Deutsch > Englisch
Russisch > Englisch


Vereinigtes Königreich
Lokale Zeit: 15:58 GMT (GMT+0)

Muttersprache: Englisch 
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Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher, Identity Verified Verifizierter Nutzer
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Dienstleistungen Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Transcription
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)IT (Informationstechnologie)

Deutsch > Englisch - Standard Preis: 0.07 GBP pro Wort / 17 GBP pro Stunde
Russisch > Englisch - Standard Preis: 0.07 GBP pro Wort / 17 GBP pro Stunde

KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Gestellte Fragen: 2
Von diesem Mitglied vorgenommene Blue Board-Einträge  3 Einträge

Portfolio Eingereichte Übersetzungsbeispiele: 1
Übersetzerische Ausbildung Graduate diploma - Institute of Linguists
Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 14. Angemeldet bei seit: Aug 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen Deutsch > Englisch (University of Bradford)
Russisch > Englisch (University of Bradford)
Deutsch > Englisch (Chartered Institute of Linguists)
Mitgliedschaften CIOL
Software MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, XTM
As you will see from the attached CV, I have a degree in Modern Languages (German and Russian) and have spent my career so far working in industry, in particular the electronics and logistics sectors, using my German skills.

I have recently decided to embark on a new career as a translator and proofreader. I have taken and passed the IOL postgraduate Diploma in Translation. I have also taken a course in proofreading in order to strengthen my skills.

Because I have not used my Russian for a long time, I recently took a one-one refresher course, so that I am also able to offer translations in this language.

I believe that my years working in industry have given me invaluable experience of and insight into the sectors of electronics and logistics (in particular the petrochemicals industry), in addition to the world of business in general, giving me an in-depth understanding of these areas in English as well as German which I can employ in specialised translations.

I am an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists
Schlüsselwörter: German, Russian, proofreading, logistics, electronics, circuit boards, Leiterplatten, Logistik, arts, cinema. See more.German, Russian, proofreading, logistics, electronics, circuit boards, Leiterplatten, Logistik, arts, cinema, Kino, Kunst, technology, localization, IT, business. See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Feb 1, 2021

More translators and interpreters: Deutsch > Englisch - Russisch > Englisch   More language pairs