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Dizionario dei falsi amici
Mauro Baglieri |
1900 lemmi inglese di uso comune con particolarità ortografiche che inducono facilmente in errore i madrelingua italiani
Dictionary of neologisms |
"This website is being developed as a record of new and evolving words and phrases in the English language, with special reference to UK English usage. One of its prime aims is to act as a repository for new words and phrases which are not otherwise listed on the Net - or at least not found by Search Engines. Hence the working title: Dictionary of ... View more
Dictionary of Foreign Words In Russian language
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Circa 8000 words
A glossary of grandiloquent (obscure and rare) words in English.
Downloadable PDF file.
American-English/ English-American Translation Guide
School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences of the University of Edinburgh |
Comparative list of American English and British English terms.
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology (1901)
James Mark Baldwin (editor), Christopher D Green (online publisher) |
Including many of the principal conceptions of ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neurology, physiology, economics, political and social philosophy, philology, physical science, and education.
Term equivalents are provided in Germa... View more
Cegliese / Italiano
Deutsch-�sterreichisches W�rterbuch
Roland Russwurm |
German-Austrian dictionary, searchable, new contributions are welcome. Includes a discussion forum, information on the linguistic distribution of terms, and text examples illustrating various Austrian dialects.
The Encyclopedia of Marxism aims to be the most complete reference guide to Marxism, the working class, and revolution in the world. We present these words uniquely with a Marxist analysis & critique, and we try to lay bare these words so there can be a shared understanding, a lucidity that exposes our diverse roots of thought and history, and expl... View more
DIZIONARIO ETIMOLOGICO ONLINE - (Vocabolario Etimologico della Lingua Italiana) |
Dizionario etimologico on line derivato dal Vocabolario Etimologico di Pianigiani, edito per la prima volta nel 1907 in due volumi e ristampato più volte, anche con aggiunte. Dopo quasi cent'anni dalla sua comparsa, i segni dell'età si vedono; ma il dizionario ha una sua speciale gradevolezza di lettura, ricchezza di suggestioni e interessanti ric... View more
Le dictionnaire des mots moches |
C'est quoi, causer moche ? C'est parler comme le fait votre voisin, votre patron, le député local, le commentateur à la télé, le garagiste d'en face, votre psychanalyste, l'auteur de ce site dès la première phrase, et bien d'autres. C'est comme pour l'automobile : ce sont surtout les autres qui (se) conduisent mal. Et il y a bien des manières pour ... View more
English phrasal verbs containing meanings and examples/translation
acronymes de l’école en français (liste des lettres de l’alphabet à la fin de la page vidéo)
Den Danske Idiomordbog
Handelshøjskolen i Århus, Center for Leksikografi |
More than 7,500 Danish idioms
More than 2,000 French expressions, including idiomatic expressions, proverbs, phrasal verbs, and French formulas. Expressions are arranged alphabetically by the first word in the French expression, not including articles
Eine Liste von erfundenen englischen Wörtern, die wir deutschen so gerne benutzen (z.B. Handy, Bodybag) mit Erklärung und Beispielen
German English Words
Robbin D. Knapp |
A dictionary of German words used in the English language (Germanisms), each with a literal or German meaning, English definition and sometimes actual sample sentence(s) from literature and the Internet. E
Sözlükte halen 12.000 Türkçe sözcük bulunmaktadır. Standart Türkçe kullanımdan düşmüş olan eski sözcüklere, yerel terimlere ve özel adlara yer verilmemiştir. Gerekli olmadıkça sözcüklerin tanımı verilmemiş, sadece etimolojik kökenleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Kaynakça peyderpey eklenecektir.
Arama sonuçlarında, alfabetik sırada aranan kel... View more
Double-Tongued Word Wrester records undocumented or under-documented words from the fringes of English. It focuses upon slang, jargon, and other niche categories which include new, foreign, hybrid, archaic, obsolete, and rare words. Special attention is paid to the lending and borrowing of words between the various Englishes and other languages, ev... View more
English idioms
vocabolario italiano-friulano e friulano-italiano
Sandro Campigotto e Riccardo Urbani |
dizionario italiano-friulano e friulano-italiano
Arabic Grammar terms
Middle East International Services |
Cached page containing terms used in Arabic Grammar. This link is NOT up-to-date, so none of the other links it contains works.
Bayerisch-Hochdeutsch Lexikon
Mathias Sepulke |
Kleines bayerisches Lexikon
Berliner W�rter von A bis Z
Peter Schlobinsky |
Berliner Wörter und Begriffe. Regionalismen und Umgangssprache
Large collection of sayings in Latin and German, though partly not translated. Also more exhaustive offline version available.
The database of various -often deragotary- nicknames given to nations
Contiene más de 30.000 acepciones Divertida, útil e instructiva, esta obra única en su género es un excelente complemento de cualquier buen diccionario español o bilingüe. Recoge sólo voces, acepciones y expresiones usadas de modo exclusivo o preferente en el lenguaje hablado o escrito de las regiones y subregiones de España, América y los terri... View more
Rijeci anarhizama, manje poznatih rijeci i izraza
Sabrana djela Petra Kocica |
Razumijevanje i izgovor vecinom prilagodjen govornicima srpskog jezika, a izbor uzet iz djela Petra Kocica.
Neki italijanizmi i manje poznate rijeci u hrvatskom jeziku
Klape omiskog festivala |
Rijecnik daje prikaz nekih italijanizama i manje poznatih rijeci i njihovo znacenje u hrvatskom jeziku kako su se pojavljivali u hrvatskim dalmatinskim pjesmama.
Turcizmi 1
Danilo Marić - ALIPA�A |
Pojasnjenje rijeci orijentalnog porijekla u bosanskom jeziku i primjeri njihove svakodnevne upotrebe u jeziku. Izbor uzet iz djela "Alipasa" knjizevnika Danila Marica. Izdavac, Udru�enja pisaca Bosne i Hercegovine, Podru�nice HNK, istice: "U ovom popisu manje poznatih riječi objanjenja data su onako kako ih je poimao Dani... View more
Dizionario dei sinonimi e dei contrari
Universit� della Valle d'Aosta |
This glossary provides an explanation to many of the terms frequently used in connection with translation and interpreting. Whether you need to communicate effectively with translators or translation companies, or just want to know what Unicode or translation memory are all about, you’ll find the answers here.
List of several terms used in Japanese calligraphy, with definitions.
helps eliminate common errors in rush translations..
Le but de ce glossaire est de vous aider dans la description des livres
Glossary of Linguistic terms
SIL International Linguistics |
LinguaLinks Library is a collection of electronic reference materials designed to support language fieldwork. This link takes you directly to the Index.
University of Trier (Dictionary Projects) |
Hallo Muttersprachler, ich finde es sensationell, dass es das Grimmsche Wörterbuch jetzt im Internet gibt. Check it out, man! Hintergrund: Die Brüder Grimm, die gleichen, die auch das deutsche Volksgut mit ihren gesammelten Märchen so eindringlich beeinflusst haben, sind auch die Autoren des größten deutsch-deutschen Wörterbuches der deutschen Zung... View more