Glossary entry

Deutsch term or phrase:


Englisch translation:

requisite qualifications

Added to glossary by billcorno (X)
Nov 20, 2014 14:41
10 yrs ago
Deutsch term


Deutsch > Englisch Wirtschaft/Finanzwesen Bildungswesen/Pädagogik Sentence about qualifications
Can anyone help make sense of the following sentence:

"Über Folgequalifikationen werden Auffrischungslehrgänge etc. abgebildet."

It's from a product catalogue for a software product called eControl and this part is talking about it's Training and Skills Management module. Specifically here about how qualifications are kept current over time.

Many thanks in advance for any help.
Proposed translations (Englisch)
3 requisite qualifications
Change log

Nov 30, 2014 05:01: billcorno (X) Created KOG entry


Laura Massey (asker) Nov 21, 2014:
Hi, I think maintaining qualified status works well in the context that I have. Many thanks
Donald Jacobson Nov 20, 2014:
This concept is prevalent is American medicine Where it is called maintenance of certification. Perhaps something along the lines of maintaining qualified status could work.
gangels (X) Nov 20, 2014:
Sollte das bedeuten... Zum Zweck zusätzlicher Qualifizierungen werden Auffrischungslehrgänge dargestellt.
For the purpose of follow-up qualifications, continuing education seminars are depicted
Horst Huber (X) Nov 20, 2014:
Something like "qualifications update"? Where people can get an overview of what qualifications, or certifications, someone has acquired of late?
Jonathan MacKerron Nov 20, 2014:
same as Weiterbildung? continuing/ongoing training/education
further accreditation; additional professional qualification

Proposed translations

5 Stunden

requisite qualifications

For requisite qualifications, refresher courses, etc. can be offered.

The previous sentence talks about changing training demands, so as a result requisite (required) qualifications can be taught with refresher courses.
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