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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translators' Day Meeting

September 28, 2013, 9:00 pm
LitauenVilniusIn personLitauisch

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Interested members (16) / Confirmed: 8 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Uldis Liepkalns   ...  
Max Nuijens   ...  n
diana bb   ...  y
MariusV   ...  
Nikita Kobrin  \"Photographer\" ...  y
Elfegas Sinushas   ...  
milda_v   ...  m
Nerijus Šatkauskas   ...  y
Vents Villers   :)  y
Dina Lauva   :)  m
Ana Novikaite   ...  y
Arturas Bakanauskas   ...  y
Adelaida Kuzniatsova  \"Photographer\" See you soon!  y
Aleksandr Vasiljev   ...  y
Yulia Solodukhina   ...  m
Egidijus Slepetys   ...  

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Powwow: Vilnius - Lithuania
MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
dėl vietos pasiūlymo Sep 9, 2013

Sveiki, mieli žmonėsicon_smile.gif

Siūlau aparti susiėjimo vietos variantus:

A) "klasikinis variantas" - - toks gan įdomus ir tikras alaus baras visom prasmėm (turbūt žinot vietą, kur "senais gerais laikais" buvo tokia įstaiga "Ritos slėptuvė"). Nebrangus variantas apsi
... See more
Sveiki, mieli žmonėsicon_smile.gif

Siūlau aparti susiėjimo vietos variantus:

A) "klasikinis variantas" - - toks gan įdomus ir tikras alaus baras visom prasmėm (turbūt žinot vietą, kur "senais gerais laikais" buvo tokia įstaiga "Ritos slėptuvė"). Nebrangus variantas apsistoti (svečiams) -

B) "netradicinis variantas" - - sodyba apie 14 km nuo Vilniaus centro. Važiuojant link Tapelių ežero (Nemenčinės plentu, pro Turniškes). Šiuo atveju būtų taip - sodybos nuoma apie 500 Lt, ją dalinam visiems dalyviams po lygiai. Maistas ir gėrimai - "vokiško susineštinio vakarėlio" principu, t.y. kas ką norės, tas tą atsineš. Arba vėliau galėsime pasiskirstyti "atsakomybės sritimis". Aš apsiimčiau dalį transporto (su savo auto) klausimu. Padaryčiau naminio alaus. Svečiams antras sodybos aukštas numigti...

C) Jūsų pasiūlytas variantas - tinka bet kas, kas įdomu.

Tad pabalsuojam ir padiskutuojam, nes laikas tiksi.

[Edited at 2013-09-09 20:51 GMT]

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
Aš už Alaus namus Sep 9, 2013

Už 200 Lt galėtume (jei, aišku, labai nedelstume) turėti atskirą kampą, mačiau, kad jie turi Mažąją salę ir Klubo salę (dar mažesnę už Mažąją).

[Edited at 2013-09-11 15:00 GMT]

Nikita Kobrin
Nikita Kobrin  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Mitglied (2010)
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Something nice and quiet Sep 13, 2013

Labas, Mariu!

I think it should be some inexpensive place inside the city boundaries, something nice and quiet.


diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
If it is Alaus namai, Sep 13, 2013

it might be nice but not quiet, as 28 September will be the evening of the Tribute to The Doors there.

Nikita Kobrin
Nikita Kobrin  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Mitglied (2010)
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Exactly Sep 14, 2013

That was exactly my thought, Diana: Alaus namai is not a quiet place...


Inga Petkelyte
Inga Petkelyte  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
Litauisch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
Aaaaaahhhh..... Sep 15, 2013

O as pries pora dienu parskridau is Lietuveles...
Linksminkites, broliai seses, pakol jauni esat !!icon_smile.gif
(Ale ot butu idomu vertejus toj sodyboj uzdaryticon_biggrin.gif )

MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
Let's discuss and propose some better options Sep 17, 2013

Well... I agree that "Alaus namai" might really be a noisy place. And only now I noted that they have this musical event (and judging from what I saw on their presentation, it will be more like a lot of terrible noise having nothing to do with the music of "The Doors")...

OK, then as we are not yet "bound" to any venue (sometimes it is really good not to rush), all and any reasonable proposals welcome. My personal suggestion (as I am really determined to go out for real fresh true bee
... See more
Well... I agree that "Alaus namai" might really be a noisy place. And only now I noted that they have this musical event (and judging from what I saw on their presentation, it will be more like a lot of terrible noise having nothing to do with the music of "The Doors")...

OK, then as we are not yet "bound" to any venue (sometimes it is really good not to rush), all and any reasonable proposals welcome. My personal suggestion (as I am really determined to go out for real fresh true beer) then would be "Šnekutis" pub at Šv. Stepono street 8 ( Again, I am not sure if it might be a very quiet place (as it will be Saturday evening in any case). I also like very much this place - and it is really very relaxing and cozy. But it is out of the city center and then we might face transportation problems (I mean the poor drivers who won't be able to celebrate on a “full scale”). But taxi can be a solution – from city center (Gedimino avenue) it is just some 9 km and some 15minutes to go. For a taxi in total (to one side) would be around 20 Litas (5-7 Lt per person). And back – the same too…Not very much expensive.

In any case, let’s discuss, propose, etc. and let’s decide by next Monday or Tuesday as in many cases reservation of the venue might be needed.

[Edited at 2013-09-17 16:31 GMT]

MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
P.S. Sep 17, 2013

Just phoned the "Šnekutis" pub. They welcome us and the owner said they can even offer us a separate room - and free of charge - so we could have a certain level of "privacy". And they do not take any "reservation fees" for anything (just a verbal agreement). Plus - no "events" are scheduled so far for this date, that means there will be no "loud music" or anything like that. Before the weekend I will try to go there and see around. And will post an update on that.

Still any proposa
... See more
Just phoned the "Šnekutis" pub. They welcome us and the owner said they can even offer us a separate room - and free of charge - so we could have a certain level of "privacy". And they do not take any "reservation fees" for anything (just a verbal agreement). Plus - no "events" are scheduled so far for this date, that means there will be no "loud music" or anything like that. Before the weekend I will try to go there and see around. And will post an update on that.

Still any proposals on other "venue options" are welcome.

[Edited at 2013-09-17 17:30 GMT]

Arturas Bakanauskas
Arturas Bakanauskas  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Litauisch > Englisch
which Šnekutis Sep 18, 2013

There are two locations:
I-VII Polocko g.7A 10:00–24:00 val.
I-VII Šv.Stepono g.8 11:00–24:00 val. su pratęsimais.
Like the beard!

MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
Šv.Stepono g.8 Sep 18, 2013

Hi Arturas,

Šv.Stepono g.8. At Polocko g.7A the pub is small, and can be crowded at Saturday evening.

Arturas Bakanauskas
Arturas Bakanauskas  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Litauisch > Englisch
What time? Sep 18, 2013

Ok, not too far from Pylimo g. and lots of buses if we are not too late. Also not too far from an English used book shop (further down the street at least a year or two ago) and the high crime train station. What time are we meeting? I would suggest an earlier hour so that the buses are still running and fewer cutpurses will be about when we finish. I take it all refreshments will be for sale, not brought by the participants. Are we wearing any special 'badges'? Do Lithuanian translators even ha... See more
Ok, not too far from Pylimo g. and lots of buses if we are not too late. Also not too far from an English used book shop (further down the street at least a year or two ago) and the high crime train station. What time are we meeting? I would suggest an earlier hour so that the buses are still running and fewer cutpurses will be about when we finish. I take it all refreshments will be for sale, not brought by the participants. Are we wearing any special 'badges'? Do Lithuanian translators even have an official or unofficial badge? I see scouting has a nice badge. I don't care for the ProZ, Balkan tourist, or guide badges. If we have to design our own, it should be three coloured since so many countries use three colours in their flags and be a symbol rather than a word so that it is international.Collapse

Nikita Kobrin
Nikita Kobrin  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Mitglied (2010)
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Lithuanian Translators Guild / Lietuvos vertėjų gildija Sep 18, 2013

Arturas Bakanauskas wrote:

Do Lithuanian translators even have an official or unofficial badge?

Arturas, here is a logo of Lithuanian Translators Guild:


It's not three coloured but we can paint it... icon_smile.gif


diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
Since it is not a get-together of the Lithuanian Translators' Guild... Sep 18, 2013

... its logo is, IMHO, somewhat out of place.

I can bring those badges, with names. When on Friday evening we will know how many people are going to turn up, I can prepare them, and a couple of extra ones just in case.

MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
About time and accomodation for guests Sep 22, 2013

Tomorrow or Tuesday I hope to go to see the pub (just to be double-check if all is OK). And as I see, some technical issues still need to be discussed and solved:

1. I propose meeting time at 18.00 (6.00 pm). The pub works till 00:00. If anybody thinks it is too late or too early, please provide your proposal.
2. Address of the venue - Šv. Stepono 8 (Vilnius) - do not confuse with another pub they have in Užupis (just in case). For non-locals - it is a walking distance (some 60
... See more
Tomorrow or Tuesday I hope to go to see the pub (just to be double-check if all is OK). And as I see, some technical issues still need to be discussed and solved:

1. I propose meeting time at 18.00 (6.00 pm). The pub works till 00:00. If anybody thinks it is too late or too early, please provide your proposal.
2. Address of the venue - Šv. Stepono 8 (Vilnius) - do not confuse with another pub they have in Užupis (just in case). For non-locals - it is a walking distance (some 600-800 meters) from Vilnius Bus Station and Railway Station (these are next to each other). Plus very convenient with public transportation.
3. Official language of the event - English.
4. For those who need simplistic, but clean, and tidy, inexpensive accommodation for overnight sleep after the trip (and the party!), I have in mind guest from Belarus, Latvia, I suggest guesthouse. If you need any help or advice on accommodation issues, or any other issues/help for your stay in Vilnius, please write to me personally.
5. If someone can accomodate any guests, please let me know (sorry, but I cannot myself).
6. Any other ideas/thoughts welcome.

MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:14
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
Lithuanian Translators Guild / Lietuvos vertėjų gildija Sep 22, 2013


[Edited at 2013-09-22 17:22 GMT]

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