Atril Déjà Vu X3 - Try it, love it Apr 8, 2014 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (661) (Members shown first) |
 Checked in | Joanna Chułek  Freelance Polish translator Native in Polnisch  Freelancer | MA in English Studies, MA-Adam Mickiewicz University, 13 years of experience |
|  Checked in | ARUBITA  Reading is to the mind what exercise is Bolivien Native in Spanisch (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | American Bolivian Centre, GD-Goethe Institut and American Bolivian Institute, 27 years of experience |
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|  Checked in | Georgiy Moiseenko  40+ years in translation&tran. managing Native in Russisch  Freelancer | UTR, 57 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Ibrahim Husein  Language is no more barrier! Native in Kurdisch (Variant: Sorani) Freelancer | Arab Translators Network, Iraqi Translators Association, BA-Baghdad University, ATA, ATN / APTS, IAPTI, 33 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Hanaamohamed  مترجم تربوي Ägypten Native in Arabisch  Freelancer | Bio: translator Message: translator, trainer |
|  Checked in | Malgorzata Potrzyszcz  Creative and Technical Translator ITENPL Italien Native in Polnisch (Variant: Standard-Poland)  Freelancer | Jagiellonian University, Cracow, UNESCO Chair, University of Warsaw, OTHER-Postgraduate diploma in Specialized Translation (Jagiellonian University), AITI, TEPIS, 16 years of experience |
|  Checked in | TNT TRANSLATION  Specialized in clinical trials Vereinigte Staaten Native in Koreanisch (Variant: South Korea)  , Englisch (Variant: US)  Freelancer | 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | marialowe  Vereinigte Staaten Native in Englisch (Variant: US)  , Portugiesisch (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | 16 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Ann Renson  Belgien Native in Niederländisch (Variant: Flemish) Freelancer | MA-Coloma Instituut, 16 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Romanian Ministry of Justice, OTHER, ATR, 29 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Peter Weeks  Economics, Social Sciences background Vereinigtes Königreich Native in Englisch Freelancer | 36 years of experience |
|  Checked in | airmailrpl  Technical - Fast - good price - accurate Brasilien Native in Englisch (Variant: US)  , Portugiesisch (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | (), 40 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | American Translators Association, Università degli Studi di Torino, GD-Università degli Studi di Torino, ATA, UTIA, 30 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Mark Walter  international development, business, law Vereinigtes Königreich Native in Englisch (Variant: British)  Freelancer |, ITI, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | gunta_de  Accuracy and style Native in Lettisch  Freelancer | University of Latvia, 27 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Alejandra Reznik  Translating your way into Latin America Argentinien Native in Spanisch (Variants: Latin American, Argentine) Freelancer | Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernández", BA-I.E.S.L.V. Juan Ramón Fernández, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Bio: Certified translator /interpreter over 22 years, working with multi nationalities disciplinary Tea in various type of translation& interpretation in Gulf Region and Middle East.
Attending Workshop&International conference belong to Translation Industry.
Willing to col...laborate and mamage with multi european and international translation Organizations & World Agencies with a highly quality products and competitive prices.
Membership of Proz. since 2011.More Less Message: Being among an international & European Nationalities as Prozian Team is a wonderful environment to be with.
It is academic, Educational,highly social community,that you can learn a lot. |
|  Checked in | Angela Brindle  Excellent French>English Translation Vereinigte Staaten Native in Englisch (Variant: US) Freelancer | Bio: Getting started as a freelance translator! I'm American but I grew up in Morocco. ATA Member. Enrolled in NYU certificate program. Message: Is anybody else in Dallas, TX? Let's network. :) |
|  Checked in | Alex-A  Vereinigte Staaten Native in Englisch (Variant: US)  , Rumänisch  Freelancer | 31 years of experience |
|  Checked in | leahkc  Vereinigte Staaten Native in Französisch  Freelancer | 31 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | |
|  Checked in | | Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec, BA-Université de Montréal, OTTIAQ, 20 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Katie White  Vereinigtes Königreich Native in Englisch  Freelancer | |
|  Checked in | Mohamed salah  سنتان خبرة في الترجمة عبر الهاتف Ägypten Native in Arabisch (Variant: Egyptian)  Freelancer | Bio: Hi , im mohamed ! im a beginner translator and also a new member here in ! i would like to share something with you guys.since i was 5 years years old i have always been fond of learning languages and learinng whats new ! and that have been established on one r...ule .. which is ( im my own teacher ) . after all of these years of learning english i would like to proceed living my life time living as a translator/interpreter since this is the only thing i do with love and passion ! thank you for reading this :) More Less Message: hi and welcome ! im mohamed :) |
|  Checked in | Cinzia Pasqualino  Cinzia Italien Native in Italienisch (Variant: Standard-Italy) Freelancer | Università degli Studi di Catania, BA-Foreign Languages and Literatures Faculty - University of Catania, 22 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Ron Barak  Israel Native in Hebräisch  Freelancer | BA-University of Haifa |
|  Checked in | Gunel Shukurova  Multilingual language professional Aserbaidschan Native in Aserbaidschanisch (Variant: Standard)  , Russisch (Variant: Standard-Russia)  Freelancer | Bio: Birth year 1982. Azerbaijan University of Languages 1999-2005, the faculty of linguistics, master degree. Work experience since 2005, freelancer since 2013. Languages:Russian, Azerbaijani and English. Consecutive interpreting and translation. Starving to learn simultane...ous interpreting.More Less Message: Hello, nice to be here. |
|  Checked in | Julie Thompson  All languages are bridges. Vereinigte Staaten Native in Englisch Freelancer | New York State Unified Court System, NYCT, 22 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Inge Versteeg  Sworn translator English-Dutch Niederlande Native in Niederländisch Freelancer | Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV), Bachelor's Degree Leidse Onderwijsinstellingen, 14 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Aga Lein  Italian, English, Polish Polen Native in Polnisch (Variant: Standard-Poland)  Freelancer | |
|  Checked in | Teresa Recio  Qualitas Veritas Causa Spanien Native in Spanisch  Freelancer | OTHER-Калининградский KTU, 37 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | BA-Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada., 28 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | |
|  Checked in | David Turner  Reliable and fast, reasonable rates Native in Englisch  Freelancer | 47 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Luciana Graziuso  Reliable high quality translation EN-PT Brasilien Native in Portugiesisch (Variant: Brazilian) Freelancer | Bio: Translator since 1995 |
|  Checked in | Agnese Carnazzola  Reliable, accurate and professional Italien Native in Italienisch Freelancer | Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, MA-SSLMIT Forlì, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | 20 years of experience |
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|  Checked in | FrancesGiannoni  Italian at your Service EN>IT IT>EN Vereinigte Staaten Native in Italienisch (Variant: Standard-Italy) Freelancer | American Translators Association, PHD-La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, ATA, NCTA, NCTA, 20 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | BA-Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland , 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | shawky nasr  مُتَرجِم China Native in Arabisch  , Chinesisch  Freelancer | 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Anna Lukashyk  english-russian/ukrainian translations Native in Russisch  , Ukrainisch  Freelancer and outsourcer | Karazin Kharkiv National University, MA-Kharkov State University (ATA listed), 18 years of experience |
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|  Checked in | Selcuk Akyuz  English to Turkish translator Türkei Native in Türkisch Freelancer | Notary Public, Hacettepe University, OTHER-Hacettepe University, 35 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Felix Forestieri, PhD  Since 1992 - ATA-Certified (Eng>Span) Vereinigte Staaten Native in Spanisch (Variant: Latin American)  Freelancer | American Translators Association, 40 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Mirta Zoia  Translation Services / Quality Expert Argentinien Native in Spanisch (Variants: Colombian, Chilean, Peruvian, Uruguayan, Puerto Rican, Paraguayan, Mexican, Standard-Spain, Argentine, Venezuelan, Latin American, Rioplatense, US) Freelancer | Universidad de Morón, MA-Universidad de Belgrano, CTPCBA, 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Instituto Nueva Formación. Córdoba, Argentina., BA-Instituto de Formación Docente Nueva Formación, 12 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Mitra Mousavi  A Certified PRO! Iran Native in Persisch (Farsi)  Freelancer | MA-Allameh Tabatabai'e university,Iran., MA-Allameh Tabatabaii' University, 21 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Carlos Martin Coria  Breaking through the language barrier... Argentinien Native in Spanisch Freelancer | Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córd, 13 years of experience |
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