Englisch > Spanisch
Spanisch > Englisch
Deutsch > Spanisch

Cristina Rivela
Quality and accurate translations

Madrid, Madrid, Spanien
Lokale Zeit: 19:48 CET (GMT+1)

Muttersprache: Spanisch Native in Spanisch
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Verbindungen zu Auftraggebern
Dienstleistungen Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Transcription
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)Urkunden, Diplome, Zeugnisse, Lebensläufe
WirtschaftswissenschaftenFinanzen (allgemein)
VersicherungenRecht (allgemein)

Übersetzerische Ausbildung Bachelor's degree - Translations and Interpreting. Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio
Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 10. Angemeldet bei seit: Nov 2006. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen Englisch > Spanisch (Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio)
Deutsch > Spanisch (Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio)
Spanisch > Englisch (Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio)
Mitgliedschaften ASETRAD
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Publisher, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Powwows attended

September ’06 - July ’07 On-line MA in Business Management and Marketing. Autonomous University of Barcelona.

8 February ’05 Sworn Translator and Interpreter (Spanish<>English), appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

July ’03 BA in Translation and Interpreting.
Working languages: A – Spanish; B – English; C – German.
Emphasis: International Trade. Law and Legal Translation.
Final Project: “Literary Translation Case Study: Telegram from Guernica by Nicholas Rankin”.
Faculty of Applied Languages. Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio. Madrid.

Language Combinations

English <> Spanish
German > Spanish
Portuguese > Spanish
Spanish <> Basque
Spanish <> Galician
Catalan > Spanish
French: Basic, spoken and written

Fields of Expertise

- Marketing - Law - Technical Manuals - Press releases
- Fashion - Insurance - Patents - Gastronomy
- Business - Banking - Hardware - Travel and tourism
- Commerce - Accountancy - Software - Literature

Recent Translations Projects

- Annual reports.
- Financial statements.
- Market researches.
- Articles of Association.
- Insurance policies.
- Patents.
- Users manuals: digital cameras, telephones, TVs, DVD players, MP3 players, radio receivers, alarm clocks, binoculars, fans, deep fryers, toasters, sandwich makers, etc.
- Assembly of a refractory furnace.
- Certificates: birth, death, marriage, of criminal record, etc.
- Academic documents.
- Agreements: confidentiality, distribution, loan, employment, sale, partnership, franchising, lease, etc.
- Powers of Attorney.
- Last Will and Testaments.
- Tourist documentaries, guides, books and leaflets.
- Journalistic articles.

Employment History

December ‘05 – present AT Accurate Translations. Bilbao and Madrid. Translator: Duties: Translation and proofreading of documents.

July ‘03 – present Freelance Translator and Interpreter for agencies and direct clients.

January ’04 – November ’05 AB Traducciones. Madrid. Translator and Project Manager. Duties: Translation of documents; quality control of documents of all fields; management of translation department; dealing with clients and translators; negotiating rates and deadlines.

October – December ‘03 Cima Business & Conference Centers. Madrid. Assistant. Duties: Translation of documents; back office; assistance in the organization of meeting and training rooms.

April – September ‘03 Liselín (hostesses and conferences). Madrid. Trilingual Hostess in several conferences and events.

December ‘02 – March ‘03 McLehm Traductores. Madrid. Proofreader and Copy Editor. Duties: Translation of documents; proofreading of translations; carrying out data bases.

Additional Education

24 October ’12 – present “Coaching for Women”, course. Andragunea. Durango (Spain).

11 – 13 July ‘12 “On-line Marketing: Selling On The Internet”, course of 15h. University of the Basque Country. Bilbao (Spain).

19 May 2012 “Coaching For Translators”, course. Speaker: Xosé Castro Roig. Logroño (Spain).

28 February – 15 May ‘12 “Coaching, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence And Gender”, course of 24h. Andragunea. Durango (Spain).

10 September 2010 “Audiovisual Translation”, seminar. Speaker: Xosé Castro Roig. Universidad Europea de Madrid. Madrid (Spain).

17 August – 5 September ‘09 “Spoken English Course”. IALS - Institute for Applied Language Studies. University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom).

15 April – 14 May ‘08 “TAO: SDL Trados”, course of 30h. Albisa. Madrid (Spain).

14 – 15 July ‘06 “Copy Edition and Orthotypography”, seminar. Speaker: José Martínez de Sousa. Asetrad. Madrid (Spain).

12 – 13 March ‘03 “III Conference On Legal Translation (En<>Es)”. Speakers: Dr. Enrique Alcaraz Varó, Dr. Brian Hughes, and His Honour Judge Philpot of the Crown Court, et. al. Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio. Madrid (Spain).

17 – 18 April ‘02 “II Conference On Legal Translations (En<>Es)”. Speakers: Dr. Enrique Alcaraz Varó, Dr. Brian Hughes, et. al. Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio. Madrid (Spain).

24 July – 13 August ‘00 “Internationale Sprachkurse Deutsch als Fremdsprache“, intensive German course for foreigners. Hochschule Harz (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften). Wernigerode, Saxony-Anhalt (Germany).

1999 “Most Common Problems Of Writing In Spanish”, seminar. Speaker: José Martínez de Sousa. Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, granted by the UAX. Madrid (Spain).

3 – 29 August ‘98 “Intensivsprachkurs Deutsch als Fremdsprache”, intensive German course for foreigners. Universität des Saarlandes. Saarbrücken, Saarland (Germany).

August ‘97 Stay in Kaltenkirchen (Schleswig-Holstein) with the attendance as an auditor to the Realschule Henstedt-Ulzburg (secondary education centre). Henstedt-Ulzburg, Schleswig-Holstein (Germany).

Further Information

 Graduated in Music Theory (1 preparatory year + 5 years), Choir (2 years) and Piano (1 preparatory year + 4 years) at the Superior Conservatoire of Music “Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga” of Bilbao and at the Bartolomé de Ertzilla Foundation (conservatoire and music school) of Durango (Biscay).
 1989 – 1994: Member of the Spanish Water Ski Federation.
 1993: Federative License of the Spanish Royal Federation of Motorboating.
 1994 – 1996: Member of Zapuherri Volleyball Club.
 1995 – 1996: Volunteer of the NGO DYA.
 Sports: Fencing, horse riding, hiking, snowboarding, skiing, swimming, diving and triathlon.
 Other interests: Fashion, gastronomy, enology, reading, music, traveling, fine arts.
Schlüsselwörter: translator, translation, interpreter, interpreting, copywriter, copywriting, proofreader, proofreading, transcreation, sworn. See more.translator,translation,interpreter,interpreting,copywriter,copywriting,proofreader,proofreading,transcreation,sworn,official,certified,contract,agreement,law,jurisprudence,lawsuit,business,commercial,marketing,branding,advertising,brochures,leaflets,literature,literary,articles,patent,travel,tourism,guides,hotels,cooking,gastronomy,culinary,manual,instruction,technology,technical,press releases,newsletters,market research,insurance,accounting,telecommunications,telecom,finance,baking,corporate,multimedia,administration,language,reports,quality,IT,essays,traductor,traducción,intérprete,interpretación,revisor,revisión,corrector,corrección,transcreación,jurado,oficial,certificado,contrato,acuerdo,derecho,jurisprudencia,pleito,negocio,comercial,publicidad,folleto,panfleto,díptico,tríptico,literatura,literario,artículos,patente,viajes,turismo,guías,hoteles,cocina,gastronomía,culinario,manual,instrucciones,tecnología,técnico,comunicado de prensa,boletín informativo,estudios de mercado,seguros,contabilidad,finanzas,banca,telecomunicaciones,corporativo,administración,idioma,lengua,informes,calidad, TI,ensayos,redacciones. See less.

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May 28, 2013