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The world's most prominent provider of language services (LSP) has been operating effectively since 2010. We are the biggest professional translator network in the industry.
We have enhanced faster and more efficient worldwide market share's acceptance of products and efficient engagement with our customers on local markets around the world for 650 leading brands.
In all points of contact, we provide linguistic solutions which guarantee quality assurance, local relevance and creative usability.
Our employees and language professionals concede that they matter, and make a difference through speech in society, becoming one of the world's largest and fastest growing providers of language service. "To resolve cultural differences, achieve goels, establish faith and increase groups of people, we result in thousands of non-English speakers each day." That enthusiasm to help others helps to influence our performance management culture and helps customers to return!
Our cloud solutions permit customers to succeed in marketsing, selling and supporting their products and services on relative strengths international marketplace, using our emerging technologies, our internationally product development expertise and therefore more than 95,000 professional trainers.
Our main task was to develop a consolidated translation network that includes customer satisfaction worldwide from the first day of operation. For over 12 years we've been working with so much more than 100K clients from 200 countries worldwide on relatively brief, medium and large translation project activities. We therefore have better and healthier, and increasing community of happy customers, working hard to provide them with work to support beyond our expectations.
Here are some of the details of the major handled projects in various languages:
Domain: Animals and Pets
Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases (ASCAD): roughly 200k words
Brucella-Control Program : roughly 450k words
Classical Swine Fever Control Programme (CSF-CP) : roughly 20k words
Peste-des- Petis Ruminants control Program (PPR-CP) : roughly 50k words
Professional Efficiency Development (PED) : roughly 90k words
National Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS) : roughly 250k words
National Project on Rinderpest Eradication (NPRE) : roughly 10k words
Domain: Art
Coast to Coast coverage : roughly 10k words
Tube Painting Gross Motor Art Project : roughly 98k words
Connect Collect : roughly 67k words
All Roads lead to art by Andrea Kowch : roughly 50k words
La art show : roughly 46k words
Shawn Gould : roughly 10k words
Liz Lindstrom : roughly 15k words
Domain: Automotive
Sheet Metal and Surface modelling : roughly 60k words
Automatic Braking Systems for automobiles : roughly 300k words
Hybrid Drone : roughly 70k words
Electromagnetic Hover Car : roughly 20k words
RC Hovercraft using Arduino : roughly 10k words
Hyper loop : roughly 16k words
Automobile Prototyping : roughly 27k words
Domain: Boating and Aviation
Kerala Sea Plane Project : roughly 30k words
Racecar Engineering : roughly 10k words
Splitter and air dam : roughly 14k words
CD-Adapco, Star CCM+ : roughly 18k words
Richard Shelquist : roughly 200k words
Autodesk (2016) : roughly 40k words
Addition of Front Splitter, Side Skirts & Rear Diffuser : roughly 30k words
Domain: Business and Current Affairs
Sustainable business model : roughly 118k words
Challenges to Indian Banking sector : roughly 500k words
Biomedical waste crisis : roughly 10k words
E-Commerce – Sustainable business model? : roughly 56k words
Development Finance Institution : roughly 98k words
Post-Covid world : roughly 150k words
How will 2020 shape 2021? : roughly 10k words
Domain: Computers and Technology
Laser Diode : roughly 90k words
Solar Tracker : roughly 78k words
Headless Internet Radio and Audio Player : roughly 60k words
Engineer creates a 3D metal printer : roughly 20k words
Quadcopter Brain : roughly 19k words
Stepper Motor and Arduino alongwith the Solar tracker : roughly 200k words
Beyond the code : roughly 90k words
Domain: Crafts and Hobbies
Purl SOHO : roughly 4k words
Macrame : roughly 3k words
Kollobora : roughly 8k words
Titulos de textos : roughly 10k words
Potpourri : roughly 3k words
A beautiful mess : roughly 1k words
Finding Home Farms : roughly 17k words
Domain: Design
Push based box transport mechanism : roughly 40k words
Sand Filter and Separator Project : roughly 19k words
Анна Шимків - Англо-український тлумачний словник економічної лексики _ English-Ukrainian explanatory dictionary of economic terms-Києво-Могилянська академія (2004)
(Dictum Factum) Вячеслав Іванович Карабан - Англійсько-український юридичний словник _ English-ukrainian law dictionary-Нова книга (2004)
(Cyrillic Script) - English Thesaurus Dictionary) Philip M. Parker - Websters Ukrainian-ICON Group International, Inc (2008)
Giannis Konstantinidis, Stavroula Tsiantoula - Elsevier’s Dictionary of Medicine and Biology_ In English, Greek, German, Italian, and Latin_ PART 1, BASIC TABLE-Elsevier (2005)
Canarache, A._Munteanu, I._Vintila, I. I - Elsevier's Dictionary of Soil Science_ Definitions in English with French, German, and Spanish word translations-Elsevier Science (2006)
M.M. Grandtner - Elsevier's dictionary of trees_ with names in Latin, English, French, Spanish and other languages. v.1-Elsevier (2005)
J.L. De Lucca - Elsevier's economics dictionary_ in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and German-Elsevier Science (2001)
M . Aryanpur منوچهر آریان پور - The Aryanpur Progressive English-Persian Dictionary Expansive (2 vol set)فرهنگ گسترده پیشرو انگلیسی به فارسی آریان پور دو جلد با هم. 1 & 2-Jahan Rayaneh (2006)
J. W. Redhouse - Redhouse's Turkish Dictionary in Two Parts - English and Turkish and Turkish and English-Bernard Quaritch (1880)
A. Ivanovic, Peter Collin - Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management_ Over 7,000 Terms Clearly Defined (2006)
A. Ivanovic, Peter Collin - Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management_ Over 8,000 Terms Clearly Defined-Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (2003)
Huyghe G. - Dictionnaire Français-Kabyle
(Dirty Everyday Slang) Juan Caballero - Dirty Spanish_ Everyday Slang from _What's Up__ to _F_%# Off!_-Ulysses Press (2011)
Michael Mahler - Dictionary of Spanish Slang and Colloquial Expressions-Barron’s Educational Series (2008)
(McGraw-Hill ESL References) Richard Spears - McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions_ The Most Up-to-Date Reference for the Nonstandard Usage, Popular Jargon
Elfi H. M. Gilissen - Reise Know-How Sprachführer Australian Slang - English Down Under-Reise Know-How Rump GmbH (2011)
Tom Dalzell, Terry Victor - The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English-Routledge (2007)
Bocskay István, Matekovits György, Székely Melinda - Fogorvosi szakszótár_ magyar - román - angol Dictionar trilingv de stomatologie_ magyar - român - englez Three language dentristry dictionary_
Gerardus Carrière - Detergents_ A glossary of terms used in the detergents industry in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Russian, Polish, Finnish
Andrei Bantas - NTC's Romanian and English dictionary-NTC Pub. Group (1997)
Illustrated Technical Dictionary in Six Languages, English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Vol. 4 Edited According to the Novel Method
(Barron's Financial Guides) John Downes, Jordan Elliot Goodman - Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms-Barron's Educational Series, Inc. (2006)
Michael D. Roberts - Dictionary of American Naval Aviation Squadrons, Vol. 2. The History of VP, VPB, VP(HL) and VP(AM) Squadrons-Naval Historical Center (2000)
David Crocker - Dictionary of Aviation_ Over 5,500 Terms Clearly Defined-A&C Black (2007)
(Routledge Bilingual Dictionaries) Maria F. Allen - The Routledge Portuguese Bilingual Dictionary_ Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese (Revised 2014 edition)-Routledge (2011)
(Routledge Bilingual Dictionaries) Garde, Anna - Danish Dictionary_ Danish-English, English-Danish-Taylor and Francis (2013)
(Routledge Bilingual Specialist Dictionaries , So2) Philip Herdina, Elmar Waibl - German Dictionary of Philosophical Terms Worterbuch Philosophischer Fachbegriffe Englisch_ Vol 1_ German-English-German
(Routledge Bilingual Dictionaries) Maria Fernanda Allen - The Routledge Portuguese Bilingual Dictionary_ Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese-Routledge_Taylor & Francis Group (2014 [2011])
Elmar Waibl, Philip Herdina - German Dictionary of Philosophical Terms Worterbuch Philosophischer Fachbegriffe Englisch Germ-Eng V1 (Routledge Bilingual Specialist Dictionaries , Vol 1)-Routledge
Peter Reuter - Springer Großwörterbuch Medizin - Medical Dictionary Deutsch-Englisch _ English-German (Springer-Wörterbuch) (German and English Edition)-Springer (2004)
A. I Schroeter - Dictionary of plant names_ Over 100,000 names of about 10,000 species and varieties of flowering plants and fern-like plants in Latin, Russian, English and Chinese
S. Bobryakov, M. Rosenberg - Elsevier's dictionary of technical abbreviations in English and Russian-Elsevier Science (2005)
Michaels, Walter C. (ed.) - International Dictionary of Physics and Electronics_ English, French, German, Russian, Spanish-Van Nostrand Reinhold, Inc. (1961)
Е. Н. Девнина (Авт.) - Большой англо-русский и русско-английский авиационный словарь _ Great English-Russian and Russian-English Aviation Dictionary-Живой язык (2011)
- Dictionary of taxation terms_ English, Russian, German, French _ Словарь терминов по налогообложению_ английский, русский, немецкий, французский-European Communities (1997)
R. G. Mirimanov, N. E. Sirotina, A. V. Lazarev, N. A. Soboleva, V. N. Gritchenko, N. F. Zyuzev, N. V. Eliseyeva, V. G. Korolkov, I. P. Vishnevskaya, V. I. Neyman (auth.) - Dictionary of Electronics
V. V. Schwartz, T. A. Alperovich, S. M. Palej, E. A. Petrov, G. B. Vilkovyskaja (auth.) - Illustrated Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering_ English, German, French, Dutch, Russian-Springer Netherlands
(Первое издание) С.Ю. Кашкин, А.С. Мамулян - Англо-русский полный юридический словарь. English-Russian Comprehensive Law Dictionary [35 тыс. слов и словосочетаний]-Изд-во НКФ ''Советникъ'' (1993)
S. Bobryakov, M. Rosenberg - Elsevier's dictionary of technical abbreviations in English and Russian-Elsevier Science (2005)
Don Montague - Dictionary of Building and Civil Engineering_ English_French French_English-Spon Press (1996)
B. Zhelyazova - Elsevier's Dictionary of Automation Technics_ In English, German, French and Russian-Elsevier Science (2005)
A. S. Markov, V. A. Romanov, V. I. Rydnik, E. G. Rys, V. M. Borsch, S. N. Korchemkin, N. S. Skorokhod, Yu. V. Fedirko, N. B. Shaykhon (auth.) - Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terminology
Jean-Pierre Michaux - Elsevier's Dictionary of Art History Terms_ French English-English French-Elsevier Science Publishing Company (2005)
Dr.-Ing. Uli Gelbrich, Dr. phil. Georg Reinwaldt (auth.) - Fachwörterbuch Bauwesen _ Dictionary Building and Civil Engineering_ Deutsch-Englisch _ German-English-Vieweg+Teubner Verlag (1994)
- Dictionnaire du bâtiment et du génie civile - Dictionary of building and civil engineering
Montague, Don - Dictionary of Building and Civil Engineering_ English_French French_English_ English_French, French_English-Taylor and Francis (2003)
S. N. Korchomkin, S. V. Kurbatov, N. B. Sheikhon, G. B. Viljkovyskaja (auth.) - Dictionary of Building and Civil Engineering_ English, German, French, Dutch, Russian-Springer Netherlands (1985)
Javier León Cárdenas_ Ferdinand P. Beer_ Felipe de Jesús Hidalgo Cavazos - Mecánica vectorial para ingenieros _ Estática, novena edición-McGraw-Hill (2010)
Rafael Portugal Fernández - Diccionario para la correccion terminológica en Psicopatologia, Psiquiatria y Psicologia Clinica-Editorial Hélice (2008)
Rogers, Glenn T - English-Spanish, Spanish-English medical dictionary = Diccionario médico inglés-español, español-inglés-McGraw-Hill (2014)
Diccionario Para Ingenierios (2da Ed) Ingles Castellano - by Robb Louis
Diccionario Tecnico Lucas Ingles - Español by Meier Ernesto
Cahen Louis. - Serbian-English and English-Serbian pocket dictionary
Axhemi Zyhdi. - English-Albanian-Serbian Dictionary of Customs Service
Александра Добрић - Српско-енглески и енглеско-српски теолошки речник Serbian-English and English-Serbian dictionary of theology-Хришћански културни центар
(Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society volume 141S) Ward H. Goodenough, Hiroshi Sugita - Trukese English Dictionary Supp. Vol._ English-Trukese and Index of Trukese Word Roots
Bender Byron W. - Marshallese-English dictionary
Robert Herbst, Alan G. Readett (auth.) - Dictionary of Commercial, Financial and Legal Terms _ Dictionnaire des Termes Commerciaux, Financiers et Juridiques _ Wörterbuch der Handels-, Finanz- und Rech
George A. Magazis - Langenscheidt Standard Greek Dictionary_ Greek-English, English-Greek-Langenscheidt Publishers (1996)
Steven M. Kaplan - Wiley’s English-Spanish and Spanish-English Legal Dictionary _ Diccionario Jurídico Inglés-Español y Español-Inglés Wiley-Wiley Law Publications (1993)
- Dictionary Oxford English For Electrical And Mechanical Engineering-Oxford University Press, USA
Philip A. Laplante - Comprehensive Dictionary of Electrical Engineering-CRC Press (2005)
Philip A. Laplante - Electrical engineering dictionary-CRC Press (1999)
Y. N. Luginsky, B. A. Alexeyev, B. Y. Makhlin, N. E. Sirotina, M. S. Fesi-Zhilinskaya (auth.) - Dictionary of Electrical Engineering_ English, German, French, Dutch, Russian-Springer Netherlands (1985_3)
Roy Mack, Bettina Mikhail, Michel Mikhail - Wörterbuch der Veterinärmedizin und Biowissenschaften _ Deutsch-Englisch-Französisch _ Dictionary of veterinary medicine and biosciences _ English-French-German
Li Zhuqing - Fuzhou-English Dictionary-Dunwoody (1998)
Language Development of Bilingual Russian_English Speaking Children
A list of the websites for which we have localized a while ago and some of them, we translated to break through the barriers to surpass the information about the products and the services to the various clients and the bloggers; this not only proves us to be among the best leaders in terms of providing the technicality and versatile expertise in terms of content creation and the language transformation from one language to the other.
To be updated soon...
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