Job closed
This job was closed at Dec 2, 2024 12:40 GMT.

Quote for a potential project needed

Veröffentlicht: Nov 29, 2024 07:17 GMT   (GMT: Nov 29, 2024 07:17)

Job type: Potentieller Auftrag
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing
Festanstellung/Job vor Ort
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Sprachen: Englisch > Bahasa Indonesia, Russisch > Arabisch, Russisch > Bahasa Indonesia, Russisch > Deutsch, Russisch > Französisch, Russisch > Spanisch, Russisch > Tadschikisch

Dear colleagues,

My name is Darya Kopaneva, I am a Vendor Manager at Palex Group Inc. You could learn more about us by visiting our website [HIDDEN] Nice to e-meet you!

We have received a request from one of our clients to give us a quote on several pairs to see if we can participate in a potential localization project.
Expected subject areas: we don't know exactly yet (most likely it will be IT, logistics, marketing, and legal).

Language pairs and services we need a quote for:
Russian - Indonesian: Resources for TE (2 independent linguists), TEP (3 independent linguists), T-only, E-only and hourly
English - Indonesian: resources on TE, TEP, T-only, E-only and hourly
Russian - Arabic: resources on TE, TEP, T-only, E-only and hourly.
Russian - French: we need non-natives on T and natives on E
Russian - German: we need non-natives on T and natives on E
Russian - Spanish: we need non-natives on T and natives on E
Russian - Tajik: freelancers only for T and E

Looking forward to your reply on rates and CV provided if you are interested in taking part in potential project.

Ausrichtung auf Auftragnehmer-Zielgruppe (vom Auftraggeber angegeben):
Mitgliedschaft: Registrierte Nutzer dürfen nach 12 Stunden Wartezeit Angebote abgeben
info Erforderliche Fachgebiete: Marketing
Sachgebiet: Marketing/Marktforschung
Letzter Angebotstermin: Nov 30, 2024 14:10 GMT
Informationen zum Auftraggeber:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: Vendor Manager