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Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 40, Beantwortete Fragen: 16, Gestellte Fragen: 10
Eingereichte Übersetzungsbeispiele: 1
Türkisch > Englisch: SAMPLE INTO ENGLISH
Ausgangstext - Türkisch Temel ilkeler
Madde 4- Bu Kanunun uygulanmasında esas alınacak temel ilkeler şunlardır:
a) Kamu hizmetlerine alınmada hizmetin gerektirdiği niteliklerden başka bir ayırım yapılamaz; mevzuat tüm kamu görevlilerine saydamlık, tarafsızlık ve adalet ilkeleri doğrultusunda uygulanır.
b) Memurlara ve sözleşmeli personele, yaptıkları hizmetler için gerekli eğitim, bilgi, yeterlik, tecrübe ve yetişme şartlarına uygun şekilde ilerleme ve yükselme imkanı sağlanır.
c) Memurların ve sözleşmeli personelin kamu hizmetlerine girmeleri, ilerlemeleri, yükselmeleri ve görevlerine son verilmesi mevzuatla önceden belirlenmiş kurallara ve başarı durumlarına dayanır.
d) Görevin etkili ve verimli yürütülmesi, yaratıcılık, girişimcilik, çalışma disiplini ve görevin yürütülmesinde gösterilen gayret, personel ve başarı değerlendirmesi ile ölçülür ve bu değerlendirmeler yeterliğin tespitinde, ilerleme ve yükselmelerde, hizmetle ilişiğin kesilmesinde başlıca dayanaktır.
e) Memurlar ve sözleşmeli personel, yaptıkları her türlü eylem ve işlemin sonuçlarından sorumludur.
Übersetzung - Englisch Basic Principles
Article 4 - The basic principles to be taken into account for the implementation of the present Law shall be:
a) No discrimination shall be made in the recruitment into public services other than on the basis of the qualities required for the nature of the service; the legislation shall be applied to all public employees on the basis of principles of transparency, neutrality and justice.
b) Advancement and promotion opportunities shall be provided to public servants and contracted staff as befitting their education, knowledge, proficiency, experience and career levels required for the performance of their duties,
c) The recruitment into the public service, advancement, promotion and dismissal of public servants and contracted staff shall be based on the rules predetermined by the legislation and on their performance.
d) The performance of such duties in an effective and productive manner, creativity, entrepreneurship, work discipline and the efforts put into the performance of the duties shall be appraised through personnel and performance appraisals and these shall be the primary basis for the determination of proficiency, advancement, promotion and dismissal from the service.
e) Public servants and contracted staff shall be deemed to be responsible for all the consequences of any action or operation they undertake.
• Professional freelance translator in English, German and Turkish languages.
• Reliable, neat and concise professional translations with an eye on detail, using the expressions suitable to the jargon.
• On time delivery.
• BA in Translation, MA in Banking, and total 15 years of professional experience in finance, PR and IT sectors in Turkey.
• Native language is Turkish.
• IT: software localization, hardware, user interfaces,
• Telecommunications: cellular phones, user interfaces, guides and manuals
• Business: business and financial reports, website localization, marketing material and presentations, business and industry reports,
• Economy: periodical economical reports
• Medical instruments: brochures, guides and manuals, user interfaces
• Law: contracts, administrative
Services Provided:
Steps in the translation process:
• Translation
• Editing
• Proofreading
Background/Professional Experience:
Public Relations: Account officer on project and product basis
• Correspondent banking, international payments, import & export
• Financial Analysis
• Economic Research
• Organization (incl. ISO and quality assurance)
• Retail Product Development
IT: System analysis in Credit & Debit Cards (incl. ATM’s and POS)
Academic Background:
• MA: Marmara University, Institute of Banking and Insurance, İstanbul, Turkey
• BA: Boğaziçi University, Department of Translation, İstanbul, Turkey
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