Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators
E³ Team – Engineering, Environment, Energy
Excellence in Civil, Environmental and Energy Engineering Translations
We are a group of independent translators with extensive expertise in architecture, civil engineering/ international construction, environmental engineering and energy translations with a mission to unite extraordinary individual performance on huge projects. Our translators are able to supply most accurate technical, legal and commercial translations to the above industries, translating them with both translation know-how and industry expertise, generating the greatest possible value for our customers.
Team leader
Team Leader
Marcus König is a German based Translation and Engineering Service provider specialising in Civil, Environmental and Energy Engineering Translations. With 10 years of full-time experience he is an accomplished Expert German Translator with proven ability to manage and complete translation projects to the highest standard. He continuously pursues additional part-time engineering activities such as construction supervision and consulting, a key part of keeping industry expertise up-to-date.
Marcus König is a German based Translation and Engineering Service provider specialising in Civil, Environmental and Energy Engineering Translations. With 10 years of full-time experience he is an accomplished Expert German Translator with proven ability to manage and complete translation projects to the highest standard. He continuously pursues additional part-time engineering activities such as construction supervision and consulting, a key part of keeping industry expertise up-to-date.
+49 (38482) 227 444
Team members 2
Ich bin Dipl.Ing. Architektin / Energieberaterin mit 25 / 7 Jahren Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung zwischen Deutschland, GB, Malta, Italien, Frankreich und Belgien, die zur Übersetzerin wurde. Meine vier Arbeitssprachen: Deutsch, Italienisch, Französisch und Englisch sind wesentlich für meine beruflichen Tätigkeiten als Übersetzerin, Architektin und Energieberaterin, die ich parallel ausübe. Ich verfüge außer über technische ebenso über fachspezifische juristische und wirtschaftliche Kenntnisse.