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Software applications Petition: Help make Phrase/Memsource MXLIFFs compatible with tools other than Trados/MemoQ (DVX3) Correct [quote]Mario Cerutti wrote: [quote]Jade-Roxanne
Garnham wrote: ... but DVX3 and Phrase are not
friends and I apparently cannot force them to
be. [/quote] They can be made friends. In
Matthias Brombach Nov 10, 2023
Translation Theory and Practice Professionals are hard to find Directory [quote]Juno Bos wrote: I normally post a pretty
specific job, and besides that I look for suitable
translators in the directory here.
[/quote] Perhaps you shouldn't only contact the<
Matthias Brombach Oct 3, 2023 Translator Coop Plus features: "Call me" button and priority messaging (aka. "real-time communications") Calling London Will there be a future function to establish a
collective call to all translators living in a
certain region, for example to London or Chisinau,
to wish them having a good day or something
Matthias Brombach Sep 12, 2023
Being independent What does a decent living mean for you nowadays? "London" again We all should know by now what "London" stands
for, shouldn't we, Baran? (this is just another
example of "toilet" related German

[Bearbeitet am 2023-09-08 10:09
Matthias Brombach Sep 8, 2023 technical support Bugs in the website? (Staff: developers are looking into it) I believe... all started when you moved your domain from to Good luck!
Matthias Brombach Sep 1, 2023 technical support Bugs in the website? (Staff: developers are looking into it) Also the App... ...seems to be buggy sometimes and I can't get
through to the forum posts, accompanied with very
cryptically error messages.
Matthias Brombach Sep 1, 2023
KudoZ Ever Been Tempted To Use The Kudoz "Disagree" comment as a Weapon? Nothing to say... ...anything against repeating and repeating the
same topics again and again, although it seems
that this site seems to be frequented by always
the same handful of people (like me). On the
Matthias Brombach Aug 29, 2023
AI for translators and interpreters Consider the consequences of AI before you start a career in translation Plumber, definitely! [quote]Tom in London wrote: Bearing in mind
that AI is going to make all jobs unnecessary,
give me (a) some examples of careers I should
suggest to a 17-year old today [/quote] T
Matthias Brombach Aug 26, 2023 suggestions Suggestions for "new" KudoZ interface My vote for the KudoZ site: Please leave (the choice) for the original
version, when it comes to access via PC (or MAC),
and remain to offer the new version for Android
(or iOS), which is rather brilliant to my mind.
Matthias Brombach Aug 24, 2023
Linguistics Useless words Thanks... [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: If you are able to
define its meaning, in clear terms, then it does.
[/quote] ...but then we both agree on my
statement you quoted under your headline "Not
Matthias Brombach Aug 21, 2023
Linguistics Useless words Basics [quote]Michele Fauble wrote: [quote]Matthias
Brombach wrote: [quote]Lingua 5B
wrote: [quote]Matthias Brombach
wrote: [quote]Tom in London
wrote: [quote]Matthias Brombach
Matthias Brombach Aug 21, 2023 Translator Coop Introducing AI to KudoZ: human expertise and AI combined in support of the most helpful answer Would be... ...a test under realistic conditions: What will be
left for us with DeepL and ChatGTP as a fact in
today's translation world and how good are these
systems actually? We should bear in mind
Matthias Brombach Aug 19, 2023
Linguistics Useless words And who... [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: [quote]Matthias
Brombach wrote: [quote]Tom in London
wrote: [quote]Matthias Brombach
wrote: [quote]Tom in London
wrote: òpidubvè97r is also a w
Matthias Brombach Aug 17, 2023
Linguistics Useless words Pasty [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: [quote]Tom in
London wrote: òpidubvè97r is also a word.
Tell me it isn't. [/quote] It could be passed
off as a password, so at least in that sense,
Matthias Brombach Aug 17, 2023
Linguistics Useless words Who proves it? [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Matthias
Brombach wrote: [quote]Tom in London
wrote: òpidubvè97r is also a word. Tell me it

[Edited at 2023-08-17 09:26 GMT]
Matthias Brombach Aug 17, 2023
Linguistics Useless words If it... [quote]Tom in London wrote: òpidubvè97r is
also a word. Tell me it isn't.

[Edited at
2023-08-17 09:26 GMT] [/quote] ...bears a
commonly acknowledged notion, yes. If not, then<
Matthias Brombach Aug 17, 2023 Translator Coop AI set to make waves on KudoZ: volunteer testers needed Go for it, please I'm curious what answers AI would give on all the
numerous questions that are clearly based on typos
of the source term or phrase or which result from
a text that was generated by a non-na
Matthias Brombach Aug 11, 2023
Translation Project / Vendor Management Only FAKE translators email their CV... No respect [quote]Metin Demirel wrote: [quote]Tomás Cano
Binder, BA, CT wrote: For those who did not
have a clue that this is happening or who might
have their CVs and names stolen by scamme
Matthias Brombach Jul 31, 2023
Translation Project / Vendor Management Only FAKE translators email their CV... Clever "NO ACCESS THROUGH MOBILE DEVICES", either, to
that site.
Matthias Brombach Jul 30, 2023
German Honorare für Translation Management Ich... ...könnte da gleich mehrere Kandidaten empfehlen,
die für solche Services in Frage kämen,
schätze diese aber als sehr beratungsresistent
ein, sonst würden die mir nicht solche
Matthias Brombach Jul 27, 2023
Off topic Which music are you listening to now, in 2021? A normal day in... ...the tube of
"London": ...with
the 5-cent-per-word PMs travelling to work for
bottom feeding. Mind the gap and stand behind the
yellow line, please!
Matthias Brombach Jul 24, 2023
Off topic Tetris effect? Only... ...sweet dreams, for example that AI does exist
only in novels written by Stanislav Lem and that
I'm able to adapt my rates to inflation each year
and that "London" based agencies are true
Matthias Brombach Jul 23, 2023
Déjà Vu support Saving TM as TMX inverts source and target language. Thanks... ...for double checking and letting me know it
sadly didn't help. I`m running out of ideas now
but can offer to send me your project (as .dvprj
file) by PM to have it checked on my PC. I'm
Matthias Brombach Jul 15, 2023
Health and lifestyle for language professionals The Best Places to Live The Best Places to Live... ...are those where you know and can estimate who
your enemies will be.
Matthias Brombach Jul 15, 2023
Déjà Vu support Saving TM as TMX inverts source and target language. Source and target mistaken with each other? [quote]Wolfgang Schoene wrote: DVX should do what
all CAT tools do correctly and export source as
source and target as target, period.
[/quote] Hi Wolfgang, could you check whether
Matthias Brombach Jul 14, 2023
Déjà Vu support Saving TM as TMX inverts source and target language. Another solution: Open your exported .tmx with notepad++ and replace
all "en-us" instances with "en-gb" (or vice
versa). Don't forget to save the tmx then. Replace
the instances with a valid language abbrev
Matthias Brombach Jul 14, 2023
Déjà Vu support Saving TM as TMX inverts source and target language. If... ...your DV TM isn't created as such (let's say as
EN-US / DE-DE), then you won't be able to save it
as a tmx with other variants (i.e. as EN-GB /
DE-DE). BUT: You may export the TM in q
Matthias Brombach Jul 14, 2023
Machine Translation (MT) The disappointment of Trados Studio... any alternatives? Not the best... [quote]Marionlam wrote: ... and perhaps I was
better off with a devil I know. As many of you
have said above, Trados isn't perfect, but it's
the best we've got... [/quote] ... devi
Matthias Brombach Jul 8, 2023
Déjà Vu support Deepl API not working in Déjà Vu X Did you... [quote]finnword1 wrote: I have been using DeepL
with DVX3 since last October without any problems.
Now, all of the sudden, it quit. DeepL tech
support is telling me: "Due to internal po
Matthias Brombach Jul 4, 2023
Business issues Registering your freelance business/company in another country as a non-resident Why London... ...when Chisinau would have the same effect? Many
so-called high caliber agencies are based there,
and it would be closer to your home country.
Matthias Brombach Jul 4, 2023
KudoZ Question closed - "answer found elsewhere" Same applies... the technical forums too, when somebody asks
for help concerning CAT problems and then
disappears with no "thank you" or "problem solved"
at all.
Matthias Brombach Jun 26, 2023
Déjà Vu support Deepl API not working in Déjà Vu X I don't expect... be a member of your team or any other
advantage from my help. A simple "thank you" or
"No, I did not succeed" would be enough.
Matthias Brombach Jun 13, 2023
Déjà Vu support Deepl API not working in Déjà Vu X Did you... ...finally succeed? Matthias Brombach Jun 9, 2023
Déjà Vu support Deepl API not working in Déjà Vu X "Assemble from portions" (your second screenshot): There you need to
tick under "Assemble from portions" the option
"Use Machine Translation". That's so far the
difference between your settings there and my
Matthias Brombach Jun 8, 2023
Translation Theory and Practice What is the best topic for a non-specialized translator to begin translating on? Children's books .. [quote]André Moreira wrote: What do you think
is the bets topic for a non-specialized translator
to start translating on? The dude that has his
dictionaries at home but little or no k
Matthias Brombach Jun 6, 2023
Business issues Market for German-English legal translations Whose statement, please? [quote]Dan Lucas wrote: [quote]Matthias
Brombach wrote: A fool's errand... would have
been to still ride on an already dead horse hoping
that the good times will come back
Matthias Brombach Jun 1, 2023
Business issues Market for German-English legal translations A fool's errand... [quote]Dan Lucas wrote: A commenter on one of
my mailing lists recently opined that changing
career in your 50s or 60s is a fool's errand. I
didn't agree with him, and the existence of
Matthias Brombach May 31, 2023
MemoQ support What is the best way to translate a PDF document? Trados Studio I assume you have to deal with a "dead" pdf (all
text isn't able to copy, as suggested further
above)? If it's not dead, you may use Trados
Studio to open and save it later as an MS Word
Matthias Brombach May 31, 2023
Poll Discussion Poll: Has a proofreader ever "ruined" a translation you've done? Yes ...and one time it was an earlier classmate of
mine who is working as a consultant for several
agencies because of his high KudoZ ranking,
combined with his reputation as a retired officer
Matthias Brombach May 30, 2023
Business issues Market for German-English legal translations Poor Germany: one still has to work to make a living! Dan, Thank you for the link and yes, there may be
a slight decline in economic growth in Germany in
figures, but not only do other figures tell me
that there's still a shortage of skilled
Matthias Brombach May 30, 2023
Off topic Reconversion/Alternative work after Translation Tour guide I suggest becoming a tour guide for translators to
visit the main capitals of today's still
flourishing translation industry: Visit
"London" and see the Tower, the head building of
Matthias Brombach May 22, 2023
AI for translators and interpreters ChatGPT : Are translators an endangered species ? But thats... [quote]David GAY wrote: these translators also
work faster than their shadow because they deliver
their work within a fraction of a second...
[/quote] ...what some of them told me
Matthias Brombach May 19, 2023
AI for translators and interpreters ChatGPT : Are translators an endangered species ? That offer... [quote]Zea_Mays wrote: [quote] An Indian LSP
wrote today through Greetings for the
day. This is X X, Vendor Manager at Y y. Nice
to e-meet you. Hope you are doing well
Matthias Brombach May 17, 2023
Trados support cursor position not exact Regular expressions? Does your source contain regular expressions that
were not converted into tags/codes?
Matthias Brombach May 16, 2023
AI for translators and interpreters ChatGPT : Are translators an endangered species ? Your statement... [quote]Jesse Jackson wrote: So rest assured,
translators continue to be an invaluable asset in
fostering global communication and understanding.
Our expertise and human touch cannot be
Matthias Brombach May 15, 2023
Trados support The annoying "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in St. 2022 (package file) Trados (t)error And? Would you please tell us what solution you
finally opted for? I can already see other posts
from you in other topics of the forums, therefore
you must have found a solution and time f
Matthias Brombach May 9, 2023
Lighter side of trans/interp Future business And I believe... [quote]Boris Rogowski wrote:A big part of me
believes it is unlikely that they will send me
30M+ words for delivery next week, but who knows
:)[/quote] ...that your email postbox soon wi
Matthias Brombach May 9, 2023
Trados support The annoying "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in St. 2022 (package file) Comments Maybe the trouble was/is caused by comments
integrated into one of your source (Office) files.
I had that caused many problems a couple of years
Matthias Brombach May 8, 2023
Trados support The annoying "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in St. 2022 (package file) Create a new project ...and then import all associated files again into
that new project (if your Studio still works at
all, with the other projects done previously). You
should be able to access the .sdlxliff
Matthias Brombach May 8, 2023
Trados support The annoying "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in St. 2022 (package file) TBs and TMs Maybe you should disconnect all associated TBs and
TMs (and DeepL) and start Studio again. If it
works then, connect them again step for step. Good
Matthias Brombach May 8, 2023


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