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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Social meet-up with fellow translators

March 2, 2013, 2:00 pm
Vereinigtes KönigreichBirminghamIn personEnglisch
I would like to invite fellow Prozians from Birmingham and beyond to a powwow on Saturday 2nd March from 2pm at the Old Joint Stock pub in Birmingham. The pub is near the cathedral, and just a short walk from Snow Hill or New Street station.

Please see here:


If you should have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line! If anyone needs further directions, please contact me through my profile on and will be happy to help you, or alternatively post a comment here.

I look forward to seeing you all. Regulars and newcomers are warmly welcome.

We should be there for a couple of hours so don't worry if you can't make it for 2pm on the dot. I've reserved a few tables by the stairs, but if you can't see us please just ask at the bar.

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Interested members (14) / Confirmed: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
Vikki Pendleton  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Maria Bravo   ...  
Milen Bossev   I think I can make it on this date but as usual will confirm later.  y
Sian Edwards   Glad that I can make it this time. Looking forward to seeing everyone.  y
XIna Brachmann (X)  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Jaume Verders-Ferrer   ...  
XSarah Port   I'm hoping to be able to attend  
Svanhild Aldal   Sounds great Vikki, will hopefully be there!  
David Willett   I'll hopefully be there; I'll confirm as soon as I'm sure I can make it.  
Zofia Romanis   hello guys, I am unable to attemd, just got a large project, see you next time  n
Liz Potter   I really am going to do my very best to make it this time  y
Roberta Assandri Siegwart   Hi everyone. I would really like to come, but I already have another commitment that day. I hope next time.  n
Annika Jasse   I'd love to come but won't be able to make it this time...hopefully next time!  n
Amanda Wilson   Hoping to make it this time!  

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