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Rumänisch > Englisch Recht (allgemein) Translation Glossary

Rumänisch term Englisch translation
a scoate din vigoare cancel/ remove (the effect)
a se absolutiza to have absolute priority; to override
a se autosesiza to refer a matter to itself
a se autosesiza act on own initiative
A se constitui ca (to) be classified as
a se incadra comply with/fall within
a se sesiza din oficiu to observe ex officio
a sesiza to refer (a matter/case) to
a solicita proba has sought documentary and testimonial evidence
a statua to pronounce upon
a subzista to subsist
a trage la raspundere to hold liable (for)
a transpune in fapt to implement
Entered by: Claudia Coja
a viza to endorse
a-și declina identitatea introduced (identify) oneself
abatere de gravitate serious offence
abatere judiciara judicial default
abuz în serviciu contra intereselor persoanelor abuse while on duty against the private-interests
abuz in serviciu abuse of office
acţiune în revendicare action for the recovery of possession
Acțiune în decădere claim of forfeiture of rights
acordă cuvântul pe aspectul propunerii de probe moves to presenting the evidence
act administrativ administrative action
act administrativ de autoritate administrative certificate of authority
act de dispozitie act of disposition
Act de inmatriculare si autorizare a functionarii: Incheiere judecatoreasca court decision on the company\'s registration and licensing
act de recunoastere debt acknowledgement
act de sesizare act of apprehension
act normativ regulation
act sediu document proving the registered office
acte constatatoare evidentiary documents
acte și fapte Trade Reg. : dealings and events
acte normative de nivel inferior low level normative act
actiune confesorie in servitute confessory pleading of real estate encumbrances / actio confessoria servitutis
actiune oblica derivative action
Entered by: Mihaela Sinca
actiuni de mecenat patronage actions/programs
actiuni in granituire party wall rights and remedies
activarea hotărârii (she will not) file appeal
Entered by: Claudia Coja
activitate de raspundere lead positions, supervisory positions, managerial positions
actualizata la zi as revised to date
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