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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Time for another one I think!

October 4, 2008, 1:00 pm
Vereinigtes KönigreichCardiffIn personEnglisch
Hi all!

For those who attended the last Cardiff Powwow in May and hopefully those who I've not yet met, you're all invited to the 2nd Cardiff Powwow.
I'm sure all those who were there will agree that the last one was a roaring success and a great time was had by all!
I think everyone enjoyed La Tasca last time, so if we'd like to have it there again, that's great. I'm also open to suggestions if anyone fancies somewhere different - there are loads of lovely restaurants of all varieties around the same central area we were last time.

Shall we say La Tasca at 1pm provisionally, and if anyone isn't happy with this, let me know and we can decide on somewhere else?

Looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

Best wishes,


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (17) / Confirmed: 11
Name NoteWill Attend
Victoria Porter-Burns  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Hi all. Many thanks for getting back to me. I'm really glad you're all hoping to attend. There are a few other definites who've just not found their way to the page to sign up yet. Best wishes, Vicky  y
Irina Perry   Thank you for the invitation, Vicky! I would love to attend.   y
Alexandra Chapman   Looking forward to it!  y
XLinda Watts (X)   Cannot unfortunately attend. Hope you have a great day!  n
Valeria Aliperta   Oh no, such a shame..I'm away for a conference in Italy - back on the 8th :(   n
XCathryn Rees   I'd like to come- I'm looking forward to it!  y
Huw Watkins   Hi Victoria, sorry for not answering earlier. Looking forward to it.  y
Trinidad Clares Flores   Hi Vicky and everyone. I confirm my attendance and that I'm happy to go to La Tasca again if that's what's decided. I look forward to seeing you all there!  y
Karolina Suliokiene   I am looking forward to meeting you all and having a good time :-)  y
Lowri Lewis   Looking forward to meeting everyone!   y
Michael Boone   Hi Vicky. I may not be able to let you know if I can attend until the last minute, so don't order me anything in the restaurant. I am very busy.  y
Jon Reynolds   looking forward to it  y
Camille Rosier   I'm afraid I can't make it this time. Maybe next time?  n
Xy_lewarne   Sorry, something came up and I wouldn't be able to attend it.I am so gutted....  n
Susanna Garcia   Sadly can't make it but last one was fun and nice to meet everyone.  n
Bertille Atiogue   Looking forward to my first Powwow.  y
Karin Mitchell   Karin Mitchell  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Cardiff - United Kingdom
Irina Perry
Irina Perry
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 09:46
Englisch > Rumänisch
+ ...
Confirm attendance Sep 22, 2008

Dear Vicky,

There's nothing that would stop me from attending icon_smile.gif As for the menu, I'm not picky at all - I'll take my recommendation from you and have whatever you suggest. Looking forward to meeting everyone,


Trinidad Clares Flores
Trinidad Clares Flores  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 09:46
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Confrmed! Sep 22, 2008

Hi Vicky and everyone else,

I confirm my attendance and that I'm happy with the "Menú Valenciano".

For those of you who don't know, La Tasca requires a £5 deposit per person on bookings for 8 people or more, so please let Vicky know if you confirm and are not able to attend after all.

See you all on the 4th!

Karolina Suliokiene
Karolina Suliokiene  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 09:46
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
Dear Vicky, Sep 22, 2008

I will definitely be there. Can't wait to see you all and have a good time.

See you all soon

Best regards
Karolina Suliokiene


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