Serbokroatisch > Deutsch
Deutsch > Serbokroatisch
Englisch > Serbokroatisch

Mag. Daniela Riegler

St Peter Freienstein, Steiermark
Lokale Zeit: 08:57 CET (GMT+1)

Muttersprache: Serbisch Native in Serbisch, Kroatisch Native in Kroatisch
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Mag. phil. Riegler Daniela

E-Mail: [email protected]

Born in Sarajevo (Bosnia) on April 22nd.04.1976

Secondary economic school in Sarajevo (Bosnia)

Interneational Bussines School Management in Belgrade (Serbia)

Translation Studies in Graz (Austria)

CEO of translation office "Mag. Daniela Riegler"

Sworn translator

Translation agency Mag. Daniela Riegler is an international translation agency offering high-quality linguistic services in more than 65 languages. We provide translation and interpretation services in the most, if not almost all, languages spoken around the world. We are also experts in several diverse technical fields.

Our translations are undertaken only by those who are graduates in translation or those who are qualified and experienced in the respective language.

In addition, when dealing with our translation agency, you can be assured of first-class personal service and support, very high-quality, low-cost and on-time delivery of translations, as well as anything and everything to do with linguistics and cultures, and their correct understanding.
Schlüsselwörter: children's books, interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, tourism, localization, finace, insurance, religion, international org´. See more.children's books, interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, tourism, localization, finace, insurance, religion, international org´, education, environment, tourism, advertising, marketing, transport . See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Jan 27, 2017