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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Getting to know you!

March 25, 2010, 8:00 pm
FrankreichMarseilleIn personEnglisch
Hello! I'm a first-time powwow organizer, so bear with me! New to Marseille and currently working on scaling up my translation activities, I'd love to network with old hands and translator-newbies alike.

Modification 19 March

Ça y est, la date est fixée:
Jeudi, 25 mars 19-22h

Dos Hermanas
18 rue Bussy l'Indien
13006 (métro Notre-Dame du Mont / Cours Julien)

Je vais réserver l'espace en arrière-salle et je poserai un panneau 'Powwow' sur la table pour qu'on se reconnaisse.

Voir les messages en bas pour plus d'information sur la soirée.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (29) / Confirmed: 6 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
XBonnie Brusky  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Andrea Roux   Bonne initiative!  y
tierri pimpao   Sorry.. I won't be there this time!!Hope you'll organize another powwow!  
Florence Waïtzenegger   A great idea! I am looking forward to meeting you and other translators in Marseille!  y
Nicolas Jean   I won't be available that night. Have fun anyway - and maybe better luck next time! :)  n
CrisEon   ...  
Dominique PAIN   Thanks for inviting me. I'll be pleased to meet everybody. Tuesday 23rd is fine, if I can join at 19h30.  
XMartina DELESTAING-KULISOVA (X)   Good idea... I'hope everybody speak French because I'm too bad in English :-) !!!  m
Roxana Nadim   Thanks for inviting. Hope I'll be able to make it.  
Leticia Olivera   ...  
frasca_mas   Hello everybody! Hope to meet you at this event!  
Carine BOUTINARD   ...  
Sabine Deutsch   ...  
traductive   dont know if I am available ... depends maybe in the evening ...  
Laura Player   Great idea! I didn't realise there were so many translators here! Looking forward to meeting and sharing tips/experiences - I'm fairly new at this.   y
XClaire Sepulcre (X)   Great idea! Looking forward to meeting you all.   
XCamille D (X)   ...  
Gail Bond   I'll be on holiday in the region, so hope to come along while I'm there!  
Walter Popp   ...  y
myrden   I might be a bit late, but I am looking forward to meeting you  y
Corinne Milani   Would be pleased to meet all my colleagues but on March 23 I arrive from Paris at 10 pm and it is too late. If an another date OK.   n
itgtrans   ...  y
Jinglin GUAN   ...  
Christian Weber   I was not sure until today, if I would be free this week. Now I know that I won't be able to participate :( Have fun @ Dos Hermanas (a pretty nice place ;)  n
Jean Torbey   Good idea. I'll try to make it.   
DanielT   Finalement, ce ne sera pas possible pour moi... Une prochaine fois j'espère. Bonne soirée à vous !  n
XVasco DUARTE-PACHECO (X)   Presque sur que j'y serai  
ElenaPo   Merci pour l'invitation. Je pense pouvoir venir.  m
Melanie Kastner   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Marseille - France
Bonnie Brusky
Bonnie Brusky  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:12
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
update Mar 10, 2010

Hi everyone,

It's great to see so many people interested in the powwow...who knew there were so many of us!

I see a few people mention time/date conflicts. I have opened a doodle for everyone to make note of their preferred time. Just click on the link, write your name, and tick which time frames work for you. You can tick as many as you want.

I also wh
... See more
Hi everyone,

It's great to see so many people interested in the powwow...who knew there were so many of us!

I see a few people mention time/date conflicts. I have opened a doodle for everyone to make note of their preferred time. Just click on the link, write your name, and tick which time frames work for you. You can tick as many as you want.

I also whipped up a little questionnaire to orient the powwow a bit.

As I said, this is my first time organizing a powwow, and this questionnaire is an attempt get others involved in the process. Thanks for taking the time to fill it out!

Look forward to meeting you all,


Walter Popp
Walter Popp  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:12
Französisch > Deutsch
+ ...
Hope my doodle response... Mar 10, 2010

will prevail. Thanks for taking all this trouble.


Bonnie Brusky
Bonnie Brusky  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:12
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
update 2 Mar 15, 2010

Hi all,

Thanks for all who have replied to my slew of emails! I'll leave the Doodle open until Wednesday March 17th, so you have a few more days to weigh in, but Thursday the 25th looks like the winning slot.

As for the questionnaire, I apparently need to give you permission to view it, so don't hesitate to send me an email and I'll put you on the viewing list. Sorry about the mix up.

I'll be in touch by the end of the week with a venue.

See you soon,
... See more
Hi all,

Thanks for all who have replied to my slew of emails! I'll leave the Doodle open until Wednesday March 17th, so you have a few more days to weigh in, but Thursday the 25th looks like the winning slot.

As for the questionnaire, I apparently need to give you permission to view it, so don't hesitate to send me an email and I'll put you on the viewing list. Sorry about the mix up.

I'll be in touch by the end of the week with a venue.

See you soon,


Walter Popp
Walter Popp  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:12
Französisch > Deutsch
+ ...
Something to talk about? Mar 15, 2010

Maybe you want to have a look at this:

(It's in the context of recent developments at

Bonnie Brusky
Bonnie Brusky  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:12
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
time and place Mar 18, 2010

(VF en bas)

Hello all,

Doodle votes are in, and the winner is:
Thursday, March 25th 19h-22h

Dos Hermanas
18 rue Bussy l'indien
13006 (metro Notre Dame du Mont/Cours Julien)

I'll reserve the space in the back and put a Powwow sign on the table. Dos Hermanas is a tapas bar, and can get noisy on weekends, but I think our timeframe should be okay.

Two suggestions for orienting our evening:

1. Walter suggest
... See more
(VF en bas)

Hello all,

Doodle votes are in, and the winner is:
Thursday, March 25th 19h-22h

Dos Hermanas
18 rue Bussy l'indien
13006 (metro Notre Dame du Mont/Cours Julien)

I'll reserve the space in the back and put a Powwow sign on the table. Dos Hermanas is a tapas bar, and can get noisy on weekends, but I think our timeframe should be okay.

Two suggestions for orienting our evening:

1. Walter suggested this link ( which goes to United Translators discussion group. The group was formed to address the issue of fair rates for translators. I recently followed a discussion on the Wordfast Yahoo group that touched on the same issue in rather provocative terms. Click here ( for a summary of that discussion. There is some in-group humour (which I don't get, either, so don't feel bad), and some strong languageicon_wink.gif...but interesting viewpoints. Look forward to hearing your thoughts!

2. Since we all seem to be interested in learning from each other (check out the summary of the questionnaire,, I thought maybe we could each make a list of three of our favorite work tools--sites, software, hardware, whatever.

Hopefully between these ideas and some sangria, we'll find plenty to talk about!

I look forward to meeting you all,


Bonjour à tous,

Ça y est, la date est fixée:
Jeudi, 25 mars 19-22h

Dos Hermanas
18 rue Bussy l'Indien
13006 (métro Notre-Dame du Mont / Cours Julien)

Je vais réserver l'espace en arrière-salle et je poserai un panneau 'Powwow' sur la table pour qu'on se reconnaisse. Dos Hermanas est un bar à tapas, parfois bruyant le week-end, mais assez tranquille le jeudi soir.

Deux suggestions pour orienter notre soirée:

1. Walter a suggéré ce lien ( qui mène au groupe de discussion United Translators, formé pour aborder la question de tarifs équitables pour les traducteurs. J'ai récemment suivi une discussion sur le groupe de discussion Wordfast sur Yahoo sur la même question. Cliquez ici ( pour un aperçu de cette discussion. J'ai hâte de vous écouter sur ce point.

2. Étant donné que nous sommes tous intéressés à apprendre les uns des autres (lire le résumé du questionnaire, j'ai pensé que nous pourrions chacun amener une liste de trois de nos outils de travail favoris - sites, logiciels, matos...peu importe.

Gageons que ces idées et quelques verres de sangria suffiront à animer la conversation!

A jeudi,

Andrea Roux
Andrea Roux  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:12
Mitglied (2009)
Französisch > Deutsch
+ ...
25 mars Mar 19, 2010

A jeudi soir!


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