This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow:

October 6, 2012, 4:00 pm
Vereinigtes KönigreichCardiffIn personEnglisch
If anyone fancies meeting for coffee and cake/a pint/a glass of wine/ a chat/ a bite to eat, etc. at Barocco on 6th October it would be great to see you, old faces and new, EVERYONE welcome!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (12) / Confirmed: 5 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Victoria Porter-Burns  \"Organizer\" ...  y
Emily Phillips   ...  y
XAAKrawczyk   ...  y
Alexandra Chapman   ...  y
XSuzanne Smart (X)   ...  
Trinidad Clares Flores   ...  
Lana Stephenson   ...  
Lowri Lewis   ...  y
Jenna Arnold   ...  
Thomas Forycki   ...  m
Ian Mansbridge   ...  
Yolanda Vercher   ...  m

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