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[View Powwow Report] powwow: PUB LUNCH

June 27, 2009, 1:00 pm
Vereinigtes KönigreichNottinghamIn personEnglisch
Due to rapidly approaching rain, the powwow on Saturday 27 June will not be a picnic and instead we will be meeting at the The Lincolnshire Poacher, 161-163 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FR, website. It is a good 10-minute walk there from the Victoria shopping centre.

Join us for lunch from 1 p.m. The pub has a varied seasonal menu which is changed daily. They also offer vegetarian dishes. You are welcome to arrive after lunch too (the event normally wraps up between 6 and 7 pm). Look out for the Proz sign on our table.

All welcome – language professionals from near and far, partners, etc. This is a further opportunity to network in a relaxed setting. Please sign up in advance though so I have a good idea of numbers.

I look forward to seeing you there.
Happy translating,

PS. Will try the picnic idea again next time

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (11) / Confirmed: 7 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
XSarah Appleby (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Look forward to seeing the regulars and new faces alike  y
Elizabeth Catling, PhD   ...  
chaplin   Yes this time I should be able to attend  n
Lancashireman   May be rather late. Clash of commitments (Lowdham Book Fair).  m
Languageman   It was a great afternoon in a lovely pub last year, so I'll be there rain or shine!  y
Heather Lane  \"Photographer\" Yes, count me in (thanks for the reminder Sarah ;-))!  m
Mattijs Warbroek   I'll be there, but I don't think I will make it for lunch  y
Dierk Widmann  \"Photographer\" We shall try to be there, probably between 2 and 3.  y
Peter Gaukrodger   Expect to be there by 3.  y
Adam H   Look forward to seeing you all  y
Olesya Francis   yes, I will be there for lunch - it is about I showed my face!  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Nottingham - United Kingdom
Dierk Widmann
Dierk Widmann  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:50
Englisch > Deutsch
Pub Lunch Jun 26, 2009

Yes, we do not mind a roof over our heads. As stated, aiming for arrival between 2 and 3. See you soon.

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 22:50
Deutsch > Englisch
Parking Jun 26, 2009

Oh, forgot to say that there is parking on the roads nearby (but with meters!). I think the nearest multi-storey is at the Victoria Centre.

Olesya Francis
Olesya Francis  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 22:50
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Thanks Jun 30, 2009

Hi everyone! It was great to get together again! Sorry I had to leave so early, I would have stayed longer if I really could. Thanks for organising, Sarah! See you next time!

Languageman  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 22:50
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Thanks from me too Jun 30, 2009

I agree, it was a very pleasant get together. Great to catch up with everyone, including the wonderfully behaved new translating generation!

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 22:50
Deutsch > Englisch
Thanks to everyone Jun 30, 2009

The report is being very slow to appear this time - maybe my reference to the Anglo-German project has confused the approver at Proz. Anyway, thanks for coming and please put Saturday 8 August in your diaries for the next one.
All the best, Sarah

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 22:50
Deutsch > Englisch
Report resubmitted Jul 6, 2009

Arrghh and I can't believe I spelt Widmann wrong AGAIN despite checking. Mental block and apologies! Adam, your note disappeared too - perhaps due to the same technical difficulties

Peter Gaukrodger
Peter Gaukrodger  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 22:50
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Spelling Jul 6, 2009

And you misspelt 'Aargh'...

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 22:50
Deutsch > Englisch
Missing link Jul 6, 2009

And the link I carefully included failed to appear! Here is the link for the next event:
Can I have a volunteer to write the report next time?!


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