Competition in this pair is now closed. Discussion and feedback about the competition in this language pair may now be provided by visiting the "Discussion & feedback" page for this pair. Entries may also be individually discussed by clicking the "Discuss" link next to any listed entry. Source text in English The moment when, 50 years ago, Neil Armstrong planted his foot on the surface of the Moon inspired awe, pride and wonder around the world. This newspaper argued that “man, from this day on, can go wheresoever in the universe his mind wills and his ingenuity contrives…to the planets, sooner rather than later, man is now certain to go.” But no. The Moon landing was an aberration, a goal achieved not as an end in itself but as a means of signalling America’s extraordinary capabilities. That point, once made, required no remaking. Only 571 people have been into orbit; and since 1972 no one has ventured much farther into space than Des Moines is from Chicago.
The next 50 years will look very different. Falling costs, new technologies, Chinese and Indian ambitions, and a new generation of entrepreneurs promise a bold era of space development. It will almost certainly involve tourism for the rich and better communications networks for all; in the long run it might involve mineral exploitation and even mass transportation. Space will become ever more like an extension of Earth—an arena for firms and private individuals, not just governments. But for this promise to be fulfilled the world needs to create a system of laws to govern the heavens—both in peacetime and, should it come to that, in war.
The development of space thus far has been focused on facilitating activity down below—mainly satellite communications for broadcasting and navigation. Now two things are changing. First, geopolitics is stoking a new push to send humans beyond the shallows of low-Earth orbit. China plans to land people on the Moon by 2035. President Donald Trump’s administration wants Americans to be back there by 2024. Falling costs make this showing off more affordable than before. Apollo cost hundreds of billions of dollars (in today’s money). Now tens of billions are the ticket price.
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It is a mistake to promote space as a romanticised Wild West, an anarchic frontier where humanity can throw off its fetters and rediscover its destiny. For space to fulfil its promise governance is required. At a time when the world cannot agree on rules for the terrestrial trade of steel bars and soybeans that may seem like a big ask. But without it the potential of all that lies beyond Earth will at best wait another 50 years to be fulfilled. At worst space could add to Earth’s problems.  | Winning entries could not be determined in this language pair.There were 2 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase. Not enough entries were submitted for this pair to advance to the finals round, and it was therefore not possible to determine a winner.
Competition in this pair is now closed. | Moman lè, sa gentan gen 50 lane, Neil Armstrong te depoze pye l sou sifas Lalin nan te enspire admirasyon, fyète ak etònman toupatou nan mond lan. Jounal sa a te avanse agiman ke "lòm, apati jodi a menm, kapab ale kèlkeswa kote li vle nan linivè a pandan lespri l dispoze epi enjenyozite l ap kreye mwayen... pou planèt yo, pi bonè olye de pita, lòm vin gen fèm asirans kounye a pou l ale". Men non. Ateri sou Lalin nan pa t yon bagay ki te nòmal ditou, ki se yon objektif ke yo te rive atenn men pa kòm yon finalite pou kont li men kòm yon mwayen pou siyale ansanm kapasite estwòdinè peyi Etazini genyen yo. Yon fwa yo fin fòmile pwen sa a, yo pa bezwen refòmile l ankò. Se sèlman 571 moun ki te nan òbit la; epi depi lane 1972 poko janm gen yon moun ki te rive avantire lespas plis pase Des Moines ki se moun Chicago. 50 pwochen lane k ap vini yo pral totalman diferan. Pri k ap bese yo, nouvo teknoloji, anbisyon Chinwa ak Endyen, ansanm ak yon nouvo jenerasyon antreprenè ki pwomèt yon gwo epòk pou devlopman espasyal. Sa pral preske klèman enkli touris ansanm ak meyè rezo kominikasyon pou tout moun; ofiramezi sa ka enkli eksplwatasyon mineral ak menm transpò an mas. Lespas la pral vin plis tankou yon Ekstansyon pou Latè—yon teren pou antrepriz ansanm ak moun an patikilye, men pa sèlman gouvènman yo. Men pou nou rive akonpli pwomès sa a mond lan dwe kreye yon sistèm lwa pou gouvène syèl la—ni nan tan lapè ak, si sa ta rive, ni nan tan lagè. Jiskaprezan, devlopman lespas la te toujou konsantre sou fasilite aktvite isi ba a—sitou kominikasyon pa satelit pou radyofizyon ak navigasyon. Kounye a, gen de (2) bagay k ap evolye. Dabò, jeyopolitik la ap alimante yon nouvo pouse pou l voye imen odela bafon òbit terès ba a. Peyi Lachin gen plan pou l fè moun ateri sou Lalin disi 2035. Administrasyon Prezidan Donald Trump lan vle pou Ameriken yo retounen sou Lalin disi 2024. Pri k ap bese yo rann ekspozisyon sa a pi abòdab pase oparavan. Apollo te koute plizyè santèn milya dola (lè n konpare l ak lajan n ap itilize jodi a). Kounye a pri biyè a vo plizyè dizèn milya dola. [ … ] Sa se yon erè pou nou pwomote lespas kòm yon Fa Wès womantik, ki se yon fwontyè anachik kote limanite ka debarase l de tout chèn ki anprizone l yo epi pou l redekouvri desten l. Pou lespas la rive akonpli pwomès li fòk gen gouvènans. Nan yon epòk kote lemond pa ka antann li sou règleman pou komès terès ba ann asye ak pwa frans lan sa ka parèt kòm yon gwo demann. San sa a, potansyèl tout sa w jwenn odela Tè a pral de preferans tann yon lòt 50 lane ankò pou yo reyalize yo. Sa ki pi mal la, lespas la ka agrave pwoblèm Latè a ap konfwonte yo.  | Entry #27412 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
| Moman sa a lè, 50 ane avant, Mesye Neil Armstrong te rive nan Lalin lan limanite te santi pè, ògèy ak sezi. Jounal sa a te di “limanite a, depi kounye a ka ale nenpòt kote nan linivè grasa entèlijans li.” Men, sa pat pasè. Ale nan Lalin te yon bagay ki pa bon, yon objektif reyalize sèlman pou montre pouwa ekstraòdinè nan Etazini. Donk yonfwa yo te demontre sa, yo pa bezwen alè a Lalin ankò. Se sèlman 571 moun ki te nan òbit nan espas; e depi lane 1972 moun te vwayaje nan espas la sèlman petèt 500 kilomèt. Men pwochen 50 ane yo ap se trè diferan. Tonbe depans, nouvel teknoloji, peyi Lachin ak peyi Zend anbisyon, ak yon nouvel jenerasyon ki gen anpil objektif yo pwomèt yon epòk ki bon anpil nan devlopman espas la. Moun ki rich pral ale a espas la pou vakans epi nou tout ap pwofitè de pi bon teknoloji pou kominikasyon yo; epi petèt nan anpil anpil tan nap itilize konesans sa a pou jwenn mineral yo nan espas la, epi pou pote anpil moun byen lwen tè a. Nan moman sa Espas ap samblè komma yon lot pati de Latè, pa sèlman pou gouvènman yo, men pou tout limanite a. Men, si nou vlè ki sa ap pasè an reyalite nap bezwen fe anpil nouvel lwa yo pou Espas la ki nap dwe obeyi nan tan lapè ak tan lagè. Jiska jodi a devlopman nan espas te konsantre sou fe satelit yo pou fasilite kominikasyon ak navigasyon sou Latè. Men kounye a, de bagay say o ap chanje. Premyèman, politik yo vlè voye moun pi lwen pase nan òbit ki ba-Latè. Peyi Lachin planifye pou pote moun sou Lalin nan ane 2035. Administrasyon Prezidan Donald Trump vle Ameriken yo dwe tounen la a 2024. Dezyèman,tonbe depans a montre ki sa se plis fasil pase jodi a. Kounye a, avek 10 pousan de lajan ki te nesesè pou Misyon Apollo nou ka achte yon tikè pou ale a Espas la. [...] Se yon erè panse Espas la kòm yon kote ki pa gen lwa yo. Pou Espas la ranpli tout pwomès ki nou te fèk di politiks yo dwe fe nouvel lwa yo. Nan yon moman lè mond lan pa kapab dakò sou lwa yo pou komès mineral ak manje nan Tè a, pansè sou lwa yo pou Espas la se difisil anpil. Men, si nou pa fe nouvel lwa yo nap tann yon lòt 50 ane pou devlopman de Espas la rive vre. Si nou pa fe yon bon travay anrapò lwa yo nan Espas la nap gen nouevel pwoblem la, epi se poutet sa nap gen nouvel pwoblèm yo sou Latè.  | Entry #27793 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
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