Englisch > Französisch
Italienisch > Französisch
Deutsch > Französisch

Noémi Bretler
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Lokale Zeit: 23:55 CET (GMT+1)

Muttersprache: Französisch 
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Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher, Identity Verified Verifizierter Nutzer
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Verbindungen zu Auftraggebern This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Dienstleistungen Translation, Editing/proofreading, Training, Project management, Sales
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Tourismus und ReisenKochen/Kulinarisches
Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)

Englisch > Französisch - Preise: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR pro Wort
Italienisch > Französisch - Preise: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR pro Wort
Deutsch > Französisch - Preise: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR pro Wort

KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Beantwortete Fragen: 5
Übersetzerische Ausbildung Other - DOLBA, Dolmetscherschule Basel
Erfahrung Angemeldet bei seit: Oct 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen N/A
Mitgliedschaften N/A
Software Microsoft Word
CV/Resume Englisch (PDF), Deutsch (PDF), Französisch (PDF)
Events and training
Richtlinien für die Berufsausübung Noémi Bretler befürwortet's Berufsrichtlinien.
Hello from Strasbourg, France!

My name is Noémi Bretler, I have a baccalaureate in languages, and have studied literature and history at the University of Lausanne.

I am a certified translator since 1997, I translate from English, German and Italian into French. I have lived in the Swiss German part and in the United States.

I am also a journalist and a teacher for French to foreign adults.

Among others, I specialize in magazines, leisure or professional, based in the German part of Switzerland. Apart from translating articles, the work includes writing, editing, looking for authors, rereading, and also, of course, translating

Teaching French to foreign adults is fun! I have been active in multinational companies in my hometown of Lausanne, and now in Strasbourg. It is very interesting for me to meet with different people in their work environment! I have a great interest in the culture of my students. I also love to help them in their new life in Switzerland.This occupation allows me to hear about many subjects on their life and work.

My latest works in the field of translation include the translation on Excel a data base of business expressions, and a brochure on the recipes of the company's Chef as a Christmas gift to its personnel. Lately, I have proofread for a company in England, a market research database, and translated for an international company here in Lausanne, a guide on the process of improvement of performances of the employees. ProZ
Schlüsselwörter: formation, enseignement, éducation, formation continue, formation pour adultes, tourisme, voyages, culture, cuisine, alimentation. See more.formation, enseignement, éducation, formation continue, formation pour adultes, tourisme, voyages, culture, cuisine, alimentation, aliments, industrie alimentaire, correspondance, marketing, études de marché. See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Nov 22, 2017