
- Vergrößerung der Kräfte des Friedens und des Verständnisses auf der Erde durch Aufbau weiterer Lichtpunkte im Lichtnetz der Erde in Verbundenheit mit anderen spirituellen und ökologischen Traditionen
Für die spirituelle Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter/innen gelten die „4 großen S“:
Satsang, Sadhana, Seva, Sattwa
- Satsang: Regelmäßige Teilnahme an gemeinsamer Meditation, Mantra-Singen, Arati
- Sadhana: Tägliche oder fast tägliche Praxis von Asanas und Pranayama
- Seva: Selbstloser Dienst in der spirituellen Gemeinschaft
- Sattwa: „reiner“ Lebensstil, ohne Fleisch, Fisch, Tabak, illegale Drogen, Alkohol
Mitarbeiter werden zur Zeit gesucht für folgende Orte:
Neues Seminarhaus Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Teutoburger Wald
Haus Yoga Vidya, Westerwald
Detailliertere Informationen über die Grundsätze und Bedingungen
Für folgende Arbeitsgebiete suchen wir zur Zeit Mitarbeiter:
Im Neuen Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg
Das Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg wird/wurde am 11.10.2003 eröffnet. Ein etwa 50-köpfiges Team kümmert sich um unsere Gäste und baut das Haus weiter auf.
Wir suchen noch ein paar weitere Mitarbeiter/innen, insbesondere erfahrene Handwerker/Renovierer.
Wir suchen:
Das neue Haus bietet riesige Möglichkeiten. Schrittweise wollen wir es in den nächsten Jahren immer schöner machen und ausbauen. Wir suchen: Schreiner, Installateure, Elektriker, Fliesenleger, Trockenbauer, und Rundum-Handwerker.
Vollwertig vegetarisch kochen nach yogischen Gesichtspunkten (kannst Du hier auch lernen), Reinigung der Küche und der Vorratsräume. Voraussetzung: Freude am Kochen, Bereitschaft zu lernen, Spaß an Arbeit im Team, Flexibilität, auch für andere Aufgaben eingesetzt zu werden, falls weniger Teilnehmer im Haus sind. Wir suchen eine/n weitere/n Koch/Köchin
Empfangsleiter/in, Rezeptionsassistent/in, Telefonist/in Folgende abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben: Empfang von Gästen, Telefon-Dienst, Betreuung der Gäste bzgl. allem, was sie brauchen. Voraussetzung: Freude, mit Menschen zu sprechen, freundliches Gemüt (auch unter Streß), Hilfsbereitschaft, Freude am Telefonieren. Wir suchen eine/n weitere/n Mitarbeiter/in für das Rezeptionsteam.
Aufgabengebiete: Telefon beantworten, Broschüren verschicken, Adressenkartei pflegen, Broschüren bearbeiten, Korrespondenz. Voraussetung: Freude am Telefonieren, Exaktheit, Zuverlässigkeit, Vorkenntnisse am Computer.
Aufgabengebiete: Sauberkeit und Schönheit im ganzen Haus: Zimmer reinigen, Wäsche waschen, Dekoration, etc., Anleitung von anderen Mithelfern. Voraussetzung: Sauberkeit, Zuverlässigkeit. Mindest-Engagement: 3 Monate, gerne auch längerfristig.
Internet und Online Betreuung
Unsere Homepage wächst und wächst. Viel mehr könnte geschehen: Mehr Informationen über Yoga, Yoga Bücher Online, Online Artikel über Yoga; Betreuung des Yoga Diskussions-Forums; Newsletter etc. Voraussetzungen: Gute Erfahrung im Gestalten von professionellen Webseiten.
Aufgabenbereiche: Überwachung der Zahlungen, Einzug der Seminargebühren, Bezahlen von Rechnungen, zum größten Teil per Computer; Anrufen von TeilnehmerInnen bzgl. Klärfälle, etc. Computerkenntnisse und Buchhaltungs-Kenntnisse hilfreich, aber nicht erforderlich. Exaktes Arbeiten und Freundlichkeit nötig. Mindest-Engagement: 1 Jahr, ab sofort.
Um über die neuesten Entwicklungen unserer Seminarhaussuche informiert zu werden, abonniere doch den Neues-Seminarhaus-Newsletter
Im Haus Yoga Vidya, Oberlahr, Westerwald
Das Haus Yoga Vidya ist Europas größtes Yoga Seminarhaus und ein machtvoller spiritueller Kraftort. Unser Haus findet immer mehr Anklang, immer mehr Gäste finden zu uns. Wir sind daher ständig dabei, unser Team weiter auszubauen. Gerade erweitern wir unser Haus auf fast das Doppelte der Nutzfläche. Daher wollen wir auch unser Team von zur Zeit 29 Mitarbeitern auf ca. 40 aufstocken.
Haushalt: Aufgabengebiete: Sauberkeit und Schönheit im ganzen Haus: Zimmer reinigen, Wäsche waschen, Dekoration, etc., Anleitung von ehrenamtlichen Mithelfern. Voraussetzung: Sauberkeit, Zuverlässigkeit. Mindest-Engagement: 3 Monate, gerne auch längerfristig. Ab sofort.
Gartenarbeit und Gartengestaltung. Aufgabenbereiche: Gestaltung unseres weiten Gartens (15000 qm), Unkraut jäten, Blumenbeete und Balkonkübel gestalten, Rasen mähen, ...
Rezeption: Empfang von Gästen, Telefon-Dienst, Betreuung der Gäste bzgl. allem, was sie brauchen. Voraussetzung: Freude, mit Menschen zu sprechen, freundliches Gemüt (auch unter Streß), Hilfsbereitschaft, Freude am Telefonieren. Mindestengagement 1 Jahr.
Telefon-Dienst: Beantwortung der zahlreichen telefonischen Anfragen. Mindestengagement 1 Jahr.
Sachbearbeiter/in im Büro. Voraussetzungen: gute Computer-Kenntnisse, Bereitschaft zu selbständigem Arbeiten im Team. Mindestengagement 1 Jahr.
Computer- und Netzwerk Betreuung. Wir haben etwa 15 PCs, an einem NT Server angeschlossen. Wir suchen dafür einen weiteren geschulten Netzwerkadministrator.
Buchhaltung bzw. Zahlungsverkehr. Buchhalterische bzw. kaufmännische Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Mindestengagement 1 Jahr.
Springer: Eine hochinteressante Aufgabe, bei der Du in allen Teilen des Hauses Yoga Vidya tätig werden kannst. Du wirst eingesetzt, wo auch immer durch Urlaub, Unterricht etc. eine Lücke entsteht.
In den Yoga Vidya Stadtzentren Frankfurt, Köln, Mainz, Koblenz, Essen:
- Mitarbeiter(in) auf Teilzeit- oder Vollzeit-Basis als Springer/in, der/die bereit ist, zwischen den Zentren Mainz, Frankfurt, Köln, Essen und Koblenz zu pendeln.
- Mitarbeiter(in) für das Yoga Vidya Center Mainz auf Vollzeit-Basis
Die Yoga Vidya Zentren in Mainz, Köln, Essen, Frankfurt, Koblenz sind Oasen des Friedens inmitten der Großstadt. Da auch Mitarbeiter/innen mal Urlaub brauchen oder ein Seminar im Haus Yoga Vidya nehmen wollen, suchen wir jemand, der dafür die Vertretung übernehmen will. Eine faszinierende Aufgabe, wo Du immer neue Herausforderungen findest und viele Menschen kennenlernen kannst.
Die Yoga Vidya Zentren in Mainz, Köln, Essen, Frankfurt, Koblenz sind Oasen des Friedens inmitten der Großstadt. Diese Zentren haben beständig wachsenden Zulauf. Daher suchen wir immer wieder zusätzliche Mitarbeiter/in nen oderTeilzeitkräfte. In einem Yoga Vidya Stadtzentrum gibt es typischerweise 2-3 Vollzeitmitarbeiter, eventuell 1-2 Teilzeitmitarbeiter, 5-15 ehrenamtliche Yogalehrer und einige ehrenamtliche Mithelfer.
Die Arbeit im einem Yoga Vidya Stadt-Zentrum ist besonders interessant und erfüllend:
Du hast einen sehr geregelten Tagesablauf und kannst so Deine Yoga Übungen sehr regelmäßig ausführen
Du hast eine Vielfalt von Aufgabenbereichen, so dass Du Dich auf allen Ebenen entwickeln kannst: Kochen, Aufräumen, Broschüren/Plakate gestalten und verteilen, Rezeption, Telefondienst, Yoga Unterricht, u.v.m.
Du kannst regelmäßig ins Haus Yoga Vidya/Westerwald zum Aufladen und zur spirituellen Regeneration fahren.
Falls Du noch kein/e Yogalehrer/in bist, hast Du die Möglichkeit, an der 4-wöchigen Intensiv-Ausbildung oder/und der 2-jährigen Ausbildung kostenfrei mitzumachen. Voraussetzungen: Bereitschaft, alles zu tun, was mit einem Yoga-Center zusammenhängt. Freude, mit Menschen zu arbeiten. Wohnmöglichkeit im Center selbst oder außerhalb.
Mehr über das Kölner Center.
Mehr über das Frankfurter Center
Bedingungen für Mitarbeiter
Und hier nochmal: die Bedingungen für Mitarbeiter/innen
Bedingungen für alle Mitarbeiter
vegetarische Ernährung, kein Alkohol, Drogen, Tabak
Teilnahme an Morgenmeditation und Mantra-Singen (außer im Frankfurter Center), tägliche Übung von Asanas, Pranayama
Bereitschaft, die verschiedensten Arbeiten zu machen, also neben dem Hauptaufgabengebiet auch bei allem anderen mitzuhelfen.
innere Flexibilität, tiefes Interesse an spiritueller Arbeit und Dienst an Gott und den Menschen
Bedingungen für Kurzzeit-Mitarbeiter (bis 1 Jahr)
Tägliche Arbeitszeit 6 Stunden; ab 2. Monat 6 1/2Stunden
Arbeit gegen Unterkunft in Mehrbettzimmern, Verpflegung und Teilnahme an Yogakursen etc.
Bedingungen für Langzeitmitarbeiter (mindestens 1 Jahr) im Haus Yoga Vidya und im neuen Yoga Seminarhaus
Freie Unterkunft im Mehrbettzimmer, im hauseigenem Wohnwagen oder in einem eigenen Zimmer in Oberlahr
vegetarische Vollwert-Verpflegung mit Zutaten aus ökologischem Anbau
Sozialversicherung (gesetzliche Kranken-, Renten und Arbeitslosenversicherung; für langjährige Mitarbeiter betriebliche Alterssicherung)
Taschengeld 310 € pro Monat
Probezeit 3 Monate. Im ersten Monat kein Taschengeld, im zweiten und dritten Monat 155 Euro Taschengeld
Arbeitszeit ca. 7 Stunden am Tag bei vollem Engagement . 39-42 Stunden in der Woche.
freie Tage, Urlaub
Kostenlose Teilnahme an unserer Yogalehrer Ausbildung bzw. Yogalehrer Weiterbildungen, Seminaren, etc. möglich und erwünscht
Mindest-Engagement: 1 Jahr
Für die spirituelle Entwicklung ist ein längerer Zeitraum natürlich förderlich. Nach drei Jahren stellen sich tiefgreifende Wirkungen ein. Der klassische Zeitraum sind 12 Jahre!
Bedingungen für Mitarbeiter in den Yoga Vidya Stadt-Zentren
Bitte telefonisch nach den Bedingungen erkundigen.
Vollzeitmitarbeiter (mindestens 1 Jahr):
Unterkunft in eigenem Zimmer im Yoga-Center oder im Yoga-Raum oder außerhalb
vegetarische Vollwert-Verpflegung mit Zutaten aus ökologischem Anbau
Sozialversicherung (gesetzliche Kranken-, Renten und Arbeitslosenversicherung; für langjährige Mitarbeiter betriebliche Alterssicherung)
Taschengeld im 310 € pro Monat. Bei Wohnung außerhalb des Centers: Bis zu einem gewissen Betrag können die Kosten für Unterkunft und Anreise übernommen werden
Arbeitszeit ca. 7 Stunden am Tag bei vollem Engagement. , freie Tage, Urlaub etc.
Teilnahme an unserer Yogalehrer Ausbildung bzw. Yogalehrer Weiterbildungen, Seminaren, etc. möglich und erwünscht
Mithelfer gesucht:
Mithilfe von zuhause aus
Auch wer nicht Vollzeit mithelfen kann, ist gerne willkommen, sich zu engagieren. Du kannst auch bei Dir zuhause mithelfen, die Weisheit des Yoga zu verbreiten. Für folgende Arbeitsgebiete könnten wir ehrenamtliche Mithilfe gebrauchen:
Verteilen von Broschüren,
Übersetzen von Büchern Swami Sivananda
Transkribieren von Vorträgen von Sukadev
Schreiben von Artikeln für das Yoga Vidya Journal und Internet, Entwerfen von Internet Seiten,
Kurzfristige Mithilfe im Ashram beim Kochen, Renovieren, Kinderbetreuung, Unterrichten etc.
Mithilfe in unseren Zentren in Frankfurt, Koblenz, Köln, Mainz, Essen sowie in den Yoga Vidya Kooperationszentren
Bei Interesse, bitte anrufen Email schicken oder schreiben an:
Shivakami Bretz,
Haus Yoga Vidya,
Gut Hoffnungstal,
57641 Oberlahr,
Tel. 02685-8002-34 oder 02685-8002-0, Fax 02685-8002-20,
Email [email protected] oder [email protected]
Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterin bei Yoga Vidya
Sinn und Zweck Bedingungen Regeln Ratschläge
Wichtigste Grundsätze
Die folgenden Grundsätze sind die Grundlagen unserer spirituellen Gemeinschaft. Sie sind in allen Yoga Vidya Ashrams und vereinseigenen Zentren gültig. Alle anderen Regeln bauen auf diesen Grundsätzen auf.
Yoga Vidya ist eine spirituelle Gemeinschaft, die dem Leben und Lehren des klassischen Yoga in der Tradition von Swami Sivananda und Swami Vishnu-devananda gewidmet ist. Bei der Umsetzung dieser Lehren in der spirituellen Gemeinschaft gelten humanistisch-demokratische Grundsätze.
Dabei verfolgt Yoga Vidya 3 Hauptziele:
- Möglichst weite Verbreitung des Yoga in Deutschland und Europa für Gesundheit, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und spirituelles Wachstum
- Schaffung von Gelegenheiten zum schnellen spirituellen Wachstum für ernsthafte Aspiranten durch Leben in spirituellen Gemeinschaften in der Tradition von Swami Sivananda/Swami Vishnu-devananda
- Vergrößerung der Kräfte des Friedens und des Verständnisses auf der Erde durch Aufbau weiterer Lichtpunkte im Lichtnetz der Erde in Verbundenheit mit anderen spirituellen und ökologischen Traditionen
Für die spirituelle Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter/innen gelten die „4 großen S“:
Satsang, Sadhana, Seva, Sattwa
- Satsang: Regelmäßige Teilnahme an gemeinsamer Meditation, Mantra-Singen, Arati
- Sadhana: Tägliche oder fast tägliche Praxis von Asanas und Pranayama
- Seva: Selbstloser Dienst in der spirituellen Gemeinschaft
- Sattwa: „reiner“ Lebensstil, ohne Fleisch, Fisch, Tabak, illegale Drogen, Alkohol
Wichtigste Regeln (für Ashram-Mitarbeiter; in den Stadtzentren sind die Regeln an die besonderen Verhältnisse des betreffenden Centers angepasst)):
· Anwesenheit am Morgen-Satsang (6-7.30h oder 7-8.30h) bis einschließlich Arati ist verpflichtend. 1–2 mal pro Woche Fehlen erlaubt.
· Anwesenheit am Samstagabend-Satsang (20-ca.22.00h) bis einschließlich Vortrag und Arati ist verpflichtend.
· Jeder Mitarbeiter führt Buch über seine Satsang-Anwesenheit und gibt den entsprechenden ausgefüllten Vordruck ab (zur Zeit: montags oder dienstags in Sukadevs Fach legen)
· Tägliches oder fast tägliches Üben von Asanas und Pranayama
· Kein Fleisch, Fisch, Alkohol, Rauchen, Drogen weder innerhalb noch außerhalb des Ashrams, auch nicht während der Ferien und an freien Tagen
· Drogenkonsum (Drogen im Sinn des Betäubungsmittelgesetzes, einschl. Haschisch, Marihuana) und Alkoholkonsum führt zur fristlosen Kündigung und zum Ausschluss als Mitarbeiter im Yoga Vidya e.V.
· Die Mindestarbeitszeit beträgt 39 Stunden pro Woche, die Normalarbeitszeit 42 Stunden
· Anwesenheitspflicht bei den Mitarbeiterbesprechungen Dienstag 11.45 Uhr
· Anwesenheitspflicht bei den Mitarbeitertagen 1-2 Tage zweimal im Jahr (Frühjahr und Herbst)
· Wer sich nicht an diese Grundregeln hält, auch nicht nach 1-2maliger Ermahnung, muss den Ashram verlassen.
des Gründers und Leiters von Yoga Vidya, Sukadev Bretz
Mitarbeiter in unserem Haus Yoga Vidya, Ashram Gut Hoffnungstal im Westerwald, im neuen geplanten Seminarhaus, oder in einem der Yoga Vidya-Zentren zu sein, was bedeutet das?
Yoga ist mehr denn je ein Bedürfnis vieler Menschen in unserer Fast-Fun-Gesellschaft. Willst Du beim Ausbau eines Yoga Seminarhauses, beim Aufbau eines neuen großen Yoga-Seminarzentrums, oder in einem Yoga Stadtzentrum dabei sein, mitgestalten, mitbestimmen, und Dich voll für eine gute Sache einsetzen? Wir sind jung und expandieren ständig - ideale Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für dich in einem dynamischen, rasch wachsenden Seminarbetrieb, wo Du Deine eigenen Ideen von Anfang an einbringen kannst.
Es tut sich sehr viel, wir sind im Aufbruch: Geplant ist die Eröffnung weiterer Zentren in Deutschland und in Europa, eines neuen, größeren Yoga Seminarhauses sowie ein Yogadorf, so dass wir in Zukunft viele engagierte Mitarbeiter brauchen können!
Unser Hauptziel ist die Vermittlung des Yoga in all seinen Aspekten an unsere Seminargäste und an möglichst viele Menschen und damit der Dienst für andere Menschen.Das Haus Yoga Vidya im Westerwald, das neue Seminarzentrum und die Yoga Vidya Zentren sollen Orte des Lichtes und der Kraft sein, wo Menschen sich gesundheitsmäßig, energetisch, persönlich und spirituell weiterentwickeln können.
In einem Yoga-Seminarhaus oder –Zentrum zu leben und zu arbeiten, ist nicht einfach ein Job, den man acht Stunden lang macht und sich dann seinen anderen Interessen und Hobbies widmet. Es ist eine grundsätzliche Lebenseinstellung und –aufgabe, wo Privat- und Berufsleben ineinander übergehen. Yoga in all seinen Aspekten wird von jedem Mitarbeiter gelebt und gelehrt.
Die Mitarbeiter finden hier optimale Voraussetzungen zur persönlichen und spirituellen Entwicklung auf allen Ebenen.
Was heisst das nun konkret? Was wird von Mitarbeitern bei Yoga Vidya erwartet, welche Grundeinstellung braucht man? Und schliesslich auch, wie sehen die materiellen Bedingungen aus?
Auf diese Fragen soll im Folgenden eingegangen werden. Dies soll Dir eine Hilfestellung für die Entscheidung geben, ob Du Mitarbeiter/in bei Yoga Vidya werden willst. Diese Richtlinien sind für alle Mitarbeiter in den Yoga Vidya Seminar-häusern verbindlich. Für die Mitarbeiter/innen in den Stadtzentren gelten z.T. andere Regeln. Selbstverständlich kann eine Broschüre oder eine Internet Seite nicht den persönlichen Kontakt ersetzen. Am besten telefonierst Du mal mit Shivakami (02685-8002-34 oder 8002-0) oder kommst einfach mal für ein Seminar.
Diese Internetseite geht hauptsächlich auf die Mitarbeit in einem Yoga Vidya Seminarhaus ein. Für ergänzende Informationen für Mitarbeit in einem Yoga Vidya Stadt-Zentrum wendest Du Dich am besten an den/die betreffende Zentrumsleiter/in:
Gopi Bretz im Mainzer Yoga Vidya Center (Tel. 06131-277033, Email [email protected]).
Sukadev Volker Bretz
Gründer und Leiter der Yoga Vidya Zentren
Wer sind wir?
„Vidya“ heißt „Wissenschaft“, „Weisheit“.
Der Yoga Vidya e.V. ist ein als gemeinnützig anerkannter, nicht kommerzieller Verein zur Verbreitung der uralten Weisheitslehren des Yoga. Viele Menschen helfen im Sinne des Karma Yoga ehrenamtlich bei uns mit. Auch die Mitarbeiter arbeiten aus Überzeugung und Freude am Yoga gegen ein nur sehr geringes Entgelt. Mit niedrigen Kursgebühren versuchen wir, allen Menschen die Übung des Yoga zu ermöglichen.
Der Yoga Vidya e.V. (Stand August 2003)
- Yoga Vidya e.V. Stammsitz in Oberlahr
- Yoga Vidya Stadt-Zentren: Frankfurt, Koblenz, Köln, Essen, Mainz
- Yoga Vidya Kooperationszentren: Worms, Oberzissen, Saarbrücken, Darmstadt, Augsburg, Leipzig, Zürich, Altenburg bei Leipzig, Darmstadt.
- Yoga Vidya Seminarhaus: , Deutschlands größtes Yoga-Seminarhaus und Europas größtes Ausbildungsinstitut für Yogalehrer. Neues, großes Yoga-Seminarhaus 2003/2004 geplant
- Bund der Yoga Vidya Lehrer: über 550 Mitglieder in ganz Deutschland
- Yoga Vidya Verlag und Versand: Herausgabe und Vertrieb von Büchern, Kassetten, Videos, CDs etc.
Gründer und Leiter
ist Sukadev Volker Bretz. Er praktiziert Yoga intensiv seit 1980, davon 12 Jahre bei seinem Meister, Swami Vishnu-Devananda, der ihn ausbildete.
Sukadev ist ein inspirierender, humorvoller und liebevoller Lehrer, der die Weisheit des Yoga sehr lebensnah vermittelt.
Sukadev ist der spirituelle Leiter und hat die Grundsätze des spirituellen Gemeinschaftslebens und des Unterrichtssystems bei Yoga Vidya entwickelt. Mehr zu Sukadev
Ganzheitlicher Yoga
Wir leben und lehren den ganzheitlichen Yoga in der Tradition von Swami Sivananda und seines Schülers Swami Vishnu Devananda, der die Sivananda Yoga Zentren im Westen gegründet hat, und in der Interpretation von Sukadev. Wir versuchen dabei, die klassischen Yogalehren mit humanistisch-demokratisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Prinzipien zu verbinden. In unserer Lebensweise und in unserem Sadhana (spirituelle Praxis) orientieren wir uns an den klassischen Yoga-Lehren. Alle Mitarbeiter bemühen sich, diesen Grundsätze zu folgen, im täglichen Leben umzusetzen, und auch alle anfallenden Arbeiten in diesem Sinn und Geist anzugehen.
Du brauchst Dich aber nicht als „Schüler“ von Swami Sivananda zu fühlen, um hier anzufangen. Menschen der verschiedensten spirituellen Traditionen und auch Anfänger, die keiner spezifischen Tradition folgen, sind willkommen. Du solltest allerdings wissen, daß wir hier in einer bestimmten Tradition stehen und den Yoga-Weg auf eine bestimmte Weise gehen. Dies kann bis zu einem gewissen Grad mit anderen Praktiken kombiniert werden. Eigene persönliche Praktiken dürfen aber die gemeinsame Übung und das Praktizieren von Asanas und Pranayama nicht ersetzen.
Swami Sivananda
1887 - 1963, ist einer der großen indischen Yogameister dieses Jahrhunderts und die inspirierende Kraft hinter den Yoga-Vidya-Zentren. Er wuchs in einer yogisch geprägten Familie auf, besuchte eine englische Missionsschule und lernte so schon in der Kindheit, indisches und westliches Gedankengut zu verknüpfen. Er studierte Medizin, wanderte nach Malaysia aus und wurde Leiter eines Krankenhauses. Im Alter von 37 Jahren kehrte er zurück nach Indien, um intensiv Yoga und Meditation zu praktizieren. In dieser Zeit erreichte er Samadhi, die Selbstverwirklichung – das Ziel aller Yogapraktiken.
Angezogen von der Macht seiner Persönlichkeit und seiner liebevollen Ausstrahlung kamen viele Schüler zu ihm. Es entstand ein großer Ashram um ihn herum. Im Sivananda-Ashram in Rishikesh im Himalaya, am Ufer des Ganges, leben heute ungefähr 300 Mitarbeiter, darunter viele Swamis (Mönche). Einige von ihnen sind noch direkte Schüler von Swami Sivananda. Der Ashram in Rishikesh unterhält ein Krankenhaus für kostenlose medizinische Versorgung, betreut eine Leprakolonie und ist auch bei Katastrophenhilfe wie Erdbeben oder Überschwemmungen usw. sehr engagiert.
Swami Sivananda entwickelte eine Zusammenschau aus verschiedenen Yogawegen und gab diesen ganzheitlichen Yoga an seine Schüler weiter. Er hatte nämlich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass sich so die Persönlichkeit auf allen Ebenen sehr schnell weiterentwickelt.
Um sein Wissen und seine Erfahrung möglichst weit zu verbreiten, hat er sehr viele – über 300 – Bücher geschrieben - in einer direkten, allgemeinverständlichen Sprache, so daß sie Menschen in der heutigen Zeit als praktische Orientierungs- und Lebenshilfe dienen.
Bei Yoga Vidya orientieren wir uns an den Lehren Swami Sivanandas, sind jedoch organisatorisch gänzlich eigenständig.
Mehr zu Swami Sivananda
Fotos Swami Sivananda
Wie wirst Du Mitarbeiter?
Am besten ist, zuerst ein Seminar im Haus Yoga Vidya zu besuchen. Anschließend (oder während) sprichst Du persönlich mit Shivakami und schickst Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen (Lebenslauf, beruflich und spirituell). Dann machst Du mit Shivakami eine Probezeit aus (normalerweise 4 Wochen). Am Ende der Probezeit bestimmt die Mitarbeiter-Versammlung über die Aufnahme ins Team. Normalerweise, wenn Du Dich während der Probezeit an die Regeln gehalten hast und Engagement in Deinem Aufgabenbereich gezeigt hast, werden die Mitarbeiter Dich gerne aufnehmen!
Mitarbeiter bei Yoga Vidya:
Optimale Voraussetzungen für Deine spirituelle Entwicklung
Als Mitarbeiter kannst Du Dich sehr schnell persönlich und spirituell entwickeln.
Du praktizierst täglich Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation und Mantrasingen in der Gemeinschaft oder teilweise für Dich allein.
Die spirituelle Schwingung und Energie ist sehr hoch, trägt und fördert Dich.
Persönliche Führung durch Sukadev und andere langjährig Praktizierende
Du hast eine finanzielle Grundabsicherung, so daß Du Dich ohne materielle Sorgen ganz auf Deinen spirituellen Fortschritt konzentrieren kannst.
Das Unterrichten und Verbreiten von Yoga, der Dienst an Gott und der Menschheit sind eine wertvolle, sinnvolle Aufgabe.
Durch die Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Aufgaben und Anforderungen kannst Du wachsen, Deine Fähigkeiten und Talente entdecken und zur Entfaltung bringen.
Das Leben in einer spirituellen Gemeinschaft hilft Dir, zu wachsen. Das Zusammenleben mit unterschiedlichen Menschen, die Notwendigkeit, individuelle Interessen mit den Interessen der anderen und der Gemeinschaft abzustimmen, lernen, im Team zum Wohl des Ganzen zusammenzuarbeiten, sich anzupassen, flexibel zu sein – all das fördert die charakterliche und persönliche Entwicklung.
In einer spirituellen Umgebung, wo die Schwingung sehr hoch ist, beschleunigt sich auch das Karma. Du kannst also Dein Karma schneller aufarbeiten, was auch heißt, daß Du auf allen Ebenen mehr lernen kannst.
Selbstloser Dienst, intensives Sadhana, Mantrasingen, uralte Herzens-Rituale, Gebete führen zu einer Öffnung des Herzens, zur Entwicklung von Liebe gegenüber Gott und allen Wesen, Verständnis, Duldsamkeit und Achtung gegenüber Deinen Mitmenschen, der Natur und allen Wesen. Diese innere Einstellung der Toleranz und des Wohlwollens ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung auf dem spirituellen Weg
Mögliche Formen der Mitarbeit
Kurzzeit-Mitarbeiter bzw. Mithelfer (ab 1 Tag; bis 1 Jahr)
Langzeitmitarbeiter (mindestens 1 Jahr)
Mitarbeiter in den Yoga Vidya Stadt-Zentren
Mithelfen, und bei sich zuhause wohnen bleiben
Bedingungen, Regeln Hier klicken
Der Yoga Vidya e.V. bezahlt für Dich Beiträge an:
- Kranken-, Arbeitslosen, Rentenversicherung
Zusätzliche betriebliche Alterssicherung
ab 3 Jahren (1.200,- bis 1.400,— Euro pro Jahr, je nach Alter, ausreichend für „normale“ Rente).
6 Tage pro Woche
Normalarbeitszeit: täglich 7 Stunden, in der Woche zwischen 39-42 Stunden.Bei einem freien Tag in der Woche,
Da Du nicht selbst einkaufen, kochen, saubermachen usw. mußt, Dich auch nicht um sonstige alltägliche Probleme des Lebensunterhaltes kümmern mußt und lange Fahrwege entfallen, hast Du auch bei einer Arbeitszeit von 39-42 Stunden mehr Zeit für Deine eigene Yogapraxis (Sadhana) und Freizeit als bei den meisten sonstigen Berufen.
Als Arbeitszeit zählen neben dem eigenen Aufgabenbereich auch die Vorbereitung auf Seminare, Unterrichten, Ausführen von Pujas, Homas, Om Namo Narayanaya-Singen, Satsang-Leitung u.ä.
Maximal 5 Wochen (d.h. 30 Arbeitstage pro Jahr). Nicht genommener Urlaub verfällt nach 18 Monaten.
Nimmst Du an der 4-wöchigen Yogalehrer-Ausbildung teil, gilt diese Zeit als Urlaub. In dem Jahr der Ausbildung hast Du dann noch 6 Tage Urlaub.
Ab dem zweiten Jahr kannst Du zusätzlich unbezahlten Urlaub beantragen. Die Genehmigung hängt von der Abstimmung im Team und der Genehmigung durch den Teamleiter ab. Die reibungslose Erledigung der Aufgaben durch eine Stellvertretung muß sichergestellt sein. Ein Anspruch besteht nicht.
Die Teilnahme an (kostenlosen) Seminaren im Haus Yoga Vidya zählt als Urlaub
Aus- und Weiterbildung
Die Teilnahme an der Yogalehrer-Ausbildung wird empfohlen. Sie ist kostenlos und kann nach einer Mitarbeit von 8 Monaten belegt werden. Falls Du die Ausbildung lieber in zweimal zwei Wochen zerlegen willst, kannst Du die erste Hälfte bereits nach vier Monaten machen. Du kannst stattdessen auch die 2- oder die 3-Jahresausbildung besuchen.
Anschliessend solltest Du an den Weiterbildungs-Wochenenden teilnehmen. Falls Du im Haus Yoga Vidya Seminare leiten willst, ist die Teilnahme mindestens am ersten Jahr der Weiterbildungsseminare zwingend vorgeschrieben. Nur so bekommst Du die Qualifikation, Seminare geben zu können.
Etwa alle zwei Monate kannst Du an einem Weiterbildungsseminar oder einem sonstigen Wochenendseminar teilnehmen. Dafür wird ein freier Tag in der Woche vor oder nach dem Seminar angerechnet. Oder Du kannst in den Pausen oder nach Seminarschluß 7 Stunden arbeiten, dann kannst Du zusätzlich Deinen freien Tag ganz normal nehmen.
Empfehlenswert ist die Teilnahme an
Yogalehrer Ausbildung
Yogalehrer Weiterbildung (6 Wochenenden und/oder Intensiv-Weiterbildung 9 Tage)
Meditationskursleiter Ausbildung
Kundalini Yoga Intensiv-Woche
Schweigende Meditations-Woche
Yoga Bodywork Asana Intensiv-Woche
Shank Prakshalama Seminar
Der Besuch aller Seminare ist für Dich kostenlos, wird jedoch als Urlaub angerechnet.
Grundsätzlich bist Du ermutigt, soweit Deine Arbeitszeit es zuläßt, an Yogastunden, Vorträgen und Workshops teilzunehmen.
Mitarbeiter, die mindestens 3 Jahre dabei sind, können 1-3 Monate lang intensive Praxis unter Anleitung von Sukadev üben. Diese Zeit kann als unbezahlter Urlaub genommen werden.
- 4 Wochen vor Ablauf des ersten Jahres
- Danach 6 Wochen zum Monatsende
Gern gesehen ist natürlich, daß Du auch danach weiter Kontakt hältst, ab und zu vorbeikommst, mithilfst oder einfach mal vorbei schaust.
Was Du als Mitarbeiter einhalten solltest
vegetarische Ernährung, kein Alkohol, Drogen ,Tabak
Teilnahme an Morgenmeditation und Mantra-Singen mindestens 5x pro Woche und am Samstag (in den Zentren Sonntag) Abend (außer im Frankfurter Center), tägliche Übung von Asanas, Pranayama, also eigene spirituelle Praxis für Dich allein oder in der Gruppe
Bereitschaft, die verschiedensten Arbeiten zu machen, also neben dem Hauptaufgabengebiet bei Bedarf auch bei allem anderen mitzuhelfen.
Was Du an persönliche Voraussetzungen mitbringen solltest oder mindestens die aufrichtige Bereitschaft haben solltest, Dich in diese Richtung zu entwickeln:
Flexibilität, tiefes Interesse an spiritueller Arbeit und Dienst an Gott und den Menschen
Rücksichtnahme im Umgang mit anderen
hohe Einsatzbereitschaft
Idealismus und Enthusiasmus
Wunsch, Dich persönlich und spirituell weiterzuentwickeln
eine alternative Lebensform auszuprobieren
Bereitschaft, auf materiellen Überfluß zu verzichten, einfach zu leben
„Einfach leben – erhaben denken“ -Swami Sivananda-
Organisationsstruktur: Wie werden Entscheidungen im Haus Yoga Vidya getroffen?
Im Haus Yoga Vidya gibt es eine Mischung aus Regeln, demokratisch getroffenen und von Sukadev bzw. Teamleitern getroffenen Entscheidungen.
Einige Grundbedingungen sind vorgegeben:
Der Yoga Vidya e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein mit dem Zweck, Yoga zu verbreiten. Daher muß alles vom Yoga Vidya e.V. Organisierte mit Yoga zu tun haben. Die Mitgliederversammlung wählt den Vorstand und kann Grundsatzentscheidungen treffen. Für wichtige Entscheidungen ist der Vorstand nach außen verantwortlich.
Der Aufbau der Gruppenmeditation, der Yogastunden, Vorträge etc. orientiert sich an den Lehren von Swami Sivananda und Swami Vishnu-devananda in der Interpretation von Sukadev. Bei Interpretation des klassischen Yogasystems finden westlicher Lebensstil, wissenschaftliche Forschungen, neue gesundheitliche Erkenntnisse und humanistisches Gedankengut entsprechende Aufmerksamkeit.
Für Mitarbeiter bestehen bestimmte Regeln, die andauernd gültig sind (siehe oben).
Im Tagesbetrieb im Haus Yoga Vidya (und im geplanten Seminarhaus) gibt es folgende Entscheidungsgremien:
Jeder Mitarbeiter ist Mitglied in einem Team. Es gibt ca. 6 verschiedenen Teams.
Die Teambesprechungen entscheiden über Fragen, die das Team betreffen
Der jeweilige Teamleiter hat Weisungsbefugnis für das Tagesgeschäft und die Anwendung von getroffenen Entscheidungen.
Die Mitarbeiter Besprechung entscheidet über alles Wichtige im Haus: Aufnahme von neuen Teammitgliedern, Änderungen in der Organisationsstruktur, andere Neuerungen, Kündigung eines Mitarbeiters, etc
Der Ashramleiter koordiniert die Teams
Sukadev trifft Entscheidungen, die das spirituelle Leben betreffen und die Anwendung der Grundsätze/Regeln betreffen
Jeder Mitarbeiter bestimmt in seinem Aufgabenbereich.
In den ersten 3 Monaten stellt sich Dir ein Mitarbeiter als „Pate“ zur Verfügung, der Dir in allen Fragen behilflich ist und sich gerne um Dich kümmert.
Neue Mitarbeiter können sich einen "spirituellen Begleiter" aussuchen, der sie in Fragen der Yoga Praxis beraten kann.
Das alles klingt wahrscheinlich komplizierter und bürokratischer als es ist. In der Praxis sind wir ein fröhliches, sehr kreatives und oft auch spontanes Team. Komm doch mal vorbei und erlebe es mit!
Ein Seminartag im Haus Yoga Vidya
7.00 - 8.15 Uhr (manchmal 6.00-7.15 Uhr) Meditation, Mantra-Singen, Lesung
8.15 -9.00 Uhr Vortrag
9.15 -11.00 Uhr Yoga-Stunde
11.00 Uhr Brunch
14.30 -15.45 Uhr Vortrag
16.00 -18.00 Uhr Yoga-Stunde
20.00 -22.00 Uhr Meditation, Mantra-Singen, Vortrag.
Typischerweise nehmen neue Mitarbeiter (neben Morgen-Meditation und Samstag-Abend-Meditation) täglich an einer Yoga-Stunde teil. Die Arbeitszeit ist dann irgendwo dazwischen. Gerade neue Mitarbeiter kommen auch gerne zur Abendmeditation und zu Vorträgen. Ab 22.45 Uhr ist Nachtruhe.
Der Verein wächst. Es gibt immer neue Aufgabenfelder und Herausforderungen, u.a. auch die Gründung von Yoga Vidya Zentren, Leitung neuer Teams, Aufbau neuer Ashrams, Yoga-Dorf etc. Wir können daher viele engagierte Menschen gebrauchen.
Viele sagen:
„Es wäre schön, wenn die Welt ein besserer Ort wäre.“
Bei Yoga Vidya wollen wir Kräfte bündeln, um dies herbeizuführen.
Dazu brauchen wir Dich und viele idealistisch gesinnte Menschen, die eine sinnvolle Aufgabe
im Leben und eine Alternative zum Etablierten suchen.
Wir sind noch verhältnismäßig jung und stark am Wachsen.
Daher sind auch Deine Ratschläge, Ansichten und Verbesserungsvorschläge besonders gewünscht und wichtig.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Du Dich bei uns meldest. Und noch mehr, wenn es Dir so gut bei uns gefällt, daß Du als Mitarbeiter/in dazu beitragen willst, Yoga weiter zu verbreiten.
Herzliche Grüße
Übersetzung - Englisch Calendar of the seminars.
Dear friend of yoga,
In Haus Yoga Vidya, we offer you the ideal environment to once again relax and renew your energy properly. You can come to new insights, acquire access to your intuition and creativity and rediscover your inner source of inspiration and happiness. The combination of yoga postures, breathing exercises, deep relaxation, singing of mantras and meditation that are practiced daily at our place has an optimal effect on body, mind and soul. In the regenerating quietude of nature you can replenish your energy, come to your own Self and truly relax.
Apart from the seminars also two meditation sessions and an hour of yoga practice are conducted daily.
In addition to the yoga exercises, the meditation and seminar workshops, we offer various types of massage. Leisure options are hiking and cycling (bicycles rented for free) in the adjacent forests and valleys, swimming in the nearby open-air pool and in the indoor pool with a sauna facility, excursions, etc. Vacation guests are welcome at any time throughout the year. If you have attended an introductory seminar, you can come for a yoga vacation if you wish.
And another request concerning our work:
We have given our seminar pages an entirely new design. Definitely, there is still much to be improved. Therefore, we will be especially pleased to have your comments and suggestions for further improvement of the seminar pages. Please send your suggestions via e-mail to:
[email protected]
For our team fortification is not superfluous.
Collaborators wanted.
Who is interested in this: to really live a spiritual life, to practice meditation, mantra singing, asanas and pranayama daily, to have a meaningful assignment and also to set to work properly and commit oneself to it, to further develop a place that is an oasis of peace, recollection, of healing, of spiritual quest and exercise. Just in this time of growing interest in ecological and spiritual issues and natural healing methods, it is especially important to create a countermodel of the hectic, materialistic, fast-fun lifestyle and to live it, together with other yoga practitioners to live in an atmosphere of love and tolerance, in mutual respect and occasionally also in open confrontation, to fully open oneself to the Divine, to receive individual spiritual guidance, to gain yoga teaching experience, or indeed, become a yoga teacher.
Since we are constantly growing, you have with us optimal chances to expand your personal faculties and take on more responsibility. In the long term you can become a director of a Yoga Vidya Center, conduct seminars, take on the management of a team, gain experience at different places, go abroad, etc.
On this page: information about long term collaboration ( minimum 1 year).
We have also pages about short term collaboration as well as collaboration during the 3 month construction period in Haus Yoga Vidya.
What does it mean, to be a collaborator in Yoga Vidya ?
Yoga Vidya is a spiritual community dedicated to the teachings and the living of the classic Yoga in the tradition of Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnu Devananda. The implementation of these teachings in the spiritual community is governed by humanistic and democratic principles.
Here Yoga Vidya pursues three chief goals:
Widest possible dissemination of yoga in Germany and Europe aiming at health, personality development and spiritual growth.
Creating opportunities for rapid spiritual growth for earnest aspirants by living in spiritual communities in the tradition of Swami Sivananda/Swami Vishnu Devananda.
Enhancing the forces of peace and rapport on Earth through development of further places of light in Earth’s network of lights in conjunction with other spiritual and ecological traditions.
For the spiritual development of the collaborators the “4 capital S” are valid.
Satsang, Sadhana, Seva, Sattva.
Satsang – regular participation in joint meditation, singing of mantras, arati.
Sadhana – daily or nearly daily practice of asanas and pranayama.
Seva – selfless service in the spiritual community.
Sattva – “pure” lifestyle, without meat, fish, tobacco, illegal drugs, alcohol.
At present we are looking for collaborators for the following places:
New seminar house Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Teutoburger Wald.
Haus Yoga Vidya, Westerwald
More detailed information about the principles and conditions.
We are currently seeking collaborators in the following fields of working:
In the new Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg
The Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg will be/ was opened on 11.10.2003. A team of about 50 caters for our guests and is further building up the house. We are looking for a little more collaborators, especially experienced craftsmen/renovators.
We are looking for:
Renovation team
The new house offers huge opportunities. Gradually in the next years we want to make it more beautiful and further build it. We are seeking: carpenters, fitters, electricians, tilers, workers for dry construction, and all-round craftsmen.
Cooking of wholesome vegetarian meals after the yogic points of view ( you can also learn them here), cleaning the kitchen and the storing premises. Requirements: cheerfulness at cooking, readiness to learn, taking pleasure in working in a team, flexibility for getting assigned to other tasks, in case fewer participants are in the house. We are seeking one more cook.
Reception team:
Reception manager, reception assistant, telephone operator for the following diverse duties: reception of guests, handling of phone calls, servicing the guests concerning all they need. Requirements: pleasure in speaking to people, friendly disposition (also under pressure), readiness to help, cheerfulness at phone calls. We are seeking an additional collaborator for the reception team.
Telephone service:
Duty areas: answering phone calls, dispatch of brochures, maintaining the address files, brochure polishing, correspondence. Requirements: cheerfulness at phone calls, exactness, reliability, prior computer skills.
Duty areas: Cleanness and beauty in the entire house: tidying the rooms, laundering, decoration, etc., instructing the other assistants. Requirements: cleanliness, reliability, minimum term – 3 months, preferably more.
Internet and Online services:
Our homepage continues to grow. Much more could happen: More information about yoga, yoga books online, online articles on yoga; servicing the yoga discussion forums; newsletter, etc. Requirements: good experience in designing professional websites.
Payments traffic:
Duty areas: supervision of payments, receiving the seminar fees, paying the bills, mainly per computer, contacting participants for clarifications, etc. Computer skills and accounting skills helpful, but not required. Precision in work and politeness are necessary. Minimum term – 1 year, start – right away.
To be posted on the latest developments of our seminar house vacancies, please subscribe to the New-Seminar-House Newsletter.
In Haus Yoga Vidya, Oberlahr, Westerwald.
The Haus Yoga Vidya is Europe’s largest yoga seminar house and a potent place of spiritual energy. Our house is increasingly catching on and more and more guests are coming to us. That’s why we are ready at any moment to expand our team. Right now we are enlarging our house to nearly double its area in use. That’s why we want to enlarge our team also from currently 29 to 40 collaborators.
Duty areas: Cleanness and beauty in the entire house: tidying the rooms, laundering, decoration, etc., instructing the volunteer collaborators. Requirements: Cleanliness, reliability, minimum term of 3 months, preferably more. Start – right away.
Garden work and landscaping:
Duty areas: landscaping of our spacious garden (15000 sq. m.), weeding, arrangement of flowerbeds and terrace flower boxes, lawn mowing,…
Reception: reception of guests, phone calls handling, servicing the guests concerning all they need. Requirements: pleasure in speaking to people, friendly disposition (also under pressure), readiness to help, cheerfulness at phone calls. Minimum term of 1 year.
Telephone service: Answering the numerous queries by phone. Minimum term of 1 year.
………in the office: Requirements: good computer skills, readiness for independent work in a team.
Computer and network servicing: We have about 15 PCs, connected to a NT server. We are seeking for this an additional schooled network administrator.
Accounting resp. payments traffic: accounting resp. trading skills are a prerequisite. Minimum term of 1 year.
Jumper: a highly interesting task, whereat you can work in all departments of Haus Yoga Vidya. You are used whenever, due to lessons, leave, etc., a gap arises.
In the Yoga Vidya urban centers of Frankfurt, Cologne, Mainz, Koblenz, Essen:
- Collaborator on a part-time or full-time basis as jumper, who is prepared to commute between the centers in Mainz, Frankfurt, Cologne, Essen and Koblenz.
- Full-time collaborator for the Yoga Vidya Center in Mainz.
The Yoga Vidya Centers in Mainz, Cologne, Essen, Frankfurt and Koblenz are oases of peace in the middle of the big city. Since the collaborators also need a leave or want to attend a seminar in Haus Yoga Vidya, we are seeking someone, who will stand in for them. A fascinating task, where you ever find new challenges and can get to know many people.
The Yoga Vidya Centers in Mainz, Cologne, Essen, Frankfurt and Koblenz are oases of peace in the middle of the big city. These centers have a continuously growing attendance. That’s why we are looking on and off for additional collaborators or part-time forces.
There is typically 2-3 full-time collaborators in a Yoga Vidya urban Center, perhaps1-2 part-time collaborators, 5-15 volunteer yoga teachers and a couple of volunteer assistants.
The work in a Yoga Vidya urban center is particularly interesting and fulfilling: you have a very regular daily routine and can do your yoga exercises very regularly.
You have a variety of duty areas, so that you can develop at all levels: cooking, tidying, designing and distributing brochures and posters, reception, phone calls handling, yoga teaching and many more.
You can regularly travel to Haus Yoga Vidya/Westerwald for recharging and spiritual regeneration.
If you are not yet a yoga teacher, you have the possibility to enroll free of charge in the 4 week intensive qualification or /and the 2 year qualification program. Requirements: Readiness to do everything connected with a yoga center. Pleasure in working with people. Accommodation is possible in the center itself or outside it.
More about the Cologne center
More about the Frankfurt center
Stipulations for the collaborators.
And here once again: the stipulations for the collaborators.
Stipulations for all collaborators:
Vegetarian nutrition, no alcohol, drugs, tobacco, participation in morning meditation and mantra singing (except in the Frankfurt center), daily exercises of asanas and pranayama. Readiness to do all types of work, i.e. along with the main area of duties to assist at everything else, inner flexibility, deep interest in spiritual work and service to God and people.
Stipulations for short-term collaborators ( up to 1 year)
Daily working time of 6 hours, from the second moth on – 6 ½ hours. Work in return for accommodation in dormitories, food and participation in yoga courses , etc.
Stipulations for the long-term collaborators (minimum 1 year) in Haus Yoga Vidya and the new Yoga Seminarhaus.
Free accommodation in a dormitory, in the caravan owned by the house or in a room to oneself in Oberlahr.
Wholesome vegetarian food with ecologically cultivated ingredients. Social security(….health, ….., unemployment insurance; for long-term collaborators…………..).
Pocket money of 350 EUR per month.
Test period – 3 months. No pocket money in the first month, 155 EUR in the second and third month.
Working time – circa 7 hours per day in full-time commitment; 39-42 hours per week.
Off-days, leaves.
Free participation in our yoga teacher qualification resp. yoga teacher further qualification programs, seminars, etc. is possible and desirable.
Minimum term of 1 year.
Naturally, a longer period is favorable for the spiritual development. After 3 years deep-gong effects are registered. The classical period is 12 years.
Stipulations for collaborators in the Yoga Vidya urban centers.
Part-time collaborators:
Please, ask by phone about the stipulations.
Full-time collaborators (minimum 1 year):
Accommodation in a room to oneself in the Yoga center or the exercise hall or outside the Center. Wholesome vegetarian food with ecologically cultivated ingredients. Social security(______________)
Pocket money of 310 EUR per month. In case of accommodation outside the center the costs for it and the transport can be defrayed up to a certain amount. Working time of 7 hours a day in a full-time commitment, off-days, leaves, etc. Participation in our yoga teacher qualification resp. yoga teacher further qualification programs, seminars, etc. is possible and desirable.
Assistants wanted:
Assistance from home:
Those who cannot help on a full-time basis are gladly welcome to commit themselves. You can also help from home, on your own, to spread the wisdom of yoga. For the following areas of work we could utilize volunteer assistance: distribution of brochures, translation of books by Swami Sivananda, transcription of lectures of Sukadev, writing articles for the Yoga Vidya journal and the internet, web page designing.
Short-term assistance in the ashram at cooking, renovation, child care, teaching, etc.
Assistance in our centers in Frankfurt, Koblenz, Cologne, Mainz, Essen as well as in the Yoga Vidya Cooperation centers – please call, e-mail or write to:
Shivakami Bretz,
Haus Yoga Vidya
Gut Hoffnungstal,
57641 Oberlahr,
Tel. 02685-8002-34 oder 02685-8002-0, Fax 02685-8002-20,
Email [email protected] or [email protected]
Collaborator at Yoga Vidya
Meaning and purpose, stipulations, regulations, recommendations.
Most important principles:
The following principles are the foundations of our spiritual community. They are valid in all Yoga Vidya ashrams and affiliate centers. All other rules are based on these principles.
Yoga Vidya is a spiritual community dedicated to the teachings and the living of the classic Yoga in the tradition of Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnu Devananda. The implementation of these teachings in the spiritual community is governed by humanistic and democratic principles.
Here Yoga Vidya pursues three chief goals:
Widest possible dissemination of yoga in Germany and Europe aiming at health, personality development and spiritual growth.
Creating opportunities for rapid spiritual growth for earnest aspirants by living in spiritual communities in the tradition of Swami Sivananda/Swami Vishnu Devananda.
Enhancing the forces of peace and rapport on Earth through development of further places of light in the Earth’s network of lights in conjunction with other spiritual and ecological traditions.
For the spiritual development of the collaborators the “4 capital S” are valid.
Satsang, Sadhana, Seva, Sattva.
Satsang – regular participation in joint meditation, singing of mantras, arati.
Sadhana – daily or nearly daily practice of asanas and pranayama.
Seva – selfless service in the spiritual community.
Sattva – “pure” lifestyle, without meat, fish, tobacco, illegal drugs, alcohol.
The most important regulations (for the ashram collaborators; in the urban centers the regulations are suited to the particular conditions of the respective center).
Presence at the morning satsang (6-7,30 or 7-8,30h) till the Arati inclusive is obligatory. Absence 1-2 times a week is permissible.
Presence at Saturday evening satsang.(20-about 22,00h) till lecture and Arati inclusive is obligatory.
Each collaborator keeps a diary of satsang attendance and gives the respective filled-out form in (currently – Mondays or Tuesdays in Sukadev‘s drawer____).
Daily or nearly daily exercise of asanas and pranayama.
No meat, fish, alcohol, smoking, drugs, both in and outside of the ashram; also during the vacations and off-days.
Consumption of drugs(drugs as defined in the Betäubungsmittelgesetz {Doping Substances Act – translator’s note.} including hashish, marijuana) and consumption of alcohol results in a dismissal without prior notice and exclusion from being a collaborator in Yoga Vidya Inc.
The minimum working time is 39 hours per week, the normal working time is 42 hours
Attendance at collaborator parleys, Tuesdays at 11,45h.
Attendance at collaborator days – 1-2 days twice a year (in spring and autumn).
One who does not adhere to these basic rules, even after 1-2 reminders must leave the ashram.
Of the founder and director of Yoga Vidya, Sukadev Bretz.
To be a collaborator in our Haus Yoga Vidya, ashram Gut Hoffnungstal in Westerwald, in the planned new Seminar House or in one of the Yoga Vidya urban centers, what does it mean ?
Yoga is more than ever a necessity for many people in our fast-fun society.
Do you want to share in the expansion of a Yoga Seminar House, in the construction of a new big Yoga seminar center or in a Yoga urban center, to take part in its formation and management and fully commit yourself to a good deed. We are a young organization and are expanding constantly – ideal possibility for you to develop in a dynamic, rapidly growing seminar industry, where at the outset you can contribute your own ideas.
Very much is being done. We are on an uptrend. The opening of further urban centers, a new, bigger Yoga seminar house as well as a yoga village is planned, so in the future we may need many committed collaborators.
Our main goal is imparting yoga in all its aspects to our seminar guests and as great as possible number of people and along with this serving other people. The house Yoga Vidya in Westerwald, the new seminar center and the Yoga Vidya centers are meant to be places of light and energy, where people can develop further in respect to health, energy, personality and spirit. To live and work in a yoga seminar house or urban center is not merely a job, which one does for eight hours a day and then goes into his other interests and hobbies. It is a principal attitude to life and an assignment of life, where private and professional life pervade each other. Yoga in all its aspects is lived and taught by every collaborator.
The collaborators find here optimal conditions for personal and spiritual development at all levels.
What does this mean specifically ? What is expected from collaborators in Yoga Vidya. What basic attitude does one need ? And finally also – what are the material conditions like ?
These questions should be addressed in what follows. This is supposed to aid you in deciding whether you want to become a collaborator in Yoga Vidya. These guidelines are binding for all collaborators in the Yoga Vidya seminar houses. For the collaborators in the urban centers partly different rules apply. Of course, a brochure or an internet page cannot replace personal contact. Best of all, call Shivakami (02685-8002-34 or 8002-0) or simply come for a seminar. This webpage treats mainly of collaboration in a Yoga Vidya seminar house. For additional information on collaboration in a Yoga Vidya urban center please address the respective director of the center:
Gopi Bretz in the Yoga Vidya Center Mainz (tel.: 06131-277033, e-mail: [email protected]).
Sukadev Volker Bretz
Founder and director of the Yoga Vidya Centers.
Who are we ?
“Vidya” means “science”, “wisdom”
Yoga Vidya Inc. is recognized as a common-weal, non-commercial organization for dissemination of the ancient wisdom of yoga. Many people are helping in the spirit of Karma Yoga on a voluntary basis with us. Even the collaborators work out of conviction and joy from Yoga for only a trifling remuneration. With low course fees we are trying to make the exercising of Yoga possible for all.
The Yoga Vidya Inc. (Status August 2003)
- Yoga Vidya Inc. Original Seat in Oberlahr
- Yoga Vidya Urban Centers: Frankfurt, Koblenz, Cologne, Essen, Mainz.
- Yoga Vidya Cooperation Centers: Worms, Oberzissen, Saarbrücken, Darmstadt, Augsburg, Leipzig, Zürich, Aletnburg by Leipzig, Darmstadt.
- Yoga Vidya Seminarhaus: Germany’s largest Yoga seminar house and Europe’s biggest educational institute for yoga teachers. New, large Yoga seminar house planned for 2003/2004.
- Union of the Yoga Vidya Teachers: over 550 members from all over Germany.
- Yoga Vidya Publishing House and Shipping Department: Publishing and distribution of books, cassettes, videos, CD’s etc.
Founder and director
is Sukadev Volker Bretz. He has been practicing yoga intensively since 1980, 12 years of which with his master, Swami Vishnu Devananda, who trained him. Sukadev is an inspiring and loving teacher with sense of humor, who imparts the wisdom of Yoga in a very down-to-earth manner.
Sukadev is the spiritual leader and has worked out the principles of living in the spiritual community and the system of teaching at Yoga Vidya. More about Sukadev
Integral yoga
We live and teach the integral yoga in the tradition of Swami Sivananda and his disciple Swami Vishnu Devananda, who founded the Sivananda Yoga Centers in the West, and in Sukadev’s interpretation. Concomitantly, we are trying to unite the classical teachings of Yoga with principles of humanism, democracy and natural sciences. In our way of life and our sadhana (spiritual practice) we take our bearings from the classical teachings of Yoga. All collaborators endeavor to adhere to these principles, to implement them in daily life and in this spirit also tackle all incidental work.
However, you don’t need to feel yourself as a “disciple” of Swami Sivananda to make a start here. People from various spiritual traditions and also beginners, who do not follow a specific tradition, are welcome. You should know, though, that here we belong to a particular tradition and tread the Yoga path in a particular manner. This can be combined to a certain extent with other practices. However, personal practices must not replace the joint exercise and the practice of asanas and pranayama.
Swami Sivananda
1887-1963, is one of the big Indian yoga masters of this century and the inspiration behind the Yoga Vidya Centers. He grew up in a yoga-built family, attended an English mission school….
At Yoga Vidya we take our bearings from the teachings of Swami Sivananda, but in terms of organization we are entirely independent.
More about Swami Sivananda
Photos of Swami Sivananda
How do you become a collaborator?
Best is to attend a seminar in Haus Yoga Vidya at first. Subsequently (or during the seminar) you speak personally with Shivakami and send your application documents (resume, professional and spiritual). Then you do a test period with Shivakami (normally 4 weeks). At the end of the test period the collaborators assembly will decide upon accession in the team. Normally, if you have adhered to the rules and have shown commitment in your area of duties during the test period, the collaborators will gladly take you in the team.
Collaborator at Yoga Vidya:
Optimal conditions for your spiritual development.
As a collaborator you can develop personally and spiritually very rapidly. You practice daily asanas, pranayama, meditation and mantra singing in the community and partly on your own. The spiritual vibration and energy are very high, support you and advance you.
Personal guidance by Sukadev and other practitioners with many years of experience.
You have a basic financial security, so that you can concentrate completely on your spiritual progress without material worries. Teaching and dissemination of Yoga, service to God and humanity are a valuable, meaningful occupation.
Through the variety of different assignments and demands you can grow, uncover and unfold your faculties and talents. Life in a spiritual community helps you grow. Living together with different people, the necessity to bring individual interests in line with the interests of others and the community, learning to work in a team for the good of the whole, to adapt, to be flexible – all this boosts the development of character and personality. In a spiritual environment, where the vibration is very high, karma is accelerated too. Therefore, you can exhaust your karma faster, which means also that you can learn more on all levels.
Selfless service, intensive sadhana, mantra singing, ancient heart rituals, prayers lead to opening of the heart, to developing love for God and all beings, understanding, tolerance and consideration towards your fellows, towards nature and all beings. This inner attitude of tolerance and benevolence is an important requirement on the spiritual path.
Possible forms of collaboration
Short-term collaborators resp. assistants (from 1 day to 1 year)
Long-term collaborators (minimum 1 year)
Collaborators in the Yoga Vidya Urban Centers
Assist and stay by yourself at home
Stipulation, regulations Click here
Practical…social security.
from 3 years onwards (1200 to 1400 Euro per year, depending on age, sufficient for a “normal” pension).
Working time
6 days per week.
Normal working hours per day – 7 hours, per week between 39 and 42 hours with a day-off in the week. Since you do not have to go shopping, to cook, to tidy and so on yourself, do not have to care for other mundane problems of livelihood and travel long distances, you have more time for your personal yoga practice and more leisure time, even with 39-42 working hours a week, compared to the most of the other professions.
As working hours count, along with the area of duties, also the preparation for seminars, teaching, performance of pujas, homas, singing of Om Namo Narayanaya, conducting satsang and suchlike.
Maximum 5 weeks (i.e. 30 working days per year). Leave not taken expires after 18 months.
If you enroll for the 4-week intensive yoga teacher qualification program, this counts as a leave. Then, in the same year you have another 6-days leave. From the second year on you can apply for an additional unpaid leave. The permission depends on the voting in the team and the permission of the team leader. The smooth going of the work must be ensured through a deputy.
There is no appeal.
Participation in (free) seminars in Haus Yoga Vidya counts as leave.
Qualification and further qualification programs.
Participation in the yoga teacher qualification course is recommended. It is free and can be taken after working here for 8 months. In case you want to split it into two times of two weeks, you can do the first half as early as after the fourth month. Instead of that you can attend the 2- or 3- year qualification program. After that you are supposed to take part in the further qualification program weekends. If you want to conduct seminars in Haus Yoga Vidya, attendance at least in the first year of the further qualification program seminars is compulsory. Only so do you acquire the qualification for conducting seminars.
After about every two months you can take part in a further qualification seminar or other weekend seminars. A day-off can be taken for that in the week before or after the seminar. Or you can work 7 hours in the pauses or after the end of the seminar and then take your day-off quite normally.
Recommendable is the participation in yoga teacher qualification program,
yoga teacher further qualification program (6 weekends and/or intensive further qualification - 9 days)
Meditation course instructor qualification program
Kundalini Yoga intensive week
Silent meditation week.
Shank prakshalana seminar
Attendance of all seminars is free of charge for you, but counts as leave. On principal you are encouraged to participate in yoga classes, lectures and workshops, to the extent your working hours allow it.
Collaborators who have been working for at least 3 years here can exercise intensive practice under the guidance of Sukadev for 1-3 months. This time can be taken as unpaid leave.
- 4 weeks before the expiration of the first year.
- After that – 6 weeks to the end of the month.
Naturally, we will be glad, if you keep contact even after that, drop in on and off, render some assistance or just drop in to see us.
What you should observe as a collaborator.
- vegetarian nutrition, no alcohol, drugs, tobacco.
- Participation in morning meditation and mantra singing at least 5 times per week and Saturday evening (in the Urban Centers – Sunday, except in the Center in Frankfurt), daily exercise of asanas, pranayama, i.e. your own spiritual practice by yourself or in the group.
- Readiness to do all types of work, i.e. along with the main area of duties, if need be, to assist at everything else.
What you should have as a personal prerequisite or at least have the sincere readiness to develop in this direction:
Flexibility, deep interest in spiritual work and service to God and people
Consideration in relations with others
High readiness for getting commissioned
Idealism and enthusiasm
Desire to further develop yourself personally and spiritually, to try an alternative way of life
Readiness to give up material superfluity, to live plainly
“Plain living – high thinking” – Swami Sivananda
Organization structure: How are decision in Haus Yoga Vidya taken?
In Haus Yoga Vidya there is a mixture of rules, democratically taken decisions and decisions taken by Sukadev resp. by the team leaders.
Some basic stipulations are not subject to subsequent change:
Yoga Vidya Inc. is a common-weal organization with the goal of dissemination of Yoga. That’s why everything organized by Yoga Vidya Inc. must have to do with Yoga. The members’ assembly elects the leadership and can take principal decisions. For important decisions the leadership is responsible outwards.
The structure of group meditation, yoga classes, lectures etc. is consentient with the teachings of Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnu Devananda in the interpretation of Sukadev. In the interpretation of the classic system of Yoga respective attention is paid to western lifestyle, scientific research, new health-related discoveries and humanistic values.
Definite rules exist for collaborators and they have continuous validity.(see above).
In the daily work in Haus Yoga Vidya (and in the planned seminar house) the following decision-taking committees exist:
Every collaborator is a member in a team. There are about 6 different teams. The team parleys decide upon issues concerning the team. The respective team leader has the capacity to manage concerning the daily affairs and the application of the decisions. The collaborators’ parley decides upon everything important in the house: accession of new members, changes in the organization structure, other innovations, dismissal of a collaborator, etc.
The ashram leader co-ordinates the teams.
Sukadev decides upon issues concerning the spiritual life and the implementation of the principles/rules.
Every collaborator decides in his area of duties.
In the first three months a collaborator will place oneself as “godfather” at your disposal, who will help you about all matters and gladly will care for you.
New collaborators can search out a “spiritual companion”, who can consult them on matters of the yoga practice.
All this might sound more complex and bureaucratic than it is. In practice we are a cheerful, very creative and often a spontaneous team too. Drop in on us and have a try!
A seminar day in Haus Yoga Vidya
7.00 – 8.15h (sometimes 6.00-7.15h), meditation, mantra singing, reciting poetry
8.15-9.00h Lecture
9.15 – 11.00h Yoga class
1.00h Brunch
14.30 – 15.45h Lecture
16.00 – 18.00h Yoga class
20.00 – 22.00h Meditation, mantra singing, lecture
Typically, new collaborators take part in a yoga class daily (along with morning meditation and Saturday evening meditation). The working hours then are somewhere in between. It is the new collaborators who also love to come for evening meditation and lectures. After 22.45h it is night calm.
The organization is growing. Ever new duty areas and challenges arise, e.g. establishment of Yoga Vidya Centers, management of new teams, building new ashrams, a yoga village, etc. That’s why we may not have a surplus of committed people.
Many say:
“It would be nice, if the world was a better place.”
At Yoga Vidya we want to join forces to bring that about.
To this end we need you and many idealistically-minded people, who are seeking a meaningful goal in life and an alternative to the conventional.
We are still relatively young and strong in growth. That’s why your advice, views and suggestions for improvement are especially desirable and important.
We will be glad, if you get in touch with us. And even more, if you like staying with us so, that you want to contribute as a collaborator to the spread of Yoga.
Cordial greetings!
Englisch > Bulgarisch: The Path And The Goal Are The Same/Пътят и целта са едно и също General field: Sonstige Detailed field: Religion
Ausgangstext - Englisch The Path and the Goal Are the Same
Swami Atmaswarupananda
Most of us here are what we might call children of the Vedic way of life. Of course, some of us are adopted children, or as Swamiji once said, we have adopted the Vedic way of life. But in any case, to each one us, consciously or unconsciously, the Vedic way is central to our life. And of all the ramifications of the Vedic way of life, there is nothing more important or more intelligently thought out than the stages of life—student stage, householder stage, retired stage and sannyas or renunciate stage—and the aims of life. Indeed, if we wanted to describe the Vedic way of life—like any way of life—it could be described in terms of its aims.
While the Vedic way of life lays down four aims—dharma or righteousness, artha or the earning of wealth, kama, the satisfaction of legitimate desires, and moksha, liberation—in actual fact, the earning of wealth and the satisfaction of legitimate desires are meant to be done in the context of dharma with the ultimate aim of moksha always in mind. So that from this point of view, we could say that the essence of the Vedic way of life is dharma and moksha, and certainly that would not contradict Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji’s teachings. He constantly said that the goal of life is God-realisation and his fundamental teaching is Be good, Do good.
Generally speaking, dharma usually means the way we should act and moksha our eventual liberation. However, the fundamental declaration of the Vedic way of life is that One alone is without a second. Therefore, any other teachings or aims must derive from that fundamental truth. Dharma, therefore, means functioning in accordance with the truth that One alone is.
What am I to do in a certain situation? Remember that One alone is. Everything is my own Self, and I act in accordance with that truth. That knowledge solves all ethical questions for us. How can we justify acting in a selfish way when everything is our own Self? We, therefore, act in harmony with the will of God.
And what is moksha? Moksha is spontaneously acting according to the will of God. It is the firm knowledge that all is One, and spontaneously we act in the light of that knowledge. What then is the difference between dharma and moksha? Dharma means that with our minds we consciously act according to the will of God. Moksha means that we do it spontaneously, because there is no second factor in us saying I am a separate individual who needs to act according to dharma. The question of separation is gone forever, and, therefore, we act according to our true nature spontaneously, instead of acting according to our true nature by effort.
This equivalence between dharma and moksha reminds us of the saying: The path and the goal are the same. What is the difference, in the final analysis, between someone who is spontaneously acting in the knowledge that all is One and one who is consciously, by surrender, by understanding, acting in the knowledge that all is One? Furthermore, if One alone exists, then the only real sin in this world is not acting in that light—it is acting as if I am a separate individual who can look after my selfish interests and ignore the Whole. This is what creates karma which will have to rebound on us. However, if we consciously act in the light of dharma, on the basis that One alone is, then we are free from karma and the ego, we are liberated from them. But, of course, our goal is to be permanently liberated from them, and that is why the goal of life is God-realisation.
This is an entirely different way of looking at our sadhana. Because most of us feel that I am a separate individual who needs to be liberated so I won’t be reborn. Whereas, in actual fact, I am That, because there is nothing except That, and my salvation and happiness is in living according to that truth—until I become so habituated to it that it becomes my natural state. Whether it becomes my natural state by an awakening, that is, as Swamiji once described, “Oh!” or whether it becomes my natural state through some cosmic inner explosion, doesn’t matter.
If One alone is, all that matters is that we are acting in accordance to Its will. Lord Krishna says, “I have got everything in this universe, but I keep working, I keep acting.”
We were born into this world to act, not to sit and do nothing, not to reach some blissful state. Our glory is to act according to the will of the universe, to participate in the universe, not as a tree or a cow, but as an intelligent human being.
Swamiji has also, in his own way, tried to point out the equivalence of dharma and moksha, the path and the goal. I would like to read a couple of passages that will help to illustrate this. The first one is from his latest booklet called Renunciation.
“When the early enthusiasm and anticipation in the spiritual life has worn off and seekers seemed to have got stuck somewhere midway, neither here nor there, making no progress, I always used to ask them to take a second look, from a different angle. I said, ‘This is all due to a wrong view that you have taken—that we have come here in order to attain God-realisation, and so it is something, a distant goal to be attained; therefore, we should be up and doing and daily moving forward and upward towards that goal, in that direction.
‘This is a view given in the beginning to attract the worldly-minded person. But then, in actuality, the life that has been given to us is meant only to be devoted to God, meant only to remember Him, meant only to pray to Him, meant only to glorify Him, meant only to proclaim to all the greatness and glory of God. There is no other purpose for life. And if you live a life engaged in glorifying God, constantly thinking about Him, taking His name and praying to Him, and standing witness to His divinity, His all-perfection, that itself is the fulfilment of life. You are justifying your existence by living in order to glorify God, living in order to proclaim His grandeur, His greatness, and living in order to be constantly immersed in Him.
‘There is no question of achieving something you have not achieved. If you live for God and constantly bear witness to His greatness and grandeur and glory, and if you do this all your life, then you have not lived in vain. You have lived a worthy life. All glory to you. This is a fact. You have fulfilled God’s purpose in sending you here—to proclaim His glory and to bear witness to His greatness in and through your life.’” In other words, everything for God, nothing for ourselves.
The second quote is from a talk Swamiji gave several years ago:
“Success is the ability to give oneself totally and to dedicate one’s life for that great attainment. That in itself constitutes success. If you can but enter into this great journey, enter into this path of perfection and liberation, and keep on with it—with all the powers of your being—and thus give the totality of yourself and your life until the very end, you have gloriously succeeded. There is no doubt about it. All the applause of the heavenly world is yours. The celestials rejoice, and God looks upon you with great joy, great love, with great satisfaction indeed: ‘Worthy is this child of Mine. Worthily has it used the gift of life given to it, worthy is it of being regarded as My own.’”
So while Swamiji is using a slightly different context, we catch the point that life is how we live it. Do we live life on the basis that I am an individual that has wants that I must pursue? Or do we live our life on the basis that One alone is without a second, which means that I live my life to express That. My goal is God-realisation because I want to express it spontaneously—without any idea of there being a second—but as long as I have an idea that there is a second, then I live my life, not to get anything for me—because I am already what I am seeking—but to express the truth of the universe to the very best of my ability. Thus, the equivalence of dharma and moksha and that the path and the goal are the same.
Now, let us for a moment consider what might be lacking in our lives that is preventing us from living our life according to the highest truth that One alone is. I’m going to suggest three factors: First, we lack belief in the truth. In other words, we know intellectually that One alone is without a second, and in a gathering like this, in this atmosphere, we nod our heads and are convinced of it. But how do we live our life? Are we really seeing One alone without a second? This is a very serious question, and there is no easy solution. But we have to recognise this lack within ourselves and do everything we can to convince the mind of the truth.
We do this through our spiritual practices, especially through enquiry, and, of course, through God’s grace, when He gives us an experience. But we shouldn’t wait for the experience. During the experience there is no problem. We know the truth. But when the experience goes it becomes an experience that “I” had. See the ego pop up again! The experience was that One alone is. When the experience fades, the ego jumps up and says, “I had the experience.” It wasn’t even there at the time—that was the prerequisite of the experience. So we have to recognise that while we say, “Yes, yes, I know that One alone is,” we must be prepared to base our life on it. That means we don’t base our life on selfishness. We base our life on the fact that I am part of the Whole and everyone and everything else is also part of the Whole.
Because we have this lack of deep belief, the second lack we have is a lack of dispassion for the world. If God was real to us, if that oneness was real to us, we would see the world as it is, as the sages and Swamiji and Gurudev describe it—a mere nothing, a passing show. We would see that because God is not real to us, the world right in front of us becomes very important even though it continuously disappoints us.
In fact, most of us have an “If only” psychology. I am not quite satisfied or happy now, but if only I didn’t have this problem I’d be happy, if only I could get this, I’d be happy. I’m a student, if only I could graduate, I’d be happy. Then, if only I can get a position, I’ll be happy. If only I can find a perfect partner, I’ll be happy. If only we could have a child, we’d be so happy. If only we could get the child into a good school; if only the child can get a good position; if only we could get the children settled. It goes on forever till the day we die. We are never really satisfied, and we’re so caught up in it, we don’t see it. We keep on being, in spite of what the scriptures tell us, in spite of what the gurus tell us, convinced that we can somehow get happiness from the world.
The second thing we need dispassion for is our own selves. At times we may hate ourselves, be very down on ourselves, but most of the time we think, I’m not that bad. We should see ourselves in truth! We should see what our body is—how much trouble it gives us continuously. We should see our mind, how unreliable it really is. And as Swamiji once said, you’ve got to discover what a stinker you really are. But because God is not real to us, and we’re in this body and have this mind, we don’t look at it honestly, and, therefore, we don’t have dispassion for it. We don’t see ourselves for what we really are.
So we are lacking a belief in the truth and we’re lacking dispassion for both the world and ourselves. And third, and most important, because of the first two, we lack true aspiration for God. Swami Krishnanandaji used to say, “If you really wanted God, you would have Him this instant.” That is, if true aspiration was really there. But it is not, because we don’t really believe the truth, and, therefore, we are still clinging to this body and mind identification. We are scared to take the leap. We’re scared to hunger and thirst for God with everything that is in us.
So how can we bring about this hungering and thirsting for God with everything that is in us? We have to try to deepen our belief in God. We have to see ourselves and the world the way it is and have dispassion for it. But helpful along the way is what I would like to term “selfless-effort”—the effort I am making to deepen my belief in God, the effort I am making to have dispassion, the effort I am making in any of my spiritual practices is not my effort because One alone is. Therefore, like selfless service, we offer all our effort to the Lord. In all our spiritual practices, the thing that will bring us benefit is to acknowledge God, offer everything to God: “It is You, O Lord, who is making this effort through Me. Without You, there would be no effort, not even the thought of making effort.” So one thing we can do, that all of us can do, is to practise selfless-effort.
And then finally, if we want to see that the path and the goal are the same, there is only one way—which is a flowering of selfless effort—and that is to live a life of surrender and trust. Lord Krishna, in His final teachings of the Gita, tells us to abandon all dharmas, meaning abandon all our ideas about how to get salvation, and take refuge in Him alone. He will lead us, show us the way. We thus live a life of surrender and trust which means living a life free from the desires and the fears of the ego. And what is moksha? It is never again going back to the fears and the desires of the ego.
The guidance from Gurudev, Swamiji, The Divine Life Society and the Vedic way of life is that we are to live a life of dharma now—which is the equivalent of and the way to moksha. The purpose of life is not for us to get to some place, we are already what we are seeking. The purpose of life is to express It. We express It by deepening our belief in the truth, by having dispassion for the world, by making sure that all our effort is selfless-effort and finally through surrender and trust, taking refuge in the Lord.
The final result is always up to God; all scriptures tell us that. But surrender and trust, the living of the divine life is in our hands. It is an opportunity and a privilege that we are truly fortunate to have. Hari Om Tat Sat.
Early Morning Meditation Talk given in the Sacred Samadhi Hall of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh.
Übersetzung - Bulgarisch
Пътят и целта са едно и също
Свами Атмасварупананда
Повечето от нас тук сме , бихме могли да го наречем , деца на ведическия начин на живот. Разбира се някои от нас са осиновени деца, или както веднъж Свамиджи каза, ние сме възприели ведическия начин на живот. Но и в двата случая за всеки един от нас, съзнателно или не, ведическия път заема централно място в живота ни. И от всичките усложнения на ведическия живот няма нищо по-важно и по-интелигентно измислено от етапите на живота – ученически етап, етап на глава на семейство, етап на уединение и санняса или етап на отречение – и целите на живота. Ако искаме да опишем ведическия начин на живот – както всеки друг начин на живот – той може да се опише със своите цели. При все че ведическият начин на живот формулира четири цели – дхарма или праведност, артха или постигането на материално благосъстояние, кама или задоволяването на непротивозаконни желания и мокша или освобождение – в действителност постигането на материално благосъстояние и задоволяването на непротивозаконни желания са предвидени да се правят в контекста на праведноста с постоянна мисъл за мокша като окончателна цел. Така че от тази гледна точка можем да кажем, че същността на ведическия начин на живот са дхарма и мокша и това несъмнено няма да противоречи на ученията на Гурудев Свами Шиванандаджи. Той постоянно казваше, че целта на живота е да се познае Бог и основното му учение беше Бъди добър, Прави добро.
Най-общо казано дхарма обикновено означава начина, по който трябва да действаме, а мокша – крайното ни освобождение. Обаче основната прокламация на ведическия начин на живот е, чеСамо Едно е, без второ. Следователно всякакви други учения и целитрябва да са производни на тази фундаментална истина. Така дхарма означава действане в съгласие с истината, че само Едно е. Какво да правя в дадена ситуация? Помни, че само Едно е. Всичко е моето Аз и аз действам в съгласие с тази истина. Това познание решава всички наши етически въпроси. Как можем да оправдаем егоистични постъпки когато всичко е нашето Аз. Така че действаме в хармония с волята на Бог.
И какво е мокша? Мокша е спонтанно да се действа според волята на Бог. Тя е непоклатимото знание, че всичко е Едно и ние действаме непринудено в светлината на това знание. Каква е тогава разликата между дхарма и мокша? Дхарма означава, че с нашите умове ние съзнателно действаме според волята на Бог. Мокша означава, че ние правим това спонтанно, защото няма втори фактор в нас, който да казва “Аз съм отделен индивид, който има нужда да съобразява действията си с дхарма.”. Темата за отделността я няма повече и, следователно, ние действаме съобразно истинската си природа спонтанно, вместо да действаме съобразно истинската си природа с усилие.
Тази еквивалентност между дхарма и мокша ни напомня за поговорката: Пътят и целта са едно и също. Каква е разликата при окончателния анализ между някой, който спонтанно действа в светлината на знанието, че всичко е Едно, и някой, който съзнателно, чрез отдаденост, чрез разбиране действа в светлината на знанието, че всичко е Едно. Също, ако само Едно съществува, тогава единственият истински грях на този свят е да не се действа в тази светлина – той е да действам сякаш съм отделен индивид, който може да се грижи за егоистичните си интереси и да пренебрегне Цялото. Това е което създава карма, която ще трябва да рикошира към нас. Но ако ние съзнателно действаме в светлината на дхарма, на базата, че само Едно е, тогава сме свободни от кармата и егото. Но, разбира се, нашата цел е да се освободим от тях завинаги и затова целта на живота е да познаем Бог.
Това е един напълно друг начин на разглеждане на нашата садхана. Защото повечето от нас чувстват, че “ Аз съм отделен индивид, който е нужно да се освободи, за да не се прероди.” Докато в действителност аз съм Това, защото няма нищо друго освен Това и моето спасение и щастие е в това да живея съобразно тази истина – докато свикна с нея толкова, че тя стане мое естествено състояние. Дали ще стане мое естествено състояние чрез пробуждане, т. е. както Свамиджи веднъж го описа: “А-а”или чрез някаква космическа вътрешна експлозия е все едно.
Ако само Едно е, всичко, което има значение е да действаме съобразно Неговата воля. Господ Кришна казва: “ Аз имам всичко в тази вселена, но не спирам да работя, не спирам да действам.”
Ние сме родени на този свят да действаме, не да седим и да не правим нищо, не да постигнем някакво блажено състояние. Нашето величие е да действаме съобразно волята на вселената, да участваме във вселената, не като дърво или крава, а като интелигентно човешко същество.
Свамиджи също, по свой начин, е направил опит да изтъкне тъждеството дхарма и мокша, пътя и целта. Бих искал да прочета няколко пасажа, които ще илюстрират това. Първият е от последната му брошура, наречена Отречение.
“Когато ранният ентусиазъм и очакване в духовния живот са преминали и търсещите изглежда че са закъсали някъде по средата, ни тук , ни там, без да напредват, винаги ги карах да погледнат още веднъж, от различен ъгъл. Аз казвах: “ Това се дължи на погрешна гледна точка – че ние сме дошли тук да постигнем познаване на Бог и така то е нещо, далечна цел за постигане; следователно ние трябва да се изправим и да действаме, ежедневно да се движим напред и нагоре към тази цел.
Това е възглед, което се дава в началото за да се привлече светски настроения. Но пък в действителност животът, който ни е даден, е предназначен единствено да бъде посветен на Бог, да се помни Бог, да се молим на Бог, да го величаем, да провъзгласяваме на всички величието и славата на Бог. Няма друга цел на живота. И ако ти живееш живот зает с възхвала на Бог, с постоянно мислене за Него, с повтаряне на името Му и с молитва към Него и със свидетелстване за неговата божественост, Неговото пълно съвършенство, самото това е целта на живота. Ти оправдаваш съществуването си като живееш за да възхваляваш Бог, да провъзгласяваш великолепието Му, величието Му и като живееш за да бъдеш постоянно потопен в Него.
Не става въпрос за постигане на нещо, което не си постигнал. Ако живееш за Бог и постоянно свидетелстваш за Неговото великолепие, величие и слава, и ако правиш това през целия си живот, тогава не си живял напразно. Живял си стойностен живот. Слава на теб. Това е факт. Ти си изпълнил целта, с която Бог те е пратил тук – да провъзгласяваш славата Му и да свидетелстваш за величието Му през целия си живот.”” С други думи – всичко за Бог, нищо за себе си.
Вторият цитат е от беседа, която Свамиджи изнесе преди няколко години:
“ Успехът е способността да се отдадеш изцяло и да посветиш живота си на това велико постижение. Това само по себе си представлява успех. Ако можеш просто да влезеш в това велико пътешествие, в този път на съвършенство и освобождение и да постоянстваш в него – с всичката енергия на твоето същество – и така изцяло да отдадеш себе си и живота си, до самия край, ти си успял със слава. Няма съмнение в това. Всички аплодисменти на небесния свят са твои. Небесните същества се възрадват и Бог поглежда на теб с голяма радост, любов и задоволство: “ Достойна е тази Моя рожба. Достойно използва дара на живота си, достойна е да се смята за Моя.””
Така че докато Свамиджи използва малко по-различен контекст, ние схващаме идеята, че животът е това, как ние го живеем. Дали живеем живот основан на “ Аз съм индивид, който има нужди, задоволяването на които трябва да преследвам.”? Или живеем живота си на основата, че само Едно е без второ, което означава, че аз живея за да изразя Това. Целта ми е познаване на Бог, защото аз искам да изразя това спонтанно – без каквато и да е мисъл за съществуването на второ – но докато у мен има мисъл, че съществува второ, тогава аз живея живота си не за да се сдобия с нещо за себе си – защото аз вече съм това, което търся – а за да изразя истината на вселената като дам най-доброто от възможностите си. Оттук и еквивалентността на дхарма и мокша и “Пътят и целта са едно и също.”
Нека за момент да помислим какво липсва в живота ни, което ни пречи да живеем според най-висшата истина, че само Едно е. Аз ще предложа три фактора: Първо, ние нямаме вяра в истината. С други думи, интелектуално ние знаем, че само Едно е, без второ и в събрание като това, в тази атмосфера ние кимаме и сме убедени в това. Но как живеем живота си? Наистина ли виждаме само Едно без второ? Това емного сериозен въпрос и няма лесен отговор. Но трябва да признаем тази липса вътре в нас и да правим всичко по силите ни, за да убедим ума в истината.
Правим това чрез духовните си практики, особено чрез анализ, и, разбира се, чрез милостта на Бог, когато Той ни дава някакво преживяване. Но не трябва да чакаме това преживяване. По време на преживяването няма никакъв проблем. Ние познаваме истината. Но когато преживяването отмине, то става преживяване на “аз” имах. Ето егото отново се появява. Преживяването е било, че само Едно е. Когато то избледнее, егото изскача и казва: “Аз имах това преживяване” То дори не е било там по това време – това е било предпоставката за преживяването. Така че трябва да признаем, че докато казваме “Да, да, знам, че само едно е.”, трябва да сме готови да базираме живота си на това. Това означава да не базираме живота си на егоизъм. Ние базираме живота си на факта, че сме част от Цялото и че всички други и всичко друго са също част от Цялото.
Понеже ни липсва тази дълбока вяра, второто нещо, което ни липсва е безразличие към света. Ако Бог беше за нас реален, ако тази единственост беше за нас реална, щяхме да виждаме света такъв какъвто е, какъвто го описват мъдреците, Свамиджи и Гурудев – нищо и никакво, едно шоу, което свършва. Понеже Бог не е реален за нас, светът пред нас става много важен, въпреки че постоянно ни разочарова.
В действителност повечето от нас са с психология от вида “Само ако….”. Не съм съвсем удовлетворен и щастлив сега, но само ако нямах този проблем, щях да съм щастлив, само ако можех да получа това, щях да съм щастлив. Аз съм студент, само да завърша, ще съм щастлив. После, само да си намеря работа, ще съм щастлив. Само да си намеря съвършен партньор, ще съм щастлив. Само да можехме да имаме дете, бихме били толокова щастливи. Само да можехме да го изучим в добро училище; само дететода може да си намери добра работа; само да можехме да задомим децата. Така продължава безкрай, до деня, в който умрем. Никога не сме истински удовлетворени и сме толкова оплетени в това, че не го виждаме. Ние продължаваме да бъдем убедени, въпреки това, което свещените книги и духовните учители ни казват, че някак си можем да получим щастие от света.
Второто нещо, към което ни трябва безразличие е нас самите. Понякога може да се мразим, да ругаем себе си, но повечето време си мислим “Не съм толкова лош.” Ние трябва да се видим в действителност! Трябва да видим какво представлява нашето тяло – колко проблеми ни създава то постоянно. Трябва да видим ума си, колко ненадежден е той реално. И както Свамиджи веднъж каза, трябва да разбереш каква гадина си в действителност. Но тъй като Бог не е реален за нас и ние сме в това тяло и имаме този ум, ние не гледаме искрено на себе си и следователно не сме безразлични към себе си. Ние не се виждаме, заради това, което в действителност сме.
Така че ни липсва вяра в истината и безразличие както към света, така и към самите нас. И трето, и най-важно, поради първите две, на нас ни липсва истински стремеж към Бог. Свами Кришнанандаджи казваше:” Ако наистина искахте Бог, щяхте да го имате още в същия момент.” Тоест, ако имаше истински стремеж. Но няма, защото ние не вярваме истински в истината и следователно все още сме вкопчени в отъждествяването с това тяло и ума. Страх ни е направим скока. Страх ни е да жадуваме Бог с всичко в нас.
Тъй че, как можем да направим така, че да жадуваме Бог ? Трябва да се опитаме да задълбочим вярата си в Бог. Трябва да видим себе си и света такива каквито са и да сме безразлични към тях. Но полезно по този път етова, което бих желал да обознача като “безкористно усилие” – усилието, което правя да задълбоча вярата си в Бог, усилието, което правя да бъда безразличен, усилиети, което правя в която и да е от духовните ми практики не е моето усилие, защото само едно е. Следователно, както при безкористно служене ние поднасяме всичките си усилия на Бог. Във всичките ни духовни практики, нещото, което ще ни облагодетелства е признаването на Бог, поднасянето на всичко на Бог:” Ти си , О Господи, този, който прави това усилие чрез Мен. Без Теб не би имало усилие, нито дори и мисъл за такова.” Така че едно нещо, което можем да направим, което всички от нас могат да направят, е да практикуваме безкористно усилие.
И накрая, ако искаме да видим, че пътят и целта са едно и също нещо, има само един начин – който е разцъфтяването на безкористното усилие – и това е да се живее живот на отдаденост и вяра. Господ Кришна, в завършващите Си учения от Гита, ни казва да изоставим всички наши дхарми, в смисъл да изоставим всички наши идеи за това как да постигнем освобождение, и да намерим убежище единствено в Него. Той ще ни води, ще ни покаже пътя. Така ние живеем живот на отдаденост и вяра, което означава да се живее живот свободен то желанията и страховете на егото. Какво е мокша ? Тя е никога вече да не се върнеш към страховете и желанията на егото.
Указанията на Гурудев, Свамиджи, Общество Божествен Живот и на ведическия начин на живот са, че трябва сега да живеем живот на дхарма – което е еквивалента на и пътят към мокша. Смисълът на живота не е да стигнем до някакво място; ние вече сме това, което търсим. Смисълът на живота е да му дадем израз. Даваме му израз чрез задълбочаване на вярата си в истината, чрез безразличие към света, като се уверяваме, че всичките ни усилия са безкористни усилия и накрая чрез отдаденост и вяра, като намираме убежище в Господ.
Крайният резултат винаги зависи от Бог; всички свещени книги ни казват това. Но отдаването и вярата, воденето на божествен живот е в наши ръце. Това е възможност и привилегия, които имаме истински късмет да използваме.
Предмедитативна беседа в ранна утрин, изнесена в Свещената Самадхи Зала на Гурудев Шри Свами Шиванандаджи Махарадж, Шивананада Ашрам, Ришикеш
O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !
Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.
Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.
Thou art Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute.
Thou art the Indweller of all beings.
Grant us an understanding heart,
Equal vision, balanced mind,
Faith, devotion and wisdom.
Grant us inner spiritual strength
To resist temptation and to control the mind.
Free us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger and jealousy.
Fill our hearts with divine virtues.
Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us ever remember Thee.
Let us ever sing Thy glories.
Let Thy Name be ever on our lips.
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.
Übersetzung - Bulgarisch Универсална молитва
Шри Свами Шивананда
О, достоен за обожание Господи, пълен с милосърдие и любов!
Приветствия и просвания пред Теб.
Ти си вездесъщ, всемогъщ и всезнаещ.
Ти си абсолютно Съществуване-Съзнание-Блаженство.
Ти обитаваш вътре във всички същества.
Дари ни с разбиращо сърце, безпристрастен поглед, уравновесен ум,
Вяра, преданост и мъдрост.
Дари ни с вътрешна духовна сила да устояваме на изкушенията и да контролираме ума.
Освободи ни от егоизъм, похот, алчност, омраза, гняв и завист.
Изпълни сърцата ни с божествени добродетели.
Нека да Те съзираме във всички тези имена и форми.
Нека да Ти служим във всички тези имена и форми.
Нека винаги да Те помним.
Нека винаги да възпяваме Твоята слава.
Нека Твоето име винаги да бъде върху устните ни.
Нека да пребиваваме в Теб во веки веков.
Deutsch > Bulgarisch: Angststoerungen General field: Medizin
Ausgangstext - Deutsch Angststörungen
Angststörungen gehören mit einer Lebenszeitprävalenz von 15,1% und einer Punktprävalenz von 8,8% zu den häufigsten psychischen Störungen in Deutschland. Faktoren wie Geschlecht, Lebensalter, Erwerbstätigkeit, Schulbildung, monatliches Einkom- men sowie Wohnortgröße hängen signifikant mit der Prävalenzrate zusammen. Neben zahlreichen sekundären Problemen zeigen sich hohe Komorbiditätsraten, wobei neben weiteren Angststörungen besonders häufig eine Depression vorliegt. Patienten mit Angststörungen berichten Beeinträchtigungen sowohl im sozialen und familiären, aber auch im beruflichen Umfeld, die in einer deutlich verminderten Lebensqualitä. Nur ein geringer Prozentsatz an Betroffenen erfährt eine angemessene Behandlung.
Außerdem betonten Hoyer et al, dass die diagnostischen Erkennensraten von Angststörungen noch verbesserungswürdig seien. In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde eine Vielzahl an Instrumenten mit der Intention entwickelt, die zeitaufwendigen und komplexen klinischen Interviews durch möglichst valide und ökonomische Testskalen zu ersetzen. Zahlreiche Studien haben mit psychometrischen Analysen bereits deren Nutzen überprüft. Diese Daten beschreiben allerdings meist nicht ausreichend, wie gut sich eine Testskala eignet, um zwischen Patienten mit und ohne Angststörung zu unterscheiden. Zudem sind Informationen über die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer falschen Zuordnung zur Kategorie „Störung“ bei der praktischen Verwendung der Testskalen als Screeninginstrumente unerlässlich, damit das Risiko einer Fehldiagnose minimiert werden kann.
Aus diesem Grund untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit die Prädiktion von Angststörungsdiagnosen durch verschiedene psychometrische Testskalen, indem neben der Betrachtung der Differenzierungsfähigkeit und Vorhersagegüte auch gezeigt werden soll, welche krankheitsspezifischen Testskalen sich als sinnvolle Prädiktoren für eine Angststörungsdiagnose erwiesen haben.
Übersetzung - Bulgarisch Страхови разстройства
Страховите разстройства спадат към най-честите психични разстройства в Германия с пожизнена болестност от 15, 1% и моментна болестност от 8.8%. Фактори като пол, възраст, трудова заетост, училищно образование, месечен доход, както и големина на населеното място са свързани в значителна степен с процента на болестност. Наред с многобройни вторични проблеми се отчитат високи проценти на коморбидност, при което наред с допълнителни страхови разстройства особено често е налична и депресия. Пациенти със страхови разстройства съобщават за вреди както в социалната и семейната сфера, така и в професионалната сфера, които (водят) до чувствително намалено качество на живот. Само незначителен процент от засегнатите претърпяват подходящо лечение. Освен това Хойер и др. подчертаха, че стойностите на диагностична откриваемост на страховите разстройства все още можели да се подобрят. В последните десетилетия бяха разработени множество инструменти с намерението да се заменят времеемките и сложни клинични интервюта с възможно най-валидни и икономични тестови скали. Многобройни изследвания вече са проверили тяхната полезност чрез психометрични анализи. Тези данни обаче описват в повечето случай в недостатъчна степен, колко подходяща е една тестова скала за разграничаване на пациенти с и без страхови разстройства. При това информация за вероятността за погрешно причисляване към категорията “разстройство” при практическото прилагане на тестовите скали като инструменти за пресяване е наложителна, за да се сведе до минимум риска от грешна диагноза.
По тази причина настоящият труд изследва предсказването на диагнози страхово разстройство чрез различни психометрични тестови скали, като наред с разглеждането на способността за диференциация и надеждността на предсказанието трябва също да се покаже кои специфични за дадена болест тестови скали са се оказали смислени предсказатели на диагноза страхово разстройство.
Deutsch > Bulgarisch: Ziele und inhaltliche Schwerpunkte General field: Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Ausgangstext - Deutsch 1. Ziele und inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
Unsere therapeutisch-pädagogische Arbeit erfolgt auf der Grundlage des entwicklungs- und ressourcenorientierten Ansatzes. Oberste Priorität hat das Kind mit seinem Recht auf eine gesunde Entwicklung. Alle Mitarbeiterinnen der AY sehen es als ihre Aufgabe, die kindliche Entwicklung zu fördern, die Eltern in ihrer elterlichen Kompetenz zu stärken und insbesondere die Mutter-Kind Bindung zu festigen. Ein Motto in der täglichen Arbeit in der AY ist, „den Müttern Halt geben, damit diese ihre Kinder halten können“. Das heißt, alle dafür notwendigen Prozesse zu unterstützen, aber auch zum Wohle des Kindes Verläufe von Trennung und Unterbringung zu initiieren und zu begleiten. Neben der Fokussierung auf das Kindeswohl wird von dem Grundsatz ausgegangen, dass jede Mutter, jeder Vater bemüht ist, das Beste für ihr/sein Kind geben zu wollen. So ist auch ein Anliegen in der AY das „Beste“ herauszuarbeiten und gegebenenfalls neu zu definieren.
In der Arbeit mit Familien in Krisen geht es in erster Linie darum, diese wieder zu stabilisieren und sie im Anschluss an den Aufenthalt in der AY in ein weiterführendes Hilfenetz zu vermitteln. Bei den Aufnahmen in den längerfristigen Wohnkontext der AY stehen zum einen die pädagogische Anleitung zur Entwicklung erzieherischer und elterlicher Kompetenzen und zum anderen die psychotherapeutische Arbeit mit den Müttern im Zentrum.
Übersetzung - Bulgarisch 1. Цели и възлови моменти на съдържанието
Нашата терапевтично-педагогическа работа се осъществява на основата на ориентираното към развитието и ресурсите начало. Най-висок приоритет има детето с неговото право на здравословно развитие. Всички сътруднички на AY считат за свой дълг да подпомагат детското развитие, да подкрепят родителите в родителската им компетентност и най-вече да засилват връзката между майка и дете. Мото във всекидневната работа на AY е „да дадем опора на майките, за да могат те да отглеждат децата си“. Това означава да се подкрепят всички необходими за това процеси, но също и за благото на детето да се инициират и съпровождат процеси на разделяне и настаняване. Наред с фокусирането върху благото на детето се изхожда от принципа, че всяка майка, всеки баща полага усилия да даде най-доброто на своето дете. Така в AY има желание да се изработи и евентуално да се даде ново определение на “най-доброто”.
При работата със семейства в криза се касае преди всичко за това, те отново да бъдат стабилизирани и след престоя си в AY да бъдат предадени на последваща мрежа за помощ. При приемите в дългосрочния жилищен контекст на AY централно място заемат от една страна педагогическото ръководство за развиване на възпитателни и родителски компетенции, а от друга психотерапевтичната работа с майките.
Deutsch > Bulgarisch: Fette General field: Sonstige Detailed field: Ernährungswissenschaft
Ausgangstext - Deutsch Fette
Diesem Makronährstoff wurde in jüngster Vergangenheit ziemlich übel nachgeredet. In den späten 80er und frühen 90er Jahren war extrem fettarme Ernährung (bei vielen Diäten wurde eine Fettzufuhr von gerade mal 10 Prozent der Gesamtkalorien empfohlen) der letzte Schrei und die Supermärkte wurde von fettfreien Versionen eigentlich fetthaltiger Lebensmittel überschwemmt. Leider enthielten diese fettarmen Produkte viel Zucker und trugen so zur landesweiten Zunahme von Übergewichtigkeit und Diabetes Typ 2 bei. Wie dies oft geschieht, folgte auf die fettarme Welle das ganze Gegenteil, nämlich eine Vorliebe für besonders fetthaltige Lebensmittel, so dass plötzlich selbst Diätpatienten ihre Reiscracker durch Speck, Steaks und Hummer in Butter ersetzten. Inzwischen ist das Pendel durch die Erkenntnis, dass Fett ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer Ernährung ist, weil es einen entscheidenden Anteil an Geschmacks- und Sättigungseigenschaften hat, wieder in die Mitte zurück geschwungen und neue Studien belegen, dass einige Fettarten sogar die Gesundheit fördern. Trotz allem sollten wir unsere Fettzufuhr moderat und intelligent angehen. Selbst wenn sie die Gesundheit positiv beeinflussen, bleiben Fette doch der Makronährstoff mit der höchsten Energiedichte. Bei einem derart hohen Kaloriengehalt ist es wichtig, die richtigen Fettarten zu sich zu nehmen und den Unterschied zwischen den verschiedenen Fetten und Fettsäuren zu verstehen.
Übersetzung - Bulgarisch Мазнини
За това хранително макровещество се говореше доста лошо в най-близкото минало. В края на 80-те и началото на 90-те години крайно бедното на мазнини хранене (при много диети се препоръчваше прием на мазнини едва 10 % от всички калории) беше последният вик и супермаркетите бяха заливани с безмаслени версии на всъщност мазнинни хранителни стоки. За съжаление тези бедни на мазнини продукти съдържаха много захар и така допринесоха за наднормено тегло и диабет тип 2 из цялата страна. Както често се случва, нискомазнинната вълната беше последвана от пълната противоположност, а именно предпочитане на особено богати на мазнини хранителни продукти, така че изведнъж даже и пациенти на диета заместиха оризовите си крекери със сланина, пържоли и омар в масло. Междувременно махалато се върна по средата чрез познанието, че мазнината е важна съставна част от храненето ни, тъй като тя има решаващ дял от вкусови и засищащи качества, и нови проучвания доказват, че някои видове мазнини даже стимулират здравето. Въпреки всичко би трябвало да подхождаме умерено и интелигентно към нашия прием на мазнини. Дори и да влияят положително на здравето, мазнините все пак остават хранителното макровещество с най-голяма енергийна плътност. При такова високо съдържание на калории е важно да се консумират правилните видове мазнини и да се разбира разликата между различните мазнини и мастни киселини.
Deutsch > Bulgarisch: Vertrag General field: Rechts- und Patentwesen Detailed field: Recht: Verträge
Ausgangstext - Deutsch Recht / Verträge
Die in der Anlage 1 zu diesem Rahmenvertrag aufgeführten Tochtergesellschaften der XX AG – nachfolgend „einliefernde Gesellschaft“ genannt - beabsichtigen, Gebrauchtfahrzeuge mittels Online-Auktionen an gewerbliche Kfz-Händler zu vermarkten. Hierzu werden die einliefernden Gesellschaften die BB mit der Durchführung von Online-Auktionen beauftragen, in der Weise, als dass BB die Fahrzeuge von der einliefernden Gesellschaft nach den Bedingungen des vorliegenden Rahmenvertrages käuflich erwirbt und im Anschluss in Online-Auktionen an den jeweiligen Ersteigerer weiterveräußert.
Dies vorausgeschickt, vereinbaren die Parteien dieses Rahmenvertrages das Folgende:
1 Vertragsgegenstand
1.1 Gegenstand dieses Rahmenvertrages ist der Kauf ausschließlich gebrauchter Kraftfahrzeuge – nachfolgend „Fahrzeuge“ genannt – nach Maßgabe der nachfolgenden Bestimmungen. BB wird die Fahrzeuge über ihre Internet-Plattform „Omat“ an gewerbliche Käufer versteigern und hierzu von den einliefernden Gesellschaften nach den nachstehend definierten Bedingungen erwerben.
1.2 Dieser Rahmenvertrag ist Bestandteil des jeweils aktuellen Einkaufsabschlusses und aller Einzelkaufverträge, die auf seiner Grundlage abgeschlossen werden.
1.3 Die XX AG und ihre einliefernden Gesellsaften sind zu keiner Mindestzahl von verauktionierenden Fahrzeugen verpflichtet.
Übersetzung - Bulgarisch Посочените в Приложение 1 към този рамков договор дъщерни дружества на ХХ АД – наричано по-нататък “доставящо дружество” – възнамеряват да предлагат за продажба употребявани автомобили на професионални търговци на МПС-та посредством онлайн търгове. За тази цел доставящите дружества ще възложат на ББ провеждането на онлайн търговете по такъв начин, че ББ да придобива автомобилите чрез покупка от доставящото дружество съгласно условията на настоящия рамков договор и впоследствие да ги препродава на онлайн търгове на съответното спечелило търга лице.
Предвид на това страните по този рамков договор се споразумяват за следното:
1. Предмет на договора
1.1. Предмет на този договор е покупката единствено на употребявани автомобили – по-нататък наричани “автомобили” – според посочените по-нататък правила. ББ ще предлага автомобилите на търг на професионални купувачи чрез своята интернет платформа “Омат” и за тази цел ще ги придобива от доставящите дружества съгласно дефинираните по-нататък условия.
1.2. Този рамков договор е съставна част от съответното актуално споразумение за покупка и от всички единични договори за покупко-продажба, които се сключват възоснова на него.
1.3. ХХ АД и неговите доставящи дружества нямат задължение за минимален брой на автомобилите за търгуване.
Ausgangstext - Deutsch Sie Ihre Arme gestreckt über den Kopf. Beugen Sie sich nun nach vorne und bewegen Sie Ihren rechten Arm in
Richtung Ihres linken Fußes. Der linke Arm bleibt solange gestreckt und weiterhin nach hinten oben ausgerichtet.
Kehren Sie in die Ausgangsposition zurück und führen Sie die Übungen nun entsprechend für die andere Seite aus.
Wiederholen Sie diese Übung etwa 8 – 12 Mal pro Seite. Führen Sie insgesamt ca. 2 – 3 Sätze aus.
Seitliche Rumpfmuskulatur I
Setzen Sie sich auf die Übungsmatte und spreizen Sie Ihre gestreckten Beine auseinander wie abgebildet.
Strecken Sie Ihre Arme etwa auf Schulterhöhe zur Seite aus. Drehen Sie nun Ihren Oberkörper nach rechts und
nach links. Drehen Sie Ihre Arme mit, benutzen Sie diese aber nicht, um damit Schwung zu holen.
Wiederholen Sie diese Übung etwa 8 – 12 Mal pro Seite. Führen Sie insgesamt ca. 2 – 3 Sätze aus.
Seitliche Rumpfmuskulatur II
Legen Sie sich seitlich auf die übungsmatte und stützen Sie den Kopf auf der Hand ab. Die andere Hand können
Sie zur Stabilisierung vor dem Körper auf der Matte abstützen. Heben Sie nun das obere Bein gestreckt mit
gestreckten Zehen kontrolliert seitlich so hoch wie möglich nach oben an. Senken Sie es dann ruhig wieder
ab. Wechseln Sie die Seiten.
Wiederholen Sie diese Übung etwa 8 – 12 Mal pro Seite. Führen Sie insgesamt ca. 2 – 3 Sätze aus.
Übersetzung - Bulgarisch (Дръжте) Ръцете си изпънати на д главата. Сега се наведете напред и движете дясната си ръка в посока на лявото си стъпало. Лявата ръка остава през това време изпъната и все още насочена назад и нагоре. Върнете се в изходно положение и изпълнете упражненията съответно за другата страна.
Повторете това упражнение около 8-12 пъти за всяка страна. Изпълнете общо 2-3 комплекта.
Странична мускулатура на торса I
Седнете на постелката за упражнения и разкрачете изпънатите си крака, както е показано на фигурата. Изпънете ръцете си настрани на приблизително височината на раменете. Сега въртете горната част на тялото си надясно и наляво. Заедно с тялото въртете и ръцете си, но не ги използвайте, за да набирате инерция. Повторете това упражнение около 8-12 пъти за всяка страна. Изпълнете общо 2-3 комплекта.
Странична мускулатура на торса II
Легнете странично на постелката за упражнения и подпрете главата си на ръката. Другата ръка можете да поставите за стабилност на постелката пред тялото. Сега повдигнете горния крак странично, контролирано, държейки него и пръстите на краката изпънати, колкото е възможно по-високо нагоре. После отново го спуснете спокойно. Сменете страните. Повторете това упражнение около 8-12 пъти за всяка страна. Изпълнете общо 2-3 комплекта.
Übersetzerische Ausbildung
Bachelor's degree - Bourgas Free University
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 24. Angemeldet bei seit: Feb 2002.
Bachelor in Applied Linguistics,
Bourgas Free University graduate, holder of Certificate of Proficiency in English issued by Cambridge University, UK. Meeting the standards of Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs for sworn translators.
European Green Party publication on green jobs – EN>BG –7 270 words
European Green Party manifesto – EN>BG – 9000 words
Medical texts BG>EN - 1134 words
Letter DE>BG -1000 words
Green views on digital rights and digital commons - EN>BG 9700 words
Election platform of the Bulgarian Greens - BG>EN about 4000 words
Green Seniors Organization Statutes EN>BG 1268 words
Letter BG>EN 282 words
Portions of the Green New Deal, which is an economic program, involving the implementation of fiscal measures in the EU Member States’ economic policies, aimed at boosting the green spheres of industry and services. EN>BG
4431 words EN>BG translation for Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide
80 pages EN>BG technical translation about commercial offers of machinery for the construction industry. (1p=1800 symbols)