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Rumänisch > Englisch Recht (allgemein) Translation Glossary

Rumänisch term Englisch translation
apărarea dreptului de proprietate property right(s) protection
aplicarea garanţiei împotriva evicţiunii la contractul de locaţiune apply/use the warranty against eviction in a rental contract
apostila apostille
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
ar răpi un grad de jurisdicție would deny the parties one level of jurisdiction
Entered by: Mara Cojocaru
Arată se obligă să depună MAKES OATH & WILL SAY (that) he undertakes to file (hereafter)
Entered by: Lara Barnett
arbitrajul litigiilor patrimoniale abitration/settlement of patrimonial disputes
arbust fructifer fruit-bearing shrub
arest place of detention
arest preventiv (crim.) remand in custody (pre-trial); holding/held in custody; (civ.) arrest of a ship etc.
arest preventiv remand custody/custody on remand
Arhiva Electronica de Garantii Reale Mobiliare (AEGRM) electronic listings of tangible property put up as collateral (AEGRM) /traducere oficiala:The Electronic Archive for Secured Transactions
Arhiva Electronică de Garanţii Reale Mobiliare Electronic Archive for Security Interests in Movable Property
art. 174 rap. 175 lit. c- 176 lit. a C.P. Articles 174, 175(c)-176(a) of the Criminal Code
art. 242 alin. 2 Cod Procedura Civila Article 242 (2) Code of Civil Procedure
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
art.64 alin. 1 lit. b Art./s. 64(1)(b)
articol unic sole article
as a matter of right de plin drept/ în virtutea legii
asa cum a fost formulata exactly as sought or applied for; (AmE) as phrased
asociat colaborator part-time associate
asociere in vederea savarsirii de infractiuni conspiracy
Entered by: Ioana Costache
Asupra cauzei On the present civil matter
atestare avocatiala lawyer's certification
atribuirea beneficiului allocation of income
auditor în formare trainee auditor
autoconductie self-direction
autodenuntare filing a self incriminatory report
autor predecessor
autor decedent
autoritate competentă competent authority
autoritate de lucru judecat res judicata / case law
autoritate publica tutelara public supervisory body
autoritatile s-au sesizat din oficiu the authorities were notified ex officio
autorităţi publice de stat (centrale) Central government public authorities
Entered by: Claudia Coja
autorizație de circulație provizorie temporary vehicle permit
autorizatie Translator's License/Permit/Authorization
autosesizare crown attorney/district attorney is prosecuting
autovehicule cu regim de circulatie prioritara emergency ( response) vehicles
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
av. Mr. / Esq.
avand ca obiect in the matter of/concerning
avanzii causa ayants cause, assignees, devisees
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