Englisch > Ungarisch
Deutsch > Ungarisch
Ungarisch > Englisch

Veronika Wagner
your Hungarian lawyer-translator

Lokale Zeit: 04:11 CET (GMT+1)

Muttersprache: Ungarisch Native in Ungarisch
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1 positive review
Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher, Identity Verified Verifizierter Nutzer
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Verbindungen zu Auftraggebern This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Dienstleistungen Translation
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Recht: VerträgeRecht (allgemein)
Recht: Patente, Marken, UrheberrechtImmobilien/Grundstücke
Internationale Organisationen/Zusammenarbeit/EntwicklungVersicherungen
Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)Marketing/Marktforschung

KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 67, Beantwortete Fragen: 26, Gestellte Fragen: 59
Glossare ECJ_trilingual, sample phrases provided
Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 1. Angemeldet bei seit: Aug 2006. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen N/A
Mitgliedschaften N/A
TeamsAccur@ Translators
Software Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Events and training
I am available for new projects and new challenges from January 2016!!!

If you plan to recruit new (legal) translators for Hungarian, either for specific projects or to expand your database, feel free to contact me. I will do my best to supply you with all the necessary information and documents about my professional experience.

In the last six years, I worked as the vendor manager for espell, a major Hungarian language service provider ( This experience helps me understand "the dark side for freelance translators" and hopefully, be a flexible, friendly translator to support your business. Before that I worked as a freelance translators and then inhouse translator. Altogether this means that I have been active in the language services industry in various roles since 2007.

My primary field of expertise is legal, as I am a trained lawyer. It takes up about 70% of all the lingusitic work I do.

Document types:

- various kinds of contracts: sales (real estate), supply, transfer of business shares, etc.
- company deeds, power of attorney, articles of association
- judgements, arbitration awards
- the legal part of clinical research documentation (Site/Investigator Agreements)

I also have experience in the translation of various corporate policies and HR training materials (e.g. HSSE, anti-corruption policies, performance appraisal).

I have extensive experience in revision (proofreading). I am convinced that revision requires an approach that is different from the translator's approach, and as an in-house linguist, I have had the chance to become a good and efficient reviser.

I believe the best way to establish a working relationship would be a skype call, as I am for open personal communication. If you still decide to ask for a test translation, I am ok with that too.
Dieser Nutzer hat Kollegen beim Übersetzen von schwierigen Begriffen geholfen und dadurch KudoZ-Punkte erworben. Auf Gesamtpunktzahl(en) klicken, um Übersetzungen zu sehen.

Gesamtpunktzahl: 67
(Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO)

Sprachrichtungen (PRO)
Englisch > Ungarisch52
Ungarisch > Englisch11
Deutsch > Ungarisch4
Allgemeine Gebiete (PRO)
Rechts- und Patentwesen51
Fachgebiete (PRO)
Recht: Verträge31
Recht (allgemein)16
Medizin: Zahnmedizin4
Recht: Steuern und Zoll4

Alle Punkte ansehen >
Schlüsselwörter: contracts, laws and regulations, court claims, arbitration, legal aid, clinical trials, public procurement, EU law, public administration, local governments. See more.contracts, laws and regulations, court claims, arbitration, legal aid, clinical trials, public procurement, EU law, public administration, local governments, business, employment, HR, software guides. See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Nov 23, 2016