Comparative and contrastive international financial accounting and reporting (IASs/IFRSs, German GAAP/HGB, US GAAP); audit, assurance, and advisory (including M&A, capital transactions); tax; financial regulation and supervision (e.g. CRR/CRD, BRRD, MiFiD/MiFiR, Solvency II, etc.); financial communication and investor relations; financial markets, equity/debt instruments and derivatives, primary and secondary market offerings; asset management; securities research; financial and investment legislation; monetary and financial economics
2003-2006: IASCF joint coordinator, German version of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
Previously: Member, German GAAP and IFRS Taxonomy Working Groups, XBRL Deutschland e.V.
German-English translator of "Deutsches Bilanzrecht/German Accounting Legislation", 4th edition, IDW-Verlag, 2006.
Translator of German Accounting Standards (GASs) for the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (DRSC/ASCG) Currently co-Chair of FIT ISO Standards Committee