2013 freelance translator virtual conference Sep 30, 2013 Virtual conference speakersClaudia Brauer — Licensed translator & interpreter and online trainer & writer  | Considered a subject matter expert in translation and interpreting, Claudia's career spans more than 35 years in Latin America and the USA, logging over 15,000 hours of interpreting assignments in a large diversity of venues and fields of knowledge, and translating more than 10 million words.
<... read more » |
|  | Reginaldo Francisco is a Brazilian technical and literary translator (English>Portuguese and Italian>Portuguese) with experience in the areas of Business/Management, Corporate Communication, Contracts, Quality, Human Resources/People Management, Coaching, Tourism and Marketing, and six literary tran... read more » |
|  | Carmen has been a professional German/Arabic --> English translator since 2005. She specializes in translating pharmaceutical and clinical trial documentation, including medical reports, research articles, informed consent forms, summaries of product characteristics, investigator contracts and site ... read more » |
|  | I'm a freelance translator and certified Mandarin/English Court Interpreter in BC Canada.
Other than being a translator I'm also a business owner and the author of "Goodbye to Feast or Famine". I'm running a website helping language professionals find Translation Jobs and Golden Opportuni... read more » |
|  | Professional translator and interpreter since 1992 (Brazil and Australia); * Leading researcher in Logic (Paradoxes of Language), Real Analysis (S-convexity), Networks (Model for human networks, disease spread), and ODEs (nonisothermal film blowing); * Listed with the IBC and the Who's Who Marquis b... read more » |
|  | Post-Graduate translator from Paris 7 university (Jussieu) with 19 years of professional experience in various industries (mostly medical & insurance). Specialized in medical, business/marketing, insurance.
University teacher in specialized translation (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona) an... read more » |
|  | Alessia Vonau is a sales accelerator who shares her talent with solo entrepreneurs and small business owners who wish to develop their business. After obtaining a PhD in cognitive psychology in 1997, she demonstrated her value as a trainer, sales representative and sales director in a training compa... read more » |
|  | Balazs is co-founder and CTO of Skawa Innovation Ltd., a company focusing on cloud- and crowdsource-based internet solutions, computer-aided automated workflows. With its award-winning solution Easyling.com, Skawa is making the website translation process easy for both translation agencies/freelance... read more » |
|  | Emma Goldsmith es traductora del español al inglés. Hizo la carrera de ATS y ejerció como tal en el St. Thomas’ Hospital de Londres. Luego se trasladó a Madrid donde se especializó como traductora médica y ahora cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en este campo. Emma Goldsmith ... read more » |
| Judy Jenner — Tradutora de espanhol e alemão e intérprete, com título de mestre, certificada pela corte de justiça americana em Espanhol, com experiência internacional de 12 anos também como tradutora; professora adjunta na Universidade de San Diego, na Califórn  | Judy (Judith) Jenner, MBA is a Spanish and German marketing, legal and e-commerce translator and court-certified Spanish interpreter (Nevada and California) who runs Twin Translations with her twin sister, Dagmar. They are the authors of “The Entrepreneurial Linguist: The Business-School Approach ... read more » |
|  | Tłumacz języka angielskiego specjalizujący się w tematyce prawniczej. Studia prawnicze na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu
Warszawskiego (2007), podyplomowe translatoryczne w Instytucie Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW (IPSKT) (2011), Centrum Prawa Amerykańskiego (2009). Obecnie na końcow... read more » |
|  | Lenka Martinková vystudovala Ústav translatologie UK, od r. 2002 pracuje jako tlumočnice a překladatelka na volné noze (čeština-němčina). Specializace: tlumočení technických školení, logistických projektů a obchodních jednání.
After studying translation studies at Charles Unive... read more » |
|  | Ing. Mgr. Jiří Svoboda
Lektor, kouč, poradce, hlasový pedagog, vysokoškolský učitel, ICT odborník.
Získal odborné přírodovědné, technické, pedagogické a humanitní vysokoškolské vzdělání. Vzdělávání dospělých se věnuje od roku 1987. Přednáší, vede cvičení, lektoru... read more » |
|  | Absolvent VŠ zemědělské a postgraduálního studia v Čs. akademii věd
7 let ve výzkumné biochemické laboratoři
6 let praxe jako literární překladatel, 16 let překládání odborných textů a lokalizace, AJ>ČJ
5 let externí práce pro Microsoft (kontrola kvality lokalizace)
Konfe... read more » |
|  | Od roku 2007: překladatel na Generálním ředitelství pro překlady Evropské komise
Since 2007: Translator; Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission |
|  | Marta is a Polish - English translator and interpreter with 6 years of experience, specialising in law, IT, marketing, and business. She is a member of the Management Committee of the Interpreting Division at the Chartered Institute of Linguists. She has been voted a Top 20 Twitterer (@mstelmaszak) ... read more » |
|  | Marek Pawelec graduated in Molecular Biology at the Jagiellonian University in 1992 and worked as researcher at faculties of Medicine and Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. In 2001 began to work as a full time English to Polish freelance translator: started with literature, l... read more » |
|  | An English and German translator specializing in the field of EU affairs, medicine and automation. In spite of criticism of her friends & family, she established her own translation business even before graduating from the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. So far the deci... read more » |
|  | Michał Kleszczonek has a degree in Information Systems Design. Author of scientific papers about compilers and automatic translation of programming languages. Since 2004 he has been actively involved in software localization industry. Currently, he is running a company providing industrial IT solut... read more » |
|  | Ukończyłam filologię polską na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Zajmuję się językiem prawnym i prawniczym. Odbyłam część studiów doktoranckich na Uniwersytecie Humboldtów w Berlinie.
Prowadzę kursy i szkolenia z polskiego języka prawnego oraz języka mediów.
I am a graduate of ... read more » |
|  | Agnieszka Chmielewska – absolwentka Wydziału Neofilologii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, studiów podyplomowych Excutive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) w Wielkopolskiej Szkole Biznesu przy Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu we współpracy z The Nottingham Trend University... read more » |
|  | Jacek Mikrut is a graduate of Szczecin University. A SDL Trados Studio expert and certified SDL trainer. Author of a full featured SDL Trados Studio 2011 training movie, as well as Polish SDL Trados Studio 2011 manual, and co-author of many short instruction films available at Localize.pl. Co-organi... read more » |
|  | Konstantin Kisin is a highly successful legal, financial and video games translator. Since joining ProZ.com in 2004, he has made full use of the website to propel his business to new heights and build long-term relationships with clients and colleagues. A regular contributor to Proz.com on t... read more » |
|  | James Brian Mitchell est l’auteur de plus de 120 articles scientifiques et co-auteur d’un manuel de physique expérimentale. Il détient des brevets dans l’industrie automobile et pétrolière. Professeur de Physique au Canada, puis en France, il a été invité à donner plus 80 présentation... read more » |
| Eric Candle — NY State Representative, International Medical Interpreters Association  | Eric Candle holds an MS in Computer Science and Computer Translation, and an advanced certificate “Creating and leading Strategic Growth". His college graduation work was executed and presented in English and Russian languages. Eric is a qualified medical interpreter with 15 years of professional ... read more » |
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