Deutsch > Englisch
Französisch > Englisch
Englisch (einsprachig)

Sarah Downing
Texts that are music to your ears!

West New York
Lokale Zeit: 01:20 EST (GMT-5)

Muttersprache: Englisch Native in Englisch
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Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher, Identity Verified Verifizierter Nutzer
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Dienstleistungen Translation
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Werbung/PRWirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)
Kino, Film, Fernsehen, TheaterKosmetik, Schönheitspflege
Tourismus und Reisen

KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 313, Beantwortete Fragen: 176, Gestellte Fragen: 610
Übersetzerische Ausbildung Bachelor's degree - University of Bath
Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 23. Angemeldet bei seit: Aug 2001. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen N/A
Mitgliedschaften N/A
Software Acrobat Reader 5.0, Inforapid Search and Replace, MS Office 2003, Windows XP, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Events and training
I am a freelance translator and journalist with experience in a wide range of fields. I specialise in PR/marketing/advertising, as well as fashion and cosmetics.

I graduated in European Studies and Modern Languages (German and French - BA Joint Hons) from the University of Bath, England in 2000 and since May 2001 I have been freelancing. Prior to this, I worked in PR and Marketing. I was born and grew up in England, lived in Germany from 2000 to 2001 and have been living in the US (just across the Hudson from NYC) since late 2011.

From an early age I enjoyed creative writing and poetry, which is partly why I specialise in creative texts and another reason why I find translation to be a very rewarding career.

For more information, please visit my website by clicking on the link or going to:
Schlüsselwörter: German, French, journalism, journalist, advertising, copywriting, cosmetics, fashion, PR, marketing. See more.German,French,journalism,journalist,advertising,copywriting,cosmetics,fashion,PR,marketing,native speaker,British,English. See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Jan 13, 2012

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