Invoicing Spanish Company Initiator des Themas: happylandyes
Hi all,
I have carried out some work for a Spanish company and they are insisting on retaining 24% (IRPF). (To my surprise, they were totally unconcerned about VAT). Apparently this IRPF is because the work was "generated" in Spain, although it has been carried out in the UK. This 24% business does not sound quite right to me, would anyone care to comment? How do you invoice work coming from Spain?
Many, many thanks in advance! I paste the relevant paragraphs from his emails b... See more Hi all,
I have carried out some work for a Spanish company and they are insisting on retaining 24% (IRPF). (To my surprise, they were totally unconcerned about VAT). Apparently this IRPF is because the work was "generated" in Spain, although it has been carried out in the UK. This 24% business does not sound quite right to me, would anyone care to comment? How do you invoice work coming from Spain?
Many, many thanks in advance! I paste the relevant paragraphs from his emails below:
"con respecto al convenio de doble imposición con el Reino Unido, es aplicable para sujetos cuya residencia fiscal sea el Reino Unido, y realicen en España algún tipo de labor sujeta a retención. Así pues según la legislación española la retención para no residentes tiene un tipo general del 24% (aplicando dicho convenio se queda en el 10%). En cuanto al IVA no ha lugar. Para poder acogerte a dicho convenio, necesitas un certificado de residencia fiscal , que será expedido por la autoridad fiscal del país donde residas.
Por los trabajos realizados en el Reino Unido, tributaras en el Reino Unido, según sus leyes. Por los trabajos realizados en España, tributaras aquí, como no residente (si la actividad que desarrollas fuera objeto de tributación), Para evitar situaciones como la de pagar impuestos en dos administraciones por un solo concepto, esta el convenio entre España y el Reino Unido. Concretamente en respuesta a tu pregunta, para la hacienda española cualquier renta (de trabajo) generada en España esta sujeta a las leyes españolas, asi pues aplica una retención del 24%". ▲ Collapse | | | Paula Hernández Vereinigtes Königreich Local time: 10:36 Englisch > Spanisch + ...
Where are you registered as a freelancer?
If you work in Spain, you should tell them and they will retain only 15%; if you live in the UK, I guess you have to do some paperwork about this, search the forums I think this topic has been discussed before.
Good luck | | | Rebecca Hendry Vereinigtes Königreich Local time: 10:36 Mitglied (2005) Spanisch > Englisch + ... |
Thanks very much for your replies. Rebecca's links have been particularly helpful.
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