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Bulgarisch > Englisch Recht (allgemein) Translation Glossary

Bulgarisch term Englisch translation
нареждам превод по влогове to order a (money/bank) transfer of the guaranteed amount of the company's accounts
наблюдаващ прокурор prosecutor in charge of / overseeing prosecutor
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
надведомствен орган inter-departmental/supra-departmental body
наказателно постановление penal ruling
Entered by: Atanas Dakov
налагане на забрана за напускане на страната imposing a ban/prohibition on leaving the country
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
наложена мярка за неотклонение imposed preventive restraint, measure of restraint / restriction imposed
нанесени вреди и пропуснати ползи material and personal damages
носимо задължение debt/liability/payment payable at the domicile of the creditor
нотариална заверка на копие notarial attestation / certification of a copy
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
нотариален акт notarial act
новопостъпили обстоятелства newly-received circumstances
Entered by: Andrei Vrabtchev
несъвместими доказателства contradictory/incosistent/insompatible/discrepant evidence
несправедлива финансова тежест unfair / disproportionate financial burden
нетрудоспособност disability
Entered by: Mihaela Boteva
нещатен part-time/freelance
нередовно от външна страна пълномощно improperly executed power of attorney
недостатъци в управлението на фирмата shortcomings/faults/deficiencies/flaws/weaknesses in this company management [practices]
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
недосегаеми за закона untouchable (by the law), [beyond and] above the law, immune to the law
недооценъчност misjudgement / underestimation
Entered by: Andrei Vrabtchev
незаконно отнемане на кола car/auto/vehicle theft
неизряден клиент defaulting customer, non-paying customer, customer with outstanding bills
о.с.з. /открито съдебно заседание/ open court
Entered by: Maria Dimitrova
осъществявам имуществена и административнонаказателна отговорност enforce financial and administrative penalties
осъдителна присъда verdict of guilty, condemning, condemnatory sentence
осъдителен иск action for performance
освобождавам от несвойствени дейности to dispose of/wind down/shed/divest its non-core business (activities), cut/close down unrelated operations, dismiss atypical activities, to cut/close down unrelated operations
основателен grounded, well-grounded
особено мнение [signed with] prejudice, note of dissent, with reservations
отстъпено право на строеж cession of right of construction, to cede the right
Entered by: Yavor Dimitrov
отчуждаване expropriation
отчетна сделка accounting/reporting transaction
отработени дни days worked
Entered by: Pavel Tsvetkov
отговор по компетентност redirecting to you as the competent authority...
отклонение от пробация probation infringement/violation
отм. repealed (отменен)
отменително основание grounds for reversal
отнемам (собственост) deprive of/ seize ownership; to sequester, to bar from using, to impound, to confiscate
отнемане на визата visa revocation
оценка на непарична вноска evaluation of the contribution in kind
охранително праизводство non-contentious proceedings
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