Powwow Report for Vereinigtes Königreich - London (May 27 2017)

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Report from  Oliver Walter
This powwow was held, as planned, at the King & Queen pub in London, and about a dozen Prozians came. The atmosphere was friendly, and we chatted informally for about half an hour; then I asked those present to introduce themselves, which we all did, with just a few words each. Then I suggested a question-and-answer session, which in fact became mainly a discussion session about Translation Memory programs, Trados and MemoQ in particular.

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Mark Cole
Oliver Walter
Virginia Pérez Román
Guillermo Urbina Valdés
Daniela Ford
Bob Scott
alexandra salinasova
Jenny Marshall-
Megumi Waters
Marjo Valiaho
Neta L
Tanchira Arjinkit

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

May 28 '17  Caroline Durant: Yesterday\'s Powwow
So sorry I couldn\'t make this in the end - how did it go?