7,893 registrants

2013 freelance translator virtual conference

Sep 30, 2013

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (7,895) (Members shown first)
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Andreea Birsan Contact directly
Native in Rumänisch Native in Rumänisch
Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Romanian Ministry of Justice, Universidad de Málaga, BA-University of Bucharest, 22 years of experience
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Frederick Piotrow Contact directly
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Englisch Native in Englisch
Bio: Doctorate in Russian History, Oxford University
Professor Emeritus, American University
Rhodes Scholar
Language pairs: German to English, Russian to English
9 years fulltime translation experience
Experience in government documentation, politics, legal and financia...
Message: Solidarity in a demanding but rewarding profession!
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jsgrc Contact directly
Vereinigtes Königreich
Native in Spanisch 
Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Universidad de Murcia, 15 years of experience
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Milena Alvarez Contact directly
9-Year Experienced Legal Translator
Native in Spanisch (Variants: Latin American, Venezuelan) Native in Spanisch
Bio: I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and I've lived there all my life. After graduating from highschool, I studied Modern Languages at Universidad Metropolitana and graduated with a minor in translation. During this time, I also performed as an actress in the Theater progr...
Message: Hello, everyone! I'm looking forward for hearing from you and your experiences in this workfield, which is kind of new for me, and I'm excited to get to know it.
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ndorota Contact directly
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Laura Garcia Castilla Contact directly
English into Spanish medical translator
Native in Spanisch Native in Spanisch
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Shannon Summers Contact directly
MIIS graduate with 15+ yrs industry exp.
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Englisch (Variant: US) Native in Englisch
Bio: French into English (US), specializing in IT, clinical medicine, medical devices, and food industry fields.
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andrewshka Contact directly
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Russisch (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russisch
I have BEC vantage certificate passed with merit a, GD-Omsk State Pedagogical University, 32 years of experience
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Zofia Kopestynska Contact directly
Native in Polnisch Native in Polnisch
www.sgh.waw.pl, MA-University of Warsaw, English Philology Faculty, 40 years of experience
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Roland Nienerza Contact directly
giving as good as got
Native in Deutsch 
DipTrans IoL - Chartered Institute of Linguists , MA-Free University Berlin, 30 years of experience
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Alan Wiser, MD (X) Contact directly
Medical Translation
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Englisch (Variants: US, US South, UK) 
Bio: German to English Medical Translator
Message: Good luck!
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Coral Getino Contact directly
Spanish Language Solutions, Inc
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Spanisch (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanisch
Freelancer and outsourcer
TN Administrative Office of the Courts, PHD-Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ATA, NAJIT, NCIHC, 25 years of experience
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Susana Vivas Contact directly
Medicine and Marketing Specialist
Native in Spanisch (Variants: Latin American, US) 
Freelancer and outsourcer
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Facultad de Lenguas), GD-School of Languages, National University of Córdoba, 23 years of experience
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Vladimir Melnitchouk Contact directly
Native in Russisch Native in Russisch
Bio: PhD on Pysics and Mathmatics
Experience: 28 years
Communications, IT and a lot more...
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traduc-IT Contact directly
Intérprete Jurado de italiano
Native in Italienisch Native in Italienisch
Intérprete Jurado del MAEC, PHD-Universidad de Salamanca, ASETRAD, 33 years of experience
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Luke Michels Contact directly
Marketing, Real Estate, Contracts
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Spanisch (Variant: Latin American) Native in Spanisch, Englisch (Variant: US) Native in Englisch
14 years of experience
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Jessie Nelson Contact directly
Communicate, grow the world.
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Englisch (Variant: US) 
Bio: I have been translating medical, French/English material for 8 years. I have a considerable background in Nursing, so it made the segway quite natural. I love the sound of the French language and enjoy translating so much.
Message: Hope to see many of you at the events.
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Angela Hsieh Contact directly
Reliable, Accurate, Perfectionism
Native in Chinesisch (Variant: Mandarin) Native in Chinesisch
The Vocational Education & Training Council (VETC), OTHER-English Training & Development Associaion, 13 years of experience
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Ivan Martinez Acosta (X) Contact directly
Bio: I graduated in 1998 as an English/Spanish translator and Interpreter at the School of Foreign Languages, University of Havana, Cuba.
Message: Hello from Havana, Cuba.
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Lucia Collins Contact directly
Vereinigtes Königreich
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ChericeP Contact directly
Trinidad und Tobago
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Mary Cajahuanca Contact directly
Bio: I am a freelance translator and interpreter. I translate and interpret into and from Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.
I have more than five years working as a freelance and with Elelatina Spanish School, my family business.
Message: Let's not get lost in translation.
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betty79 Contact directly
Native in Albanisch Native in Albanisch, Italienisch Native in Italienisch
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paris-berlin Contact directly
Native in Deutsch Native in Deutsch, Französisch Native in Französisch
German Courts, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III, Société Francaise des Traducteurs, Deutsch- Französische Juristenvereinigung e.V., BDÜ, 23 years of experience
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EwelinaM Contact directly
Native in Polnisch Native in Polnisch
18 years of experience
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Gloria Franks Contact directly
Accredited, Native English Translator
Native in Englisch (Variant: US) Native in Englisch, Französisch (Variant: Canadian) Native in Französisch
Université de Montréal, Université Concordia, Département d'études françaises, MA-Universite de Montreal , ATA, 43 years of experience
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Fernanda Nigri Contact directly
Native in Portugiesisch 
Bio: I have just finished a simultaneous interpretation course in Rio de Janeiro, PT<>EN and I am improving my Spanish as well. I used to work in the hotel business so very used to different languages and kinds of people. I am looking forward to starting a new career!!!
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Fawzi Belalia Douma Contact directly
commited to meet deadline, to quality
Native in Arabisch Native in Arabisch, Französisch Native in Französisch
MA-High Arab Institute of Translation (HAIT), 14 years of experience
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AlexAl Contact directly
Native in Russisch Native in Russisch
24 years of experience
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Sandra Aidar Contact directly
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Radina Matic Contact directly
TechComm, Web & Data Visualization
Native in Serbisch Native in Serbisch
Università degli studi di Perugia, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), University of Barcelona, BA-Università degli studi di Perugia, 24 years of experience
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czamrej Contact directly
Message: Hello everyone. I'm looking forward to meet you online.
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Ingrid Hesse Contact directly
Native in Deutsch 
Freelancer and outsourcer
AKAD University, OTHER-Oberschulamt Karlsruhe, 30 years of experience
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Helen Huthnance Contact directly
A bridge between two worlds.
Native in Englisch Native in Englisch, Spanisch Native in Spanisch
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ritajc (X) Contact directly
Native in Lettisch Native in Lettisch
GD-Latvian State University, 35 years of experience
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Ana Milosevic Contact directly
Fast, reliable, quality translation
Native in Kroatisch 
BA-Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Croatian Association of Scientific and Technical Translators, 21 years of experience
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LisetteLawre (X) Contact directly
Grasping the meaning: le sens des mots
Native in Französisch Native in Französisch
Bio: Certified translator with the OTTIAQ since 2009, worked as a translator from English to French, and occasionally, from French to English since 2001. Employed in Montreal by Traductions Séguin Adams from 2004 to 2010 (finance,banking,marketing,government documentation,w...
Message: Hello everyone. Looking forward to learn more from the conference.
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Bianca Neidhardt Contact directly
Native in Deutsch (Variant: Germany) Native in Deutsch
Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia, MA-State of NRW/Germany, STIBC, ADÜ Nord, 46 years of experience
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Gwendlyn Contact directly
Japanese to English Translator
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Englisch (Variant: US) Native in Englisch
Bio: I am a graduate from Eastern Michigan University, with a Bachelor's Degree in Japanese Language and Culture. Currently I am exploring freelance translation opportunities, specifically centered around business. Additionally, I am studying for Level 1 proficiency through ...
Message: Hello everyone, my name is Gwendlyn. I am a freelance translator with a passion for the Japanese language. I am still quite new to freelance work, but I warmly welcome all opportunities to further my understanding of the process. I look for...
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PersianItaly Contact directly
Milan Court Certified interpreter
Native in Persisch (Farsi) 
Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, studying in italy and living / working here since , AITI, 23 years of experience
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Zainea Adelin Contact directly
Übersetzer mit 11 Jahre Erfahrung
Native in Rumänisch Native in Rumänisch
GD-"Ovidius" University Constanta, 17 years of experience
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Unas Contact directly
Native in Serbokroatisch Native in Serbokroatisch, Slowenisch Native in Slowenisch
University of Ljubljana Slovenia, MA-University of Ljubljana, 21 years of experience
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Aoife Brennan Contact directly
MA Translation - French & Spanish to Eng
Vereinigtes Königreich
Native in Englisch 
QUB, Dublin City University, MA-Dublin City University, 17 years of experience
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Sue007 Contact directly
Native in Spanisch Native in Spanisch
Bio: English vs Spanish translator, fluent in both languages.
Diploma from Berlitz School of Languages
Message: Hi everyone I am Suzanne
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cmancer Contact directly
Native in Türkisch (Variant: Standard-İstanbul ) Native in Türkisch
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rociopglez Contact directly
FR/EN/IT-ES translator
Vereinigtes Königreich
Native in Spanisch Native in Spanisch
GD-Universidad de Salamanca, 17 years of experience
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Anatoli Prasalovich Contact directly
A bridge between different languages.
Native in Russisch Native in Russisch, Weißrussisch Native in Weißrussisch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Minsk State Linguistic University, MA-Minsk Public Linguistic University, 27 years of experience
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Alexander Yeltsov Contact directly
Native in Russisch 
MA-St.Petersburg University, ATN / APTS, 49 years of experience