Mitglied seit Feb '09

Englisch > Rumänisch
Englisch > Italienisch
Italienisch > Rumänisch
Rumänisch > Italienisch
Deutsch > Rumänisch


Lokale Zeit: 01:12 EET (GMT+2)

Muttersprache: Rumänisch (Variant: Transylvanian) Native in Rumänisch, Italienisch (Variant: Genoese) Native in Italienisch
Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher
Verbindungen zu Auftraggebern This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Dienstleistungen Training, Voiceover (dubbing), Interpreting
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Medizin: InstrumenteIT (Informationstechnologie)
Industrielle TechnikBildungswesen/Pädagogik
Tiere/Viehzucht/-haltungKraftfahrzeuge/PKW und LKW
Recht (allgemein)Computer: Software

Englisch > Rumänisch - Standard Preis: 0.08 EUR pro Wort / 20 EUR pro Stunde
Englisch > Italienisch - Standard Preis: 0.08 EUR pro Wort / 20 EUR pro Stunde
Italienisch > Rumänisch - Standard Preis: 0.08 EUR pro Wort / 20 EUR pro Stunde
Rumänisch > Italienisch - Standard Preis: 0.08 EUR pro Wort / 20 EUR pro Stunde
Deutsch > Rumänisch - Standard Preis: 0.08 EUR pro Wort / 20 EUR pro Stunde

KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 84, Beantwortete Fragen: 64, Gestellte Fragen: 22
Projekt-Historie 0 eingegebene Projekte
Payment methods accepted Visa, Banküberweisung | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfolio Eingereichte Übersetzungsbeispiele: 4

Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 5. Angemeldet bei seit: Jan 2009. Mitglied seit: Feb 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen N/A
Mitgliedschaften N/A
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Catalyst, DejaVu, Dreamweaver, FrameMaker, Fusion, IBM CAT tool, Idiom, Indesign, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, MetaTexis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, TransSuite2000, Wordfast, XTM
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Richtlinien für die Berufsausübung servtech befürwortet's Berufsrichtlinien.

Dieser Nutzer hat Kollegen beim Übersetzen von schwierigen Begriffen geholfen und dadurch KudoZ-Punkte erworben. Auf Gesamtpunktzahl(en) klicken, um Übersetzungen zu sehen.

Gesamtpunktzahl: 92
Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 84

Sprachrichtungen (PRO)
Englisch > Rumänisch36
Deutsch > Rumänisch16
Italienisch > Rumänisch8
Rumänisch > Italienisch8
Deutsch > Italienisch8
Punkte in 1 weiteren Sprachrichtung >
Allgemeine Gebiete (PRO)
Rechts- und Patentwesen12
Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften8
Punkte in 1 weiteren Gebiet >
Fachgebiete (PRO)
IT (Informationstechnologie)8
Schiffe, Segeln, Seefahrt8
Recht (allgemein)8
Industrielle Technik4
Punkte in 8 weiteren Gebieten >

Alle Punkte ansehen >
Schlüsselwörter: science, technology, research, medicine, tourism, instruments Romanian proofreader, Romanian editor, Romanian translator, Italian translator English Romanian translation, English-Italian translator. See, technology, research, medicine, tourism, instruments Romanian proofreader, Romanian editor, Romanian translator, Italian translator English Romanian translation, English-Italian translator, Italian-Romanian, German-Romanian translation, Romanian Italian-translator, scientific articles, medical products, diagnostic equipments, biomedical sciences, biomedical translator, traduzioni Inglese-Rumeno, traduttore Italiano-Rumeno, traduzioni Rumeno-Italiano, traduzioni Tedesco-Rumeno, apparecchiature medicali ed industriali, apparecchiature elettromedicali, scienza traduceri engleză-română, traduceri italiană-română, traduceri română-italiană, traduceri germană-română aparatură medicală, industrială, ştiinţe, traducator din germana in romana, traducator din engleza in romana, translation, traduceri, editing, Übersetzer aus dem Deutschen ins Rumänische, Übersetzer aus dem Englischen ins Rumänische, Übersetzer aus dem Rumänischen ins Deutsche, Übersetzer aus dem Englischen ins Rumänische, subtitling, subtritare, proof reading, localization, English to Romanian, German to Romanian, Romanian to German, English to German, din romana in engleza, din romana in germana, din engleza in romana, din germana in romana, law, business, financial, economy, marketing, technical, juridic, economic, tehnic, medicina, Wirtschaft, technische Übersetzung, imaging, imaging, immunoassay, immunochemical, immunochemistry, immunology, impedance, implant, implement, implemented, incident, incidental, indesign, individual controls, inductance, Inductor, industrial, industrial automation, industrial engineering, industrial processes, industrial property, Industrial robots, Industry & Technology, infertility, Information Technology, informed consent, Infringement, Infringement action, Infringer’s profit, infusion, infusion, infusion pump, infusion system, ingredients, inhaled, Inorganic, input section, inspection, instance, Instrumentation, Insurance, intensive care equipment, internazionalization, internet, intra-venous, invention, inventive step, inverter, inverter output, Investigation, IP, ip telephone, irrigation, IT, Italian, italian technical, Kenology, Knurling, laboratory, lamp, lamp current, lamp fault, lamp fault condition, lamp fault protection, lamp filaments, lamp life, Lampout, Lampout detection circuit, lapping, laptop, laptops, laser, laser, Laser cutting machines, laser sensors, laser-cutting, layout, Lay-out, LC/MS, LED, Legal, Length, lens, level, levelling, levelling, lever, lever, light, light engineering, lighting, lines, liquid, liquid crystal display, liquid crystal panel, liquid crystal panels, liquid crystal section, liquid crystal sections, literature, localisation, localisation, localization, Localization, logic, logistics, long transmission distances, loss per optical connector, lubricant, lubricants, mac, mac os, machine, machine, machine tools, Machine Tools, machinery, machinery, machines, machining, macintosh, macro, magazine, magnetic resonance device, magnetic resonance imaging device, magnetic resonance imaging devices, maintenance, Maintenance manuals, making, Malicious code, maltodextrins, mammography, management, Manual, manufacturing, margin value, marketing, marking, mass spectrometry, material handling, material safety data sheet, Materials, Mathematics, measurement, Measuring, mechanical, Mechanical components, mechanics, media, Medical, medical article, medical records, medical review article, medical site, medical surveys, medium, memory, memory module, metal, Metal forming, metallurgy, metals, method, method, Metrology, microfarads, Micromachining, millihenries, milling, millisecond, mobile computer, mobile telephone, mobile telephony, module, mold, molecular biology, Moneybookers, monitors, motion control, motorcars, motors, mould, mould, moulds, mount, mounting, mp3 player, mp3 players, MSDS, Multimedia, multiplex, multiplexing, music, navigation, n-butanol, network, networking, n-heptane, nibbling, Nibbling, nibbling machines, nic, nmr, node, noise, notching, notebook, notebooks, nuclear, number, number of channels, numerical, nut, object of the invention, obtaining, occurrence, occurrence of noise, of power, office, oil, oil drilling, oil platforms, oils, operation, Operation manual, operative, optical amplification, optical amplifier, optical amplifies, optical amplifying sections, optical attenuator, optical band-pass filter, optical band-pass filter, optical band-pass filters, optical cable, Optical cable loss, optical coupler, optical fiber, optical fiber fusion splice type optical coupler, optical fiber type, optical fiber type optical amplifies, optical input port, optical input signal, optical isolators, optical level, Optical level after amplification, optical output, optical output level, OPTICAL RECEIVE SYSTEM, optical receiving section, optical receiving sections, optical receiving system, OPTICAL RECIVING SYSTEM, optical sending section, optical sending sections, optical sending system, optical sending system, optical signal, optical switch, optical switch control sections, optical switches, optical transmission, optical transmission, optical transmission line, optical transmission line, Optimization, order, order of magnitude, Organic, orthopaedic, oscilloscope, osteoporosis, page, PageMaker, pallet, pallet trucks, particle, patch, patent, Patentee, patient diaries, pc, PDF, Perforating, peristaltic pump, pet, pet systems, pharmaceutical, phase, phone, phospholipids, photography, photoprotective, Photoshop, Physical, Physics, Physics and Chemistry, picker, plant, Plasma jet cutting machines, plastic bag, plastics, player, PLC, plurality, pneumatic, Pneumatic and hydropneumatic, polarization, polarization, polarization factor, polarization factor adjusting signals, polarization factors of the excitation light signals, polarization factors of the polarization section, polarization plate, polarization plate numbers, polarization section, polarization sections, polarzation factor, policies, policy, polishing, Pollution, polyacrylates, polyamides, polyethylene glycol, polypeptides, polysaccharides, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, poor circulation, portable storage device, ports, positional displacement, positional displacement of the ball lens, positional displacements, positional displacements of the ball lenses, power, Power of Attorney, power plants, PowerPoint, PR, preceeding claims, preferred embodiment, preprint, pre-print, press, Press brakes, presse, print, print server, printer, printing, Printing Industry, printing presses, printing software, prior art, Prior art, proceedings, Process Automation, processor, production, products, program, programmable, programmable logic controller, programme, programming, Programs, project, proofreading, proteins, publishing, pump, punching, punching, purposes, quality, Quality Control, QuarkXpress, radiology, raid, raid, raid controller, railways, Rapid prototyping, rate, reach trucks, reagent, Reclaiming, recorder, Recycling, reflection, refractive index, refractive indexes, relevant, reproduction, reproductive technologies, research, resistance, resistor, resonant capacitor, resonant inductor, respective, respective filters, respective optical amplifiers, review, reviewing, rivet, rivets, roll, roll mills, Rollforming, rotary, rotary, rotary vane, rotative, routers, rowing, rubber, rubber and plastic, rubber tires, rubbery tyres, Safety and environment, Safety Data Sheet, Sailing, SAP, satellite, saw, Sawing and cutting-off machines, scanner, scanner, scasi, science, science, science of materials, scientific article, scientific review article, scientific treatise, scoliosis, screens, Screwing, screws, scsi, scsi controller, SDLX, seam, seaming, Seaming machines, seamless, Security, security system, selecting, semiconductor, Semiconductors Manufacturing, sensors, server, shaping, shear, shearing, sheet, Sheet, Sheet and roller forming machines, sheet and strip working machines, Sheet metal, sheet metal, signal generating section, signal generation, signal net gain, signals, site, skilled in the art, slab, Slab shears, slitting, Slitting lines, slitting systems, software, software, solutions, sonography, SPC, Specification, Spectrometer, spinner, spinning, Spinning machines, spirometer, splice, Splice number, sport, SQL, squarewave, Statistics, steam turbines, steel, storage, storage, storage, storage system, Stretch, Stretch forming presses, stretching, Strip, sugars, surface, switch, switching circuitry, system, system, technical, technical manual, technical specifications, technological, technology, telecom, telecomm, telecommunication, telephone, telephones, telephony, television sets, terminology, Testing, text, thermoregulation, threading machines, time-of-flight, tires, toggle, Tooling, tools, tourism, tractor, trademark, Trados, TRADOS, traffic, training, trains, Transit, translation, translation, translations, translator, transmission distance, transmission loss, transmissione losses, transmissions, transmitted light, transmitted lights, transportation, travel, treatise, treatment, treatment, trial, trimming, truck, trucks, turbine, turbojet engines, turbojets, turbomolecular pumps, turismo, turning, turret, TV sets, tyres, ultrasound, units, usb, usb storage device, User Guides, user manuals, vacuum, Vacuum Science and Technology, vakuum, valves, VBA, vehicle, vehicles, ventilation, ventilator, video, video, video security camera, video security system, videogames, Virus, viscosimeter, viscosity, volumetric, vulnerability, warehousing, Waste Disposal, water and air quality monitoring, Water jet cutting machines, water treatment, waveforms, wavelength, wavelength division demultiplexing section., wavelength division multiplexing, WDM coupler, web, web, website, welding, winding, windows, wine, Wire forming, wood, wordfast, Workholding, Workpiece, workstation, X ray, XPress, X-Ray. See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Oct 22