Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

Russian Translators of Religious Texts

Serving the Lord and people with our language skills

Team language pairs 11
  • Deutsch > Russisch
  • Englisch > Weißrussisch
  • Deutsch > Weißrussisch
  • Französisch > Russisch
  • Französisch > Weißrussisch
  • Englisch > Russisch
Team leader
Alexander Ryshow
Alexander Ryshow
Aus Liebe zur Sprache
- перевод в областях: техника, право, финансы, маркетинг, религия и др.; - дипломированный экономист с знанием права (БГУ); - рукоположенный священнослужитель баптистской церкви; - автор нескольких сотен поэтических произведений, имеются публикации в республиканских и международных СМИ, авторский сборник (Брест, 2009 г., 250 стр.).
Team members 13
Vereinigte Staaten
Yevgeny Marchuk
Yevgeny Marchuk
No taglines; the work is calling!
Yuri Smirnov
Yuri Smirnov
Daily Translation since 1992
Evgeny Terekhin
Evgeny Terekhin
ATA-certified: literary, medical, SEO
Vereinigte Staaten
Olga Arakelyan
Olga Arakelyan
Translating your ideas into reality
Russische Föderation
Professional translator, covenant member of the Christian Evangelical Wesleyan Church in Vladimir, Russia.
Art of translation
SveR (X)
SveR (X)
We speak your language!
We have been involved in Christian translation since 1995, which included translation of Christian materials and interpreting at conferences, seminars and churches in Russia, USA and Canada. We have Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Theology from MACU (USA).
Vadim Vetrichenko
Vadim Vetrichenko
EnRu, Uk>Ru Conference Interpreter Pro
Russische Föderation
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
(Ephesians 2:8-10)
Alexey Larin
Alexey Larin
Quality - job number one.
Vladimir Baranich
Vladimir Baranich
Working in the field since 1992
Ace Translator
Max Chernov
Max Chernov
Во всём мне хочется дойти До самой сути
Russische Föderation

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