Glossary entry

Deutsch term or phrase:


Englisch translation:

exposed to the Nortstau effect/Nordstau weather system

Added to glossary by gfish
Nov 24, 2008 16:09
16 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Deutsch term


Deutsch > Englisch Naturwissenschaften Meteorologie
Ich brauche den Begriff fuer eine Touristenbroschuere. Hier die Definition was Nordstaulage ist:
Bei Nordstaulage liegt ein Hoch im Westen und ein Tief im Osten. Dazwischen fließt kalte polare Luft aus dem Norden Richtung Süden, woraus sich Niederschläge auf der Nordseite ergeben. Nordstau tritt vor allem im Frühjahr und Winter auf und für die angestauten Gebiete bedeutet dies ausgeprägte Schlechtwetterlagen.

Proposed translations

20 Min.

exposed to the Nortstau effect/Nordstau weather system

You may just need to keep Nordstau as is rather than using the ultra-scientific "northern orographic uplift" or "congestion".
You have weather systems coming up from the southwest and hitting the alps. They then dump their snow on the south facing side of the alps (reverse for a 'Nordstau').〈=de
Everything looks white already, can you imagine? I am not attuned to it, either. We are about 400 m above sea level, and in the "Nordstau" of the Schwäbische Alb at the moment, this is probably why we have the snow right now. But knowing this doesn't really help.
Get some breakfast now.
and Troughs and Nordstau lead mainly to light snow showers. Ongoing from the end of September snowfall can be expected, from January to April typical snow depth varies between 1 and 2 m (Figure 2).
Peer comment(s):

agree Harald Moelzer (medical-translator)
17 Stunden
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your help! "
3 Stunden

stalled weather pattern in North of country causing massive snow fall

in so many words
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