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Englisch > Turkmenisch – Angestrebter Preis: 0.04-0.05 USD pro Wort / 15-20 USD pro Stunde Deutsch > Turkmenisch – Angestrebter Preis: 0.04-0.05 USD pro Wort / 15-20 USD pro Stunde Russisch > Turkmenisch – Angestrebter Preis: 0.04-0.05 USD pro Wort / 15-20 USD pro Stunde Turkmenisch > Englisch – Angestrebter Preis: 0.04-0.06 USD pro Wort / 15-20 USD pro Stunde Turkmenisch > Deutsch – Angestrebter Preis: 0.04-0.05 USD pro Wort / 15-20 USD pro Stunde
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Eingereichte Übersetzungsbeispiele: 2
Englisch > Turkmenisch: The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare
Ausgangstext - Englisch INTRODUCTION
The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare (1908) describes in a sometimes hilarious and rollicking but often chilling way, the activities of the Supreme Anarchist Council, a body of men known by the days of the week and dedicated to the overthrow of the world order. The opening sentence of the book also reveals the phantasmagorical setting of the story: 'The suburb of Saffron Park lay on the sunset side of London, as red and ragged as a cloud of sunset.' Fan¬tastic they may be, but anarchists, assassins and spies played a chill¬ing role in the history of the early twentieth century. Was it not the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife at Sara¬jevo which sparked the Balkan tinder box and led to the outbreak of the First World War? We may be able to regard such men with a detached amusement after almost 100 years, but their heirs have invaded our lives today to a truly terrifying degree, laying waste whole areas of our cities with powerful bombs, destroying airliners in flight thus making modern air travel a time-consuming misery, and denying citizens such everyday facilities as left luggage lockers and litter bins. The man instructed by the anonymous policeman in a darkened room at Scotland Yard with the infiltration and destruc¬tion of the anarchist cell is himself fantastic, being the cloak wear¬ing, sword-stick carrying poet, Gabriel Syme. And like all nightmares, there comes the terrible moment when the dreamer must awake. Through fantastic, surreal and thrilling adventures to its bizarre climax The Man Who Was Thursday alternately thrills and chills as only that great master of suspense Gilbert Keith Chester¬ton knew how. The author was much later to write in the Illustrated London News on the day before his d6ath: 'It (The Man Who Was Thursday) was not intended to describe the real world as it was, or as I thought it was, even when my thoughts were considerably less set¬tled than they are now. It was intended to describe the world of wild doubt and despair which the pessimists were generally describing at that date; with just a gleam of hope in some double meaning of the doubt, which even the pessimists felt in some fitful fashion.'
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1814 - 1936) was the son of a prosperous estate agent in Campden Hill, west London, where Chesterton 'For Sale' signs may still be seen outside houses in Kensington. Though conservative and sometimes reactionary in thought and word, he has been called 'the prince of paradox' because his moral dogma is often concealed beneath a light, energetic and whimsical style. He was received into the Catholic Church in 1922, and together with his friend and associate Hilaire Belloc was an active propagandist on behalf of Roman Catholicism. He was a prolific writer: his oeuvre includes essays, short stories,, poems,, drama and his¬tory. The two novels which show him at his best are. perhaps, The Napoleon of Netting Hill (1904) which is a fantasy set in the future in which London returns to a kind of medieval pageantry where warfare breaks out when the monolithic state fails to take into account the feelings of the man in the street, and The Man Who Was Thursday (1908) which is a surreal anarchic fantasy.
Further Reading
H Belloc: The Place of Chesterton in English Letters
H Canovan: Chesterton, Radical Populist
GK Chesterton: Autobiography 1936
C Hollis: The Mind of Chesterton
Übersetzung - Turkmenisch GIRIŞ
Penşenbe atly adam: eýmenç düýş (1908) dünýäni agdar-düňder etmegi maksat edinen we hepdäniň günleriniň atlaryny göterýän adamlaryň guramasy - Yokary Anarhist Geňeşiň işlerini käte gülkünç we şadyýan, köplenç bolsa iniňi tikenekledýän usulda suratlandyrýar. Eýýäm kitabyň birinji sözleminde hekaýanyň düýşümtik sahnasy göz öňüne getirilýär: 'Safron Park kwartaly Londonyň günbatar tarapynda edil ikindä duçar bolan bulut ýaly gyzyl we eleşan bolup ýatyrdy.' Hernäçe hyýaly bolsalar-da anarhistler, adam öldürýänler we içalylar ýigriminji asyryň başlarynyň taryhynda eýmendiriji rol oýnadylar. Balkan därili gutusyna uçgun berip, Birinji Jahan urşuny tutaşdyranlar Saraýewoda başgertsog Franz Ferdinandy we onuň aýalyny öldürenler dälmi eýsem? 100 ýyldan soň şeýle adamlara biperwaýlyk lezzeti bilen baha berip bileris, emma häzirki günde olaryň mirasdüşerleri biziň durmuşymyzy iň törüne çenli basyp aldylar, olar biziň şäherlerimizi kuwwatly partlaýjylar bilen ýer-ýegsan edýärler; uçarlary kül-peýekun edýärler we häzirki zaman howa ýolagçylygyny çakdanaşa köp wagt alýan kösençlige öwürýärler. Olar hatda adaty raýatlary ýitirilen goş şkaflary we hapa dökülýän bedreler ýaly gündelik aňsatlyklardan hem mahrum etdiler. Skotland Ýardyň garaňky otaglarynyň birinde näbelli bir polisiýa işgäri tarapyndan anarhistleriň öýjügine gizlin syzmak we ony ýok etmek wezipesi tabşyrylan adamyň özi hem geň-enaýy; ol egni plaşly, eli gylyç-pişekli şahyr Gabriel Saým. Ähli eýmenç düýşlerde bolşy ýaly, düýş görýäniň oýanmaly aýylganç pursady hem gelip ýetýär. Penşenbe atly adam wakalaryň geň çözgüdine hyýaly, hakykatdan daşary we heýjanly başdan geçirmeleriň üsti bilen alyp barýarka okyjyny diňe näbelliligiň ussady Gilbert Keit Çestertona belli tärler bilen gezekleşdirip kä heýjana getirýär käte eýmendirýär. Has soňrak ölmezinden bir gün öň ýazyjy Illustrated London News-da şeýle ýazýar: 'Ol (Penşenbe atly adam) dünýäniň hakyky suratyny, ýada bu günkiden has durnuksyz bolan şol wagtky pikirimdäki dünýäni beýan etmek üçin ýazylmandy. Ol şol döwürde pessimistleriň umuman suratlandyrýan ýabany şübhe we umytsyzlyk bilen doly dünýäsini; şübhäniň ikilenji şübhesi hökmünde pessimistleriň hem üzlem-saplam ynanaýýan, kiçijik bir umyt şöhlesi bilen bezäp beýan etmek üçin ýazyldy.’
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1814 - 1936) günbatar Londonda, Kamden Hilde barly emläk söwdagäriniň ogludy; ol ýerde Kensingtondaky jaýlaryň daşynda şindilerem ‘Satlyk’ Çesterton diýlip ýazylan bildirişler görmek bolýar. Konserwatorlygyna pikirlerinde we sözlerindäki käbir reaksionerligine garamazdan galjaň, janly we enaýy stiliniň aňyrsynda basyrylgy ahlak dogmasy üçin ol ‘paradoksuň şazadasy’ hökmünde tanalýar. Ol 1922-nji ýylda Katoliklige kabul edilýär we dosty we ýoldaşy Hilaire Belloc birlikde Rim Katolikliginiň işjeň ündewçisine öwrülýär. Ýazyjy netijeli işledi: eserleriniň arasynda esseler, hekaýalar, poemalar, drama we taryh bar. Onuň ussatlygynyň ýeten derejesini görkezýän iki romanynyň biri Noting Hilli Napoleon (1904) geljek hakynda bu fantaziýada döwletiň köçedäki adaty adamlaryň pikirine üns bermeýşi, bu sebäpli çykan uruş we şeýlelikde Londonyň orta asyr şowhunyna gaýdyp barşy sahnalaşdyrylýar, beýlekisi bolsa Penşenbe atly adam (1908) hakykatdan daşary anarhist fantaziýadyr.
Goşmaça çeşmeler
H Belloc: Iňlis edebiýatynda Çestertonyň orny
H Canovan: Çesterton, Radikal Populist
GK Chesterton: Awtobiografiýa 1936
C Hollis: Çestertonyň Aňy
Russisch > Turkmenisch: Я помню чудное мгновенье... General field: Kunst/Literatur Detailed field: Dichtung und Belletristik
Ausgangstext - Russisch Я помню чудное мгновенье:
Передо мной явилась ты,
Как мимолетное виденье,
Как гений чистой красоты.
В томленьях грусти безнадежной
В тревогах шумной суеты,
Звучал мне долго голос нежный
И снились милые черты.
Шли годы. Бурь порыв мятежный
Рассеял прежние мечты,
И я забыл твой голос нежный,
Твои небесные черты.
В глуши, во мраке заточенья
Тянулись тихо дни мои
Без божества, без вдохновенья,
Без слез, без жизни, без любви.
Душе настало пробужденье:
И вот опять явилась ты,
Как мимолетное виденье,
Как гений чистой красоты.
И сердце бьется в упоенье,
И для него воскресли вновь
И божество, и вдохновенье,
И жизнь, и слезы, и любовь.
Übersetzung - Turkmenisch Şol täsin pursat ýadymda
Bolşuň şol gezekde peýda
Göz açyp ýumarlyk görnüş
Päk gözellikden zübeýda
Turkmen-Turkish-Russian-English Translations and Interpreting
The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare (1908) describes in a sometimes hilarious and rollicking but often chilling way, the activities of the Supreme Anarchist Council, a body of men known by the days of the week and dedicated to the overthrow of the world order. The opening sentence of the book also reveals the phantasmagorical setting of the story: 'The suburb of Saffron Park lay on the sunset side of London, as red and ragged as a cloud of sunset.' Fantastic they may be, but anarchists, assassins and spies played a chilling role in the history of the early twentieth century. Was it not the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife at Sarajevo which sparked the Balkan tinder box and led to the outbreak of the First World War? We may be able to regard such men with a detached amusement after almost 100 years, but their heirs have invaded our lives today to a truly terrifying degree, laying waste whole areas of our cities with powerful bombs, destroying airliners in flight thus making modern air travel a time-consuming misery, and denying citizens such everyday facilities as left luggage lockers and litter bins. The man instructed by the anonymous policeman in a darkened room at Scotland Yard with the infiltration and destruction of the anarchist cell is himself fantastic, being the cloak wearing, sword-stick carrying poet, Gabriel Syme. And like all nightmares, there comes the terrible moment when the dreamer must awake. Through fantastic, surreal and thrilling adventures to its bizarre climax The Man Who Was Thursday alternately thrills and chills as only that great master of suspense Gilbert Keith Chesterton knew how. The author was much later to write in the Illustrated London News on the day before his d6ath: 'It (The Man Who Was Thursday) was not intended to describe the real world as it was, or as I thought it was, even when my thoughts were considerably less settled than they are now. It was intended to describe the world of wild doubt and despair which the pessimists were generally describing at that date; with just a gleam of hope in some double meaning of the doubt, which even the pessimists felt in some fitful fashion.'
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1814 - 1936) was the son of a prosperous estate agent in Campden Hill, west London, where Chesterton 'For Sale' signs may still be seen outside houses in Kensington. Though conservative and sometimes reactionary in thought and word, he has been called 'the prince of paradox' because his moral dogma is often concealed beneath a light, energetic and whimsical style. He was received into the Catholic Church in 1922, and together with his friend and associate Hilaire Belloc was an active propagandist on behalf of Roman Catholicism. He was a prolific writer: his oeuvre includes essays, short stories,, poems,, drama and history. The two novels which show him at his best are. perhaps, The Napoleon of Netting Hill (1904) which is a fantasy set in the future in which London returns to a kind of medieval pageantry where warfare breaks out when the monolithic state fails to take into account the feelings of the man in the street, and The Man Who Was Thursday (1908) which is a surreal anarchic fantasy.
Further Reading
H Belloc: The Place of Chesterton in English Letters
H Canovan: Chesterton, Radical Populist
GK Chesterton: Autobiography 1936
C Hollis: The Mind of Chesterton
Penşenbe atly adam: eýmenç düýş (1908) dünýäni agdar-düňder etmegi maksat edinen we hepdäniň günleriniň atlaryny göterýän adamlaryň guramasy - Yokary Anarhist Geňeşiň işlerini käte gülkünç we şadyýan, köplenç bolsa iniňi tikenekledýän usulda suratlandyrýar. Eýýäm kitabyň birinji sözleminde hekaýanyň düýşümtik sahnasy göz öňüne getirilýär: 'Safron Park kwartaly Londonyň günbatar tarapynda edil ikindä duçar bolan bulut ýaly gyzyl we eleşan bolup ýatyrdy.' Hernäçe hyýaly bolsalar-da anarhistler, adam öldürýänler we içalylar ýigriminji asyryň başlarynyň taryhynda eýmendiriji rol oýnadylar. Balkan därili gutusyna uçgun berip, Birinji Jahan urşuny tutaşdyranlar Saraýewoda başgersog Frans Ferdinandy we onuň aýalyny öldürenler dälmi eýsem? 100 ýyldan soň şeýle adamlara biperwaýlyk lezzeti bilen baha berip bileris, emma häzirki günde olaryň mirasdüşerleri biziň durmuşymyzy iň törüne çenli basyp aldylar, olar biziň şäherlerimizi kuwwatly partlaýjylar bilen ýer-ýegsan edýärler; uçarlary kül-peýekun edýärler we häzirki zaman howa ýolagçylygyny çakdanaşa köp wagt alýan kösençlige öwürýärler. Olar hatda adaty raýatlary ýitirilen goş şkaflary we hapa dökülýän bedreler ýaly gündelik aňsatlyklardan hem mahrum etdiler. Skotland Ýardyň garaňky otaglarynyň birinde näbelli bir polisiýa işgäri tarapyndan anarhistleriň öýjügine gizlin syzmak we ony ýok etmek wezipesi tabşyrylan adamyň özi hem geň-enaýy; ol egni plaşly, eli gylyç-pişekli şahyr Gabriel Saým. Ähli eýmenç düýşlerde bolşy ýaly, düýş görýäniň oýanmaly aýylganç pursady hem gelip ýetýär. Penşenbe atly adam wakalaryň geň çözgüdine hyýaly, hakykatdan daşary we heýjanly başdan geçirmeleriň üsti bilen alyp barýarka okyjyny diňe näbelliligiň ussady Gilbert Keit Çestertona belli tärler bilen gezekleşdirip kä heýjana getirýär käte eýmendirýär. Has soňrak ölmezinden bir gün öň ýazyjy Illustrated London News-da şeýle ýazýar: 'Ol (Penşenbe atly adam) dünýäniň hakyky suratyny, ýada bu günkiden has durnuksyz bolan şol wagtky pikirimdäki dünýäni beýan etmek üçin ýazylmandy. Ol şol döwürde pessimistleriň umuman suratlandyrýan ýabany şübhe we umytsyzlyk bilen doly dünýäsini; şübhäniň ikilenji şübhesi hökmünde pessimistleriň hem üzlem-saplam ynanaýýan, kiçijik bir umyt şöhlesi bilen bezäp beýan etmek üçin ýazyldy.’
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1814 - 1936) günbatar Londonda, Kamden Hilde barly emläk söwdagäriniň ogludy; ol ýerde Kensingtondaky jaýlaryň daşynda şindilerem ‘Satlyk’ Çesterton diýlip ýazylan bildirişler görmek bolýar. Konserwatorlygyna pikirlerinde we sözlerindäki käbir reaksionerligine garamazdan galjaň, janly we enaýy stiliniň aňyrsynda basyrylgy ahlak dogmasy üçin ol ‘paradoksuň şazadasy’ hökmünde tanalýar. Ol 1922-nji ýylda Katoliklige kabul edilýär we dosty we ýoldaşy Hilaire Belloc birlikde Rim Katolikliginiň işjeň ündewçisine öwrülýär. Ýazyjy netijeli işledi: eserleriniň arasynda esseler, hekaýalar, poemalar, drama we taryh bar. Onuň ussatlygynyň ýeten derejesini görkezýän iki romanynyň biri Noting Hilli Napoleon (1904) geljek hakynda bu fantaziýada döwletiň köçedäki adaty adamlaryň pikirine üns bermeýşi, bu sebäpli çykan uruş we şeýlelikde Londonyň orta asyr şowhunyna gaýdyp barşy sahnalaşdyrylýar, beýlekisi bolsa Penşenbe atly adam (1908) hakykatdan daşary anarhist fantaziýadyr.
Goşmaça çeşmeler
H Belloc: Iňlis edebiýatynda Çestertonyň orny
H Canovan: Çesterton, Radikal Populist
GK Chesterton: Awtobiografiýa 1936
C Hollis: Çestertonyň Aňy
Schlüsselwörter: Turkmen, Turkish, Russian, English