What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Guidelines on responsible recruitment, 3416 words, English to Slovene.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Magazine article on a healthcare improvement strategy, English to Slovene, c. 57,600 words


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Two psychiatric outpatient medical reports, Slovene to English. Challenging, but rewarding! :)


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translations this week: a discussion on hyperthyroidism (English > Slovene), a sales catalogue (Slovene > French), some minor technical projects (German > Slovene)


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Medical reports: hepatocellular carcinoma; Slovene to German


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Nagradna igra/jeu-concours, 3779 words, Slovene to French


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Catalogue for mine cap lights, 29,468 words, English to Slovene, for a global brand.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Étrangeté: a philosophical treatise analysing two contemporary films (Alien and Matrix); Slovene to French, 14.06 pages.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Finished a translation on construction joinery, thermal, and acoustic properties of a building, c. 6000 words, French to Slovene. Time to rest!


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed translation of a patient information and informed consent form. English to Slovene, 7341 words.


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

On-going medical translation work: second opinion (1744 words) and study documentation (7340 words), English to Slovene, for global brands. Time for tea!


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Court ruling on a biogas plant, Slovene to German, 4123 words. Time for shower! :)


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Cost Guidelines for the Accounting of Project Costs: 4499 words, English to Slovene (a rich resource of new terms)


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated Aggregates for railway ballast: European Standard, English to Slovene, c. 10,800 words.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

SmPC update, German to Slovene, 4652 words


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Batch production records, c. 5000 words, Slovene to English


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation of employment contracts to French, c. 5000 words, for a public institution.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

SmPC: steroid medicine for postmenopausal women, English to Slovene, 8168 words


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Legal: Decision by Landesgericht Salzburg, German to Slovene, 92 pages


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Presentation of a new antimuscarinic inhaler, English to Slovene, 66 slides


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

EMA update, English to Slovene


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Release notes, English to Slovene, for a global brand.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation of some marketing texts for a global brand.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation of medical reports of a toddler with neurofibromatosis, 908 words, Slovene to German. I hope that the treatment abroad will help him.


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Pro bono translation: Stomach cancer for the Slovene Wikipedia, English to Slovene, c. 600 words. Sharing knowledge!


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Medico-legal text: appeal against a compensation decision, Slovene to French, c. 500 words.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated a manual for a surface treatment machine. 4895 words, for a Turkish company. English to Slovene.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

‘Règles d’hygiène destinées aux employés de l’activité gaz alimentaires’. French to Slovene. Time for washing hands!


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

‘Règles d’hygiène destinées aux employés de l’activité gaz alimentaires’. French to Slovene. Time for washing hands!


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated several .ppt presentations for welding products, English to Slovene.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated the instructions for the calibration and maintenance of an X-ray generator, 17 pages, English to Slovene.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated a public tender for mechanical parts, English to Slovene.


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated instructions for the use of an inhaler, German to Slovene


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Interpretation at a medical examination of two patients


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed the translation of a drug research protocol and patient information for a global brand. English to Slovene. Time for coffee!


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated the epicrisis of a patient with pancreatic carcinoma, German to Slovene.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed a translation of a long-term contract for the supply of engine parts, German to Slovene, approx. 10 pages.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Medical abstracts (public health), Slovene to English, 2987 words


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating a PRAC assessment report related to chlormadinone-containing medicinal products, 550 words, EMA


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Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Endoscopic accessory instruments and endoscope components, 379 words, English to Slovene.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Randomised, double blind study of an oncological drug. Expert review and proofreading of PowerPoint slides. English to Slovene.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Started work on a maintenance manual for a leak detector, German to Slovene, 1846 words. Let's get the hands dirty!


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

The abstract of an academic medical history article, Slovene to English and French, 89 words!


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed a translation of a patient-oriented animation, English to Slovene, 839 words, for a global brand.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed translation of a safety data sheet, German to Slovene, 1174 words


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed a translation of a nephrological treatment report, Slovene to German, 305 words


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed a translation of a histology report for a patient with breast carcinoma. German to Slovene.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation of the statute of an association bank, English to Slovene, 8436 words. Getting acquainted with the American banking system.


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Laboratory notebook (Slovene to English)


I Do That

Dejan Papež posting from ProZ.com shared:

Punch biopsy report for a patient with breast carcinoma


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  • Deutsch > Slowenisch
  • Medical (general)