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Search results: (250 matches)
Business issues Agency issue Yes... [quote]Stéphanie Denton wrote: Valerie - yes,
new to the world of agencies, and currently hating
it! I much prefer my direct clients! Pay much
better too! [/quote] Ah, yes... good a
apk12 Jun 21, 2011
Linguistics Favourite Words My favorite ;) Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänsmütze
setzfehler... ;)
apk12 Jun 20, 2011
Other games Humor lost in translation -- interview with the Dalai Lama goes wrong Article link Can anybody open the article link? It this the
right one? Because when I click it, it says I am
not authorized to view drafts. I did not wish to
be authorized to view drafts ;) was just
apk12 Jun 20, 2011
Business issues Agency issue Risk of manipulations [quote]Laurent KRAULAND wrote: I find it even
more worrying that agencies are going this way
(databases and possible manipulations thereof).
[/quote] It is worrying, indeed. Especia
apk12 Jun 20, 2011
Business issues Agency issue Vanishing entries Vanishing entries from an online database is
anyway an extremely alarming sign. I remember a
similar case longer ago, where an agency was
desperate to find a translator for a high fi
apk12 Jun 18, 2011
Translation in Australia Rates charged to translation agencies in Australia - suggestions needed Agree: stick to your rates [quote]Heinrich Pesch wrote: ... but I really
think we should not calculate along these lines.
If our service is too expensive for some customer,
there is nothing we can do about it. Th
apk12 Jun 18, 2011
German PRESSEERLÄRUNG von Çevirmenler Meslek Birliği - ÇEVBİR (Berufsverband der Übersetzer - Türkei) Hm. [quote]Siegfried Armbruster wrote: ... Also ich
sehe keine Grund gegen die in der Türkei
geltenden Gesetze zu
protestieren. [/quote] Ich sehe wiederum
keinen Grund, generell
apk12 Jun 17, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? 2012... [quote] Tobias wrote: ... The Times
Published: 06 May 2003 Letters to the
Editor ...frequently swamp elective services.
Foundation hospitals will all want to provid
apk12 Jun 16, 2011
Translation news The Oxford English Dictionary unveils its latest entries Did they mention a timeframe for "plannable"? So, did they mention a timeframe for "plannable"? apk12 Jun 16, 2011
Money matters Geoworkz Doubts as to core business [quote]John Rawlins wrote: Such private
marketplaces can be seen as attempts to dehumanise
translators and turn them into disposable objects
that are nameless and faceless. They are
apk12 Jun 16, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? You say OT, I say po-ta-to. [quote]Giles Watson wrote: [quote]apk12
wrote: Hm. On my screen, .it shows 26.700 for
unplannable and 74.800 for plannable. You have a
screenshot? [/quote] This is getting OT<
apk12 Jun 15, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? "Relatively" [quote]Giles Watson wrote: [quote]apk12
wrote: Can others confirm? Have a different
count here on the monitor. Current now: .com:
28.900 for plannable and 26.800 for unplannable.
apk12 Jun 15, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? How many there? [quote]Giles Watson wrote: ... Our friend Mr
Google reports that there are about 26,500,000
occurrences of "unplannable" on the net, starting
with the headline of an article of
apk12 Jun 15, 2011
German Ist es Deutsch? Damit Leben können [quote]Leena vom Hofe wrote: .... Naja, wenn
der Kunde und der Endkunde damit leben können...
aber es wundert mich schon. Viele
Grüße Leena [/quote] Siehe weiter oben,<
apk12 Jun 15, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? Time will show Sure, absolutely and of course. But since this
here is a thread observing one such result of
interaction between other languages and English
(on proz, it was the Portugese>English gloss
apk12 Jun 15, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? Tautology [quote]Giles Watson wrote: The OED defines a
"project" as "A plan, draft, scheme, or table of
something...", which rather implies that a
"plannable project" is just a "plannable plan".<
apk12 Jun 15, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? Non-natives [quote]Lesley Clarke wrote: As everyone else
has said, it is permissible to coin a word in
this way. But can anyone think of a decent
sentence containing the word. When would one have<
apk12 Jun 14, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? 3rd link to dict necessary? [quote]Gudrun Wolfrath
nable.html [/quote] This is the third link
posted to exactly that entry in this
thread, Gudrun...
apk12 Jun 14, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? viral 28.300 [quote]Giles Watson wrote: ...I can't see much
of a future for the term on the streets, unless it
goes viral as a result of some er, "unplannable"
contingency. After all, Jon Stewart mi
apk12 Jun 14, 2011
Polish bardzo chrupki = very chips? Hasło usunąć niepotrzebne, wystarczy usunąć "very chips" A czy moderatorka Monika ma czas na to albo prawa
potrzebne do zmian w glosariuszu? Może nam tutaj
na to odpowie. Moim zdaniem niepotrzebne byłoby
usunąć całe hasło, ktoś kiedyś
apk12 Jun 14, 2011
Polish bardzo chrupki = very chips? Skontaktowaliście już support? Skontaktował się już ktoś z "Support" strony?
Przecież tak tego nie można zostawić, za rok
wyląduje to w jakimś wolnym słowniku, i krótko
potem tłumacze PL>EN będą mieli spor
apk12 Jun 14, 2011
Business issues GeoWorkz Marketplace - is it any good? Exactly and I stress the "openly". [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote: As much
as I am in favour of paying to be a member of a
portal in which we can discuss things openly, I
find it hard to believe that I would pay a
apk12 Jun 14, 2011
Business issues GeoWorkz Marketplace - is it any good? Where shall translators discuss this topic if not here? Recently heard about an incidentally vanished
thread. And then, shortly ago, a colleague sent me
a link. Same topic, maybe you want to take a look. (For all thos
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Off topic Website: "Funny translator" (uses machine translation) forgetitable "forgetitable clients" 54 translations later:
"Remember Remember" promise! ;)
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? Planneraxe Never mind, Thomas. I am absolutely sure, earlier
or later someone will get a tree down with a
planer. And will write about his experience with
that "plannable" typo ;)
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? forgetitable ok, let's see. "targetable clients" for "plannable
projects". then we have "remindable clients"
(that's those who don't forget to remind their
secretary of the follow-up-translation order
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Linguistics Does the word "plannable" exist? Visible, hearable, searchable, findable ;) When language users move around a bit and type
enough, Oxford or Cambridge will list it soon. ;)
It already made its way to the
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Translation news Social media tactics for translators: Facebook Hm I feel like placing a link I like here. It came
via the ProZ twitter account, the Poll: Would you
add a client as a friend on Facebook? Interesting
coincidence, somehow.
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Trados support how to translate poetry in SDL Studio 2009 That's what it's about. [quote]giuliacordelli wrote: ...CAT tools count
repetitions? Is this really an advantage? Do I
really need someone who tells me: you've already
encountered "bliss of solitude"? I know i
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Trados support how to translate poetry in SDL Studio 2009 Not really. [quote]Giles Watson wrote: ... 2)
Translators produce simplified English; CAT tools
merely store it. [/quote] Forgotten about the
tractor in the helicopter? So - not really.
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you add a client as a friend on Facebook? Not on facebook There are several reasons why I prefer an other
alternative regarding "networking". Facebook does
not seam suitable for business related networking,
at least in my eyes. And since I actual
apk12 Jun 13, 2011
Lighter side of trans/interp Literal Video ;) ! gorgeous, love it indeed (and for a joke video,
technically really nicely done. the voice seems to
sing not only in her bathroom - or if she does,
then her neighbours might have a good spa
apk12 Jun 12, 2011
Off topic Website: "Funny translator" (uses machine translation) Funny Translator moved page refresh for visitors in 2011 - the Funny
Translator page now seems to be down, but there is
- similar approach, although made by othe
apk12 Jun 12, 2011
Fun with language The unpronounceable (April 29, 2011) Were is the German classic? Usually, it's filed under "tongue twister" (or
actually, not even really a twister, simply as
playfield example for the German compound
phenomenon)- but, anyway, pronouncing it is for
apk12 Jun 11, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice What type of translation work have you refused on moral grounds? Understand, but... [quote]Daniel Erlich wrote: ...answers started
appearing in Portuguese, and shortly after that
the applicant stopped providing answers
altogether. In Portuguese she had written, I swear
apk12 Jun 11, 2011
Business issues Missing Outsourcers Screening Center Beta Is there already a thread about this topic which I
simply missed? Could not find it. My point - why
I open this thread - is, I am missing the
"Outsourcers Screening Section" in the Scree
apk12 Jun 11, 2011
Money matters 60 days after invoice (end of month) To be honest... Since there are lots of agencies that are paid
upon r.e.c.e.i.p.t. of the order, not after
delivery of the result, I wonder what's wrong in
Italia with ordering translations directly from
apk12 Jun 11, 2011
Translator resources Translator rates calculator Oha? Costs of living irrelevant? [quote]Krzysztof Kajetanowicz wrote: I admit
that to the extent that the article compiles what
most people here would say on the subject, it's a
good summary. However, I think it's a
apk12 Jun 11, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice What type of translation work have you refused on moral grounds? Indeed. [quote]John Rawlins wrote: I recently refused a
job from a local council here in Spain. The
immoral aspect of the job was the fact that they
could not tell me with any precision when th
apk12 Jun 11, 2011
German Ist es Deutsch? Dreist oder nicht, aber... Nun, im Grunde ist einem jeden die Verfahrensweise
natürlich selbst überlassen, aber ich würde
trotzdem dazu raten, sich sehr wohl die Zeit zum
genauen Prüfen eines Dokuments zu nehmen
apk12 Jun 10, 2011
Money matters 60 days after invoice (end of month) Non-Italian eating and rent paying culture [quote]Hege Jakobsen Lepri wrote: Indeed, this
is embedded in the Italian business
culture ...[/quote] That may be but my
landlord is not Italian.
apk12 Jun 10, 2011
German Ist es Deutsch? Oh-oh, zukünftig aber lieber doch... [quote]Andrzej Golda wrote: ...Für mich war es
anders. Wozu sollte ich es mir ganau ansehen,
dachte ich. DE->PL tue ich schon übersetzen und
Geräte für Gastronomie sind mir nicht fr
apk12 Jun 10, 2011
Trados support how to translate poetry in SDL Studio 2009 Let's take the tractor [quote]Giles Watson wrote: My point, as I'm
sure you have realised, is that the more tools you
master (including pen and paper), the more ways
you have to approach your texts. Selecting
apk12 Jun 10, 2011
Trados support how to translate poetry in SDL Studio 2009 Maybe we do have time for that... [quote]opolt wrote: ... Nothing against a
healthy argument about the topic -- but maybe in
another thread. That's all. [/quote] As soon as
we see an interesting discussion thread
apk12 Jun 10, 2011
Trados support how to translate poetry in SDL Studio 2009 OT or OT? On or Off topic? And how to distinguish OT from OT? [quote]opolt wrote: Of course people should be
allowed to position themselves! The only thing, it
was all OT. [/quote] Erm, what? Positioning
their view, maybe even hinting at th
apk12 Jun 10, 2011
Translation news Tips for hiring a translator Exactly. TM is no way to assure correctness. [quote]Christine Andersen
wrote: [quote]"Although TM software is intended
to reduce the workload of the translator and the
time needed to complete the project, it also
reduces the n
apk12 Jun 10, 2011
Trados support how to translate poetry in SDL Studio 2009 Gosh... Gosh imagine you're working on poetry translation
and... [quote]opolt wrote: You're right
though that it can help you to identify
repetitions in the source. [/quote] ...and
apk12 Jun 10, 2011
Trados support how to translate poetry in SDL Studio 2009 :) ! [quote]Attila Piróth wrote: (If Studio 2009 or
any of its competitors has an Inspiration add-on,
please let me know.) Best, Attila
[/quote] Nah, I'll wait with my subscription
apk12 Jun 9, 2011
Trados support how to translate poetry in SDL Studio 2009 :) Aaaand here we are. [quote]opolt
wrote: Excuse me, but why would one use a CAT
tool for the translation of a poem?
[/quote] May I please join that question? Also
apk12 Jun 9, 2011
Business issues Advice on a Dilemma Please! Time for independence day? [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: ... it seems as
though you have a boss/employee or parent/child
relationship here. I can understand that they
helped you in the early days but it sounds as
apk12 Jun 9, 2011


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