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Eingereichte Übersetzungsbeispiele: 2
Deutsch > Englisch: Vorrichtung zur Ausnutzung der Energie der Sonnenstrahlen (1928) / Apparatus for utilization of sunbeam energy General field: Rechts- und Patentwesen Detailed field: Recht: Patente, Marken, Urheberrecht
Ausgangstext - Deutsch Es ist daher bereits vorgeschlagen worden, statt dessen parabolische Langspiegel o. dgl. zu verwenden. Derartige Spiegel konnten aber bisher nicht feststehend mit beweglichem Heizkörper ausgeführt werden. Denn bei parabolischen Langspiegeln tritt im Gegensatz zu sphärischen Spiegeln folgende Schwierigkeit auf: Wenn die Richtung der einfallenden Sonnenstrahlen (Strahlenbündel I) der Scheitelebene e des Langspiegels a (Abb. I) parallel ist, so werden die Strahlen durch den Langspiegel a derart zurückgeworfen, daß sie sich in seiner Brennlinie b vereinigen. Is die Richtung der einfallenden Strahlen (Strahlenbündel 2) zur Scheitelebene e des Langspiegels a nicht parallel, so werden die reflektierten Strahlen nicht mehr genau in der Brennlinie b vereinigt. Falls der Langspiegel a nur eine geringe Krümmung besitzt, werden die meisten reflektierten Strahlen in einer zur Brennlinie parallelen Linie d von um so geringerem Abstand von der Brennlinie b vereinigt, je kleiner der Winkel ist, den die einfallende Strahlung 2 mit der Scheitelebene e des Spiegels bildet.
Übersetzung - Englisch Therefore the use of long parabolic mirrors or the like has already been suggested. However such stationary mirrors could not yet be successfully implemented with mobile heaters. Since by the use of the long parabolic mirrors compared with the spherical mirrors the following difficulty arises: If the direction of the incidental sunbeams (Bundle of rays I) is parallel to the vertex surface e of the long parabolic mirror a (Fig. I), the beams will be reflected by the long mirror a in such a way that they will be united in its caustic curve b. If the direction of the incidental sunbeams (Bundle of rays 2) is not parallel to the vertex surface e of the long mirror a, the reflected beams will no longer be united exactly in the caustic curve b. If the long mirror a possesses only a small curvature most of the reflected beams will be united in a curve parallel d to the caustic curve, with a distance from the caustic curve b as small as the angle is that is formed by the direction of the incidental sunbeams 2 to the vertex surface e of the mirror.
Englisch > Slowakisch: Husband & Wife win over $45,000 at Kiwi Bingo / Manželia vyhrali vyše 45-tisíc dolárov v Kiwi Bingu General field: Marketing Detailed field: Werbung/PR
Ausgangstext - Englisch Long standing Kiwi Bingo players Deborah and Terry from Maryland, U.S.A. have just done the double!
On February 6th Terry won Kiwi Bingo’s biggest ever Day Of The Week Jackpot – a rather cool $10,928.50. What makes this a piece of Bingo History is that on February 10th Deborah (Terry’s wife) hit the jackpot and won an incredible $34,207.10 on the progressive slots game Fruitmania in Kiwi Bingo! This brought the combined jackpot total to $45,135.60 for four days work! “I always like to get the biggest win!” says Deborah.
“I just love Kiwi Bingo, it’s so friendly and nice.” says Deborah, “I signed ages ago and really like the new system. I’ve played at a few other sites but I have never won as many times or as much as I have at Kiwi Bingo, it’s just great!”
To add to the uniqueness of it all Terry wasn’t even playing when he won the DOW jackpot. He had pre-bought his cards knowing he would be away on business but not wanting to miss the jackpot game. Pre-buying for jackpot games is a relatively new feature in online bingo. Players have the option of buying bingo cards sometimes days in advance for jackpot games when they can’t be in the game themselves.
Übersetzung - Slowakisch Dlhoroční hráči Kiwi Binga, Debora a Terry z Marylandu USA, vyhrali hneď dvakrát!
6. februára vyhral Terry v Kiwi Bingu rekordný jackpot za Deň v týždni - úžasných 10 928, 50 dolárov.
Do histórie Binga sa však táto udalosť zapísala 10. februára, výhrou Debory (Terryho manželky), ktorá trafila jackpot a vyhrala v Kiwi Bingu neuveriteľných 34 207,10 dolárov na progresívnych automatoch na mince Fruitmania! Tým sa suma oboch výhier vyšplhala spoločne na výšku 45 135, 60 dolárov len za štyri pracovné dni! “Vždy rada získavam najvyššie výhry!” vraví Debora.
“Kiwi Bingo mám jednoducho rada, je príjemné a priateľské,” vraví Debora. “Zaregistrovala som sa už dávno a tento nový systém sa mi skutočne páči. Hrala som aj na niekoľkých iných stránkach, ale nikde som nevyhrávala tak často alebo tak veľa ako práve v Kiwi Bingu, je skrátka skvelé!”
A aby sme k jedinečnosti celej udalosti ešte prispeli, keď Terry jackpot za Deň v týždni vyhral, samotnej hry sa v skutočnosti vôbec nezúčastnil. Hracie karty si zakúpil dopredu, keďže vedel že bude služobne preč, a hru o jackpot nechcel zmeškať. Kupovanie hracích kariet vopred je pri jackpotových hrách v online bingu relatívnou novinkou. Hráči, ktorí sa nebudú môct hry zúčastniť, majú možnosť zakúpiť si bingo karty pre jackpotové hry aj niekoľko dní dopredu.
"Tending bridges between language systems - helping people to understand each others words. Every language presents a unique setting, a completely new universe. Taking a set of words from one universe and planting them into another, changing their sound and appearance but maintaining their meaning, strength and color, makes the work of a dedicated linguist almost as tricky and adventurous as indulging oneself in interplanetary gardening."
English, Slovak - mother tongue
Czech, German - mother tongue level
Hebrew - fluent
SPECIALIZATION Information technologies: software and website localization, user manuals, instructions, installation guides, help files, tutorials, training and course materials Business and marketing: promotional materials, brochures, presentations, surveys, press releases, business letters Internal documentation: directives, regulations, technical instructions, operating and safety instruction manuals, company newsletters and magazines Genealogy: letters, certificates, passports, diplomas Art and Literature: books, magazines, articles, posters and flyers
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Gesamtpunktzahl: 14 Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 10