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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Spring powwow

June 14, 2014, 2:00 pm
Vereinigtes KönigreichBristolIn personEnglisch
Spring powwow at the Watershed cafe at 1:00 pm for lunch, coffee or drinks and a nice chat with colleagues.

1 Canons Road
Bristol BS1 5TX

I'll bring a bunch of flowers to help attendees spot our table.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

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Interested members (15) / Confirmed: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
Sandra Mouton  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Karine Leroux   ...  n
XMaria Lafuente   ...  y
XSanni Kruger (X)   I will attend a German translators' meeting in Düsseldorf that day. Sorry to miss it.  n
Katy Robinson   ...  
jarka_m   ...  
Helen Birkbeck   Sorry not to be able to make that day. Have a good time.  n
Agata Hills   ...  y
Ata Arif   Sorry I cannot make it on a potentially sunny or at least warm Saturday as I was very busy during the week and children need some fresh air and hopefully sun  n
Yulia Tsybysheva BA MSc MCIL   ...  
David Swain   I can't make Saturday, unfortunately. See you all at the next one.  n
NatalieAnneHall   ...  y
Lucy Knight   Can't make this one I'm afraid - shame as I had fun last time!  n
Narinder Vir Kaur   See you all.  y
Elizabeth Niklewska   ...  

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