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Englisch > Chinesisch: Financial and Economic Crisis 金融经济危机 General field: Wirtschaft/Finanzwesen Detailed field: Finanzen (allgemein)
Ausgangstext - Englisch Public policy must remain focused on the very real possibility that the apparent easing in the economy’s decline may be followed by little or no growth for several quarters and there could possibly be another negative turn. One of the risks is that the U.S. is very connected to the rest of the world, most of which is in severe recession. The global economy could be a significant drag on U.S. growth. If in fact the economy remains stuck in first gear for far too long, this will exacerbate the problems with unemployment and mortgage foreclosures. In the face of this risk, economic and financial policy over the next few months should emphasize, first, the execution of existing initiatives, many of which remain in early stages, and, second, contingency plans in case things go badly. We support the efforts by the administration and Congress to evaluate the causes of the crisis and propose potential regulatory changes. But it is vital to keep the main focus of policymakers on dealing with the current crisis and make sure this really has been resolved before enacting major reforms designed for the future.
Englisch > Chinesisch: Statue of Liberty 自由女神 General field: Kunst/Literatur Detailed field: Dichtung und Belletristik
Ausgangstext - Englisch The Bedloe’s Island event was only opened to dignitaries and guests. When the ceremony began at 3.15 pm, salvos were fired from the forts on Governor’s Island, while steam whistles pierced the air. Prayers and orations followed. Senator William M. Evarts gave the presentation address. In the middle of this, he took an unexpected pause, and Bartholdi’s assistant, thinking Evarts had finished, flashed a signal to Bartholdi, who was watching from high up in the crown. Seeing it, he immediately released a cord and the French flag dropped from the goddess’s face. The cannons began wildly firing off salutes. When the worst of the din had died down, Senator Evarts finished his remarks and President Grover Cleveland rose to accept the statue, saying:
We shall not forget that Liberty has here made her home, nor shall her chosen altar be neglected. Willing votaries shall constantly keep alive its fires and these shall gleam upon the shores of our sister republic thence and, joined with answering rays a stream of light shall pierce the darkness of ignorance and man’s oppression until Liberty lightens the world.
Englisch > Chinesisch: Hotel 酒店 General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourismus und Reisen
Ausgangstext - Englisch Discover the warm embrace of a smile. Breathe the sweet scent of a pleasant memory. Listen to the symphony of heart and minds in synchrony. Why do some experiences never fade? At Park, embark on an adventure with the very best things in life and discover love all over again.
Located on the Crystal Club Floor, enjoy the panoramic views of the city from the contemporary 48sqm Executive Suite with high ceiling flanked by full length windows. The floor also offers exclusivity with the private Crystal Club Lounge where guests can enjoy their breakfast or light refreshments and evening cocktails.
Englisch > Chinesisch: Initiative to Recall Governor 州长罢免倡议 General field: Rechts- und Patentwesen Detailed field: Staatswesen/Politik
Ausgangstext - Englisch If a petition to recall the Governor has been filed with the State Board of Elections, a person eligible to serve as Governor may propose his or her candidacy by a petition signed by a number of electors equal in number to the requirement for petitions for an established party candidate for the office of Governor, signed by petitioning electors not more than 50 days after a recall petition has been filed with the State Board of Elections. The form of a successor election petition, circulation, and procedure for determining the validity and sufficiency of a petition shall be as provided by law. If the successor election petition is valid and sufficient, the State Board of Elections shall certify the petition not more than 100 days after the date the petition to recall the Governor was filed. Names of candidates for nomination to serve as the candidate of an established political party must be submitted to the electors at a special primary election, if necessary, called by the State Board of Elections to be held at the same time as the special election on the question of recall established under subsection (b). Names of candidates for the successor election must be submitted to the electors at a special successor election called by the State Board of Elections, to occur not more than 60 days after the date of the special primary election or on a date established by law.
Übersetzung - Englisch Wholesale distributors that market diverse product lines must manage thousands of products and massive amounts of product attributes and other reference data. Unfortunately, this master data often resides in multiple systems and on disjointed spreadsheets, internally as well as externally with suppliers.
• Reduce inventory costs by having a clearer view of procurement item data, improved response to changes in demand and better on-time sourcing of raw materials.
• Improve collaboration with manufacturers, suppliers and retailers.
• Lower administrative costs by spending less time correcting errors and cleansing data.
• Streamline and automate processes for creating, versioning and searching for product data.
• Boost procurement efficiencies, sourcing capabilities and buying power.
• Reduce IT's involvement in data maintenance.
Französisch > Englisch: Contre le blanchiment Anti-money laundering General field: Wirtschaft/Finanzwesen Detailed field: Internationale Organisationen/Zusammenarbeit/Entwicklung
Ausgangstext - Französisch La profession a souhaité aller encore plus loin en termes de formation, en proposant un dispositif commun. Celui-ci permet de bénéficier de la synthèse de l'expérience des professionnels du domaine et encourage le partage des connaissances.
Réalisé par les 8 principales banques françaises, en collaboration avec Tracfin et la Commission bancaire, cette démarche commune a été motivée par la volonté de fournir un outil collectif qui permette à un large nombre d'entreprises bancaires d'y accéder, dont les plus petites.
Ce programme de formation vise à :
• développer la culture de lutte anti-blanchiment
• sensibiliser tous les salariés des entreprises bancaires, les plus exposés comme les moins directement concernés, afin de maintenir en permanence des réflexes de lutte anti-blanchiment
• les entraîner à déceler les cas suspects
• former l'ensemble de la profession aux indicateurs d'alerte d'un possible blanchiment
• s'assurer de la bonne connaissance des procédures à suivre et des obligations correspondantes
Pour couvrir l'ensemble des besoins de formation du personnel bancaire, le dispositif se compose d'un module de sensibilisation et de plusieurs modules spécialisés sur les problématiques spécifiques : particuliers et professionnels, entreprises, gestion privée, activités de marchés.
Ce dispositif de formation a été mis à jour en février 2007, afin de tenir compte de l’évolution de la réglementation française, européenne et mondiale.
Plus de 370 000 collaborateurs de banque bénéficient de ce module commun de formation à la lutte contre le blanchiment à fin 2007.
Übersetzung - Englisch Training: a special effort of the whole industry
The industry wants to go even further in training and offering a common mechanism. This allows the synthesis of experiences of professionals in this field and encourages the sharing of knowledge.
Carried out by 8 major French banks, in collaboration with Tracfin and Banking Commission, this common approach has been motivated by the desire to provide a collective tool which allows a large number of banking companies, including many small companies, to have access to.
This training program aims to:
•develop an anti-money laundering culture.
•sensitize all the bank companies employees, who are the most exposed as well as the least concerned, in order to permanently maintain reflexes of anti-money laundering combat
•lead to detect suspected cases
•integrate the whole industry as an warning indicator of possible money laundering
•ensure a good knowledge of procedures and corresponding obligations
To cover all the needs in staff training, the program consists of an awareness-raising module and several other modules on specific issues: private individuals and professionals, companies, private management and market activities.
This training program was updated in February 2007, so as to reflect the changes in French, European and global regulations.
More than 370,000 have benefited from this common training program of anti- money laundering combat by the end of 2007.
Ausgangstext - Französisch Personnel, sensuel, unique comme tous les objets Hermès, chaque parfum est une expression artistique créée pour le plaisir et l’harmonie des sens.
En juin 2004, Jean-Claude Ellena a rejoint la maison Hermès en tant que parfumeur exclusif, et il y dirige depuis la création olfactive.
Générosité méditerranéenne, esthétique de l’épure, recherche de l’élégance, exigence du détail caractérisent son style, en parfaite adéquation avec l’esprit de la maison. Artisan des belles matières et artiste des émotions, il exerce sa passion avec exigence et liberté, en insufflant à ses créations une intensité et un imaginaire qui les rendent uniques, en réinventant la nature pour créer l’inédit.
Chinesisch > Französisch: 注意事项 Remarques General field: Technik Detailed field: Druck und Satz, Verlagswesen
Ausgangstext - Chinesisch 注意事项:
张贴画应水平放置于平板之上至少 4 个小时。 如果张贴画卷折,则必须将压制的一面置于外部。
Übersetzung - Französisch Remarques :
N’arrêtez pas la machine tant qu’une image n’a pas été laminée car ceci peut entraîner des marques d’arrêt sur l’impression à la sortie.
Enlevez le plateau de support et l’affichage de l’arrière de la pelliculeuse puis taillez l’affiche de publicité à la taille requise.
L’affichage doit rester à plat pendant au moins 4 heures après la lamination. Si il est enroulé, le côté laminé doit être à l’extérieur.
Une atmosphère sans poussière est essentielle à l’obtention d’une lamination de bonne qualité.
Übersetzung - Französisch Les bookings auprès des Compagnies Maritimes à l’origine sont effectués directement par les Transitaires.
Les réservations d’espace effectuées par Kiabi auprès des Compagnies Maritimes ont été transmises aux Transitaires.
Les bookings doivent être réalisés auprès des Compagnies Maritimes 6 jours calendaires minimum avant le départ du navire. Au-delà de cette limite, la Compagnie Maritime peut disposer de l’espace réservé.
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