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What is your experience with being briefed before an assignment?
Initiator des Themas: Goodness
Goodness  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 14:41
Englisch > Polnisch
+ ...
What about debriefing? Sep 25, 2012

Another issue: debriefing, any experiences with that?
for instance after a very emotionally charged interpreting session, such as interviewing a rape victim, coroner's inquest hearing or murder trial or passing the news of someone's terminal illness or death to a family?
Have service providers ever offered support to you after such sessions?
Do agencies you work for have any support structures in place, e.g. peer-counselling?

Goodness  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 14:41
Englisch > Polnisch
+ ...
Telephone interpreting and briefing/debriefing Oct 4, 2012

Looks like no one has had expeience with debriefing...

Also could anyone share their experience with telephone interpreting? What do you find most challenging?

Parrot  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:41
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Just a comment Oct 4, 2012

Debriefing is a very thorny issue. It's not as though after some harrowing experience you would be encouraged to talk about it against a risk of violating the confidentiality question.

If you're talking about court cases, there are some phases in proceedings that are kept confidential until final judgment. Let's not even talk about trade secrets or defence... and some of us do work for defence.

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What is your experience with being briefed before an assignment?

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