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SDL MultiTerm™ for Translators and Project Managers

This discussion belongs to training » "SDL MultiTerm™ for Translators and Project Managers".
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Joab Eichenberg-Eilon
Joab Eichenberg-Eilon  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 04:39
Englisch > Hebräisch
+ ...
Wrong course description heading May 19, 2012

I have just signed up for a MultiTerm for Translators and PMs course, but under the "Language: English" caption there is a heading for DSL Trados Studio 2009 Intermediate course. Once you click, however, the description itself is of the MultiTerm course. You may want to change the heading to save the same startle I had before finding out that the content is the right one.

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Thanks for reporting May 22, 2012

Hello Joab,

Thank you for reporting this. The training page has been updated accordingly.

Have a nice day!

My bests,

Tess Whitty
Tess Whitty
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 02:39
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Schwedisch
Is this course available on demand? Aug 10, 2012

I really need some training in MultiTerm. Is this course available in the future or online/on demand?

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Is this course available on demand? Aug 10, 2012

Terese Whitty wrote:

I really need some training in MultiTerm. Is this course available in the future or online/on demand?

Hello Terese,

Thank you for your interest in the session.
The upcoming session will be conducted on Sep 19 at 2 pm GMT: .

SDL Trados sessions are offered on a monthly basis and available at

Hope this helps.

My bests,


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SDL MultiTerm™ for Translators and Project Managers

Your smart companion app

Pastey is an innovative desktop application that bridges the gap between human expertise and artificial intelligence. With intuitive keyboard shortcuts, Pastey transforms your source text into AI-powered draft translations.

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Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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