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What translation project are you working on right now?
Just finished a ToolKit translation for the EU, English--> German, 10.000 words. Very interesting. Just finished translating the complete E-Book training material on Holistic Management for Savory Institute, EN-DE, approx. 120.000 words. Very rewarding. Training and background material, regenerative agriculture, 120.000 words, EN-DE Translating 35.000 words from Finnish into German in psychology/coaching. Next a subtitling job for instruction videos with 157 minutes EN->DE. Just finished a Website translation with 27.000 words EN->DE for a US brand. Just finished translating a court decision Finnish->German, ~15.000 words. Time to unknot the mind again... just finished 22.000 words of safety handbook EN->DE Review/editing of corporate annual financial statements FI-DE ~30000 w
(edited) Website Translation natural cosmetic products FI-DE 3000w Data protection policy and other policies for international corporation 25000
(edited) Technical website EN->DE, 30000
international legal matters, family court
More technical manual and program language for measuring devices, 4000 words
Technical manual for measuring devices, 4200 words, English into German
Recently finished a website, tourism ~9000 words EN-DE, wanting to travel now...
Working on an Online-Portal & website translation EN-DE, ~6000 for a global brand. Health care, prothesis manual, it really makes me appreciate my healthy legs...
Financial text on fund risks and management
Translating an EU-text on copyright regulations,
(edited) Working on business strategy papers, 3300 words, Finnish-German |