[UPDATE 1530 CET 2017/05/15: The report in question has now been published by Adzuna (link) ]
CRACOW, Poland, May 15 —England’s Daily Mail apparently has an exclusive on the end of the Translation & Localization Industry as we know it. If the British ‘tabloid’ is to be believed, the end is not merely nigh, it’s already here: according to an admittedly ungooglable “study from jobs search engine Adzuna” of “79 million job adverts placed in Britain in the previous two years,” robots are already taking human translators’ jobs on a “grand scale,” and with blame/credit belonging primarily to “Google … among those to have designed automated translation software, which is making human translators increasingly redundant.”
The news also made it around the Commonwealth, being picked up this morning by the Australian, who also failed to link to or otherwise properly reference the ephemeral report. Nevertheless, it ominously quotes UK job site Adzuna co-founder Doug Monro as predicting, “Automation is already replacing jobs and could be set to replace some roles, like translators and travel agents, entirely.”
Vereinigte Staaten
Russisch > Englisch
+ ...
As someone who has been watching Google Translate closely, I can state that its machine translation engine has made more progress this year than in the last decade. I can also state that it is now better than weaker human translators. While Google Translate still makes a lot of potentially damaging mistakes, they may no longer be obvious to the untrained eye.
[Edited at 2017-05-15 14:30 GMT]
Local time: 08:19
Mitglied (2013)
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
The change felt is due to a change in structure, now Google has implemented the use of neural networks to its Machine Translation.
Many comments were made on the subject in this thread http://www.proz.com/forum/machine_translation_mt/312626-google_gave_their_mt_a_brain_google_neural_machine_translation.html
I h... See more
The change felt is due to a change in structure, now Google has implemented the use of neural networks to its Machine Translation.
Many comments were made on the subject in this thread http://www.proz.com/forum/machine_translation_mt/312626-google_gave_their_mt_a_brain_google_neural_machine_translation.html
I have made a YouTube video on the subject, the link is in the above thread.
Many changes indeed to the resources available for translation!
My bests ▲ Collapse
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 03:19
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
As someone who has been watching Google Translate closely, I can state that its machine translation engine has made more progress this year than in the last decade. I can also state that it is now better than weaker human translators. While Google Translate still makes a lot of potentially damaging mistakes, they may no longer be obvious to the untrained eye.
[Edited at 2017-05-15 14:30 GMT]
Vereinigte Staaten
Russisch > Englisch
+ ...
Hi Fi2 n Co
Hello Петро
The change felt is due to a change in structure, now Google has implemented the use of neural networks to its Machine Translation.
Many comments were made on the subject in this thread http://www.proz.com/forum/machine_translation_mt/312626-google_gave_their_mt_a_brain_google_neural_machine_translation.html
I have made a YouTube video on the subject, the link is in the above thread.
Many changes indeed to the resources available for translation!
My bests
I really enjoyed the links, thanks. Looks like neural networks are here to stay.
Hi LegalTransform,
That's hilarious, I just ran that text through Google Translate, and sure enough,
still yields
Local time: 08:19
Mitglied (2013)
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Hi Peter,
Yes, we should be finding these pearls for a while yet, especially in language pairs where MT hasn’t been optimized yet. 😉
Thanks for your interesting blog:
I found interesting the linked article:
My bests
Vereinigte Staaten
Russisch > Englisch
+ ...
Hi Peter,
Yes, we should be finding these pearls for a while yet, especially in language pairs where MT hasn’t been optimized yet. 😉
Thanks for your interesting blog:
I found interesting the linked article:
My bests
Yes, it would be fun to collect some machine translated nonsense
Your video on the topic was very instructive: https://youtu.be/irYnSJX3Yxw
Local time: 09:19
Mitglied (2003)
Dänisch > Englisch
+ ...
I have seen a comment about the new Danish Health Platform, which has a section for hospital staff dealing with mastectomies, where they are asked about the 'correct' and the 'remaining' breast.
That is my back translation from the Danish - the origi... See more
I have seen a comment about the new Danish Health Platform, which has a section for hospital staff dealing with mastectomies, where they are asked about the 'correct' and the 'remaining' breast.
That is my back translation from the Danish - the original version asked about the right and the left breast. The Danish word could also mean 'deserted, abandoned' - definitely not the impression intended.
(Danish det rigtige bryst / det efterladte bryst)
In principle it could apply to many other parts of the body, and mistakes would not be funny.
That sort of mistranslation could occur in many languages, not just Danish.
[Edited at 2017-05-24 08:49 GMT] ▲ Collapse
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 08:19
Serbisch > Englisch
+ ...
The interesting point is that when they applied neural networks on Google translate, there was for sure a dramatic improvement in the quality of translated texts, but the head of the team developing neural networks himself never said that even this improved Google translate ... See more
The interesting point is that when they applied neural networks on Google translate, there was for sure a dramatic improvement in the quality of translated texts, but the head of the team developing neural networks himself never said that even this improved Google translate is anything more than a useful help for human translators!
But once penny-pinchers and professional peddlers of marketing spiel get involved in the act, you get all this nonsense served on the general public, the likes of "Machines to Replace Human Translators? They Already Have ..." (and sometimes readily accepted by those who should know better, but are only interested in cost cutting).
Here it is:
"... Where you come down on “knowing” versus “doing” has real cultural and social implications. At the party, Schuster came over to me to express his frustration with the paper’s media reception. “Did you see the first press?” he asked me. He paraphrased a headline from that morning, blocking it word by word with his hand as he recited it: GOOGLE SAYS A.I. TRANSLATION IS INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM HUMANS’. Over the final weeks of the paper’s composition, the team had struggled with this; Schuster often repeated that the message of the paper was “It’s much better than it was before, but not as good as humans.” He had hoped it would be clear that their efforts weren’t about replacing people but helping them. ..."
[Edited at 2017-05-23 15:36 GMT] ▲ Collapse
Local time: 05:19
Mitglied (2011)
Portugiesisch > Englisch
+ ...
This has been worring me for a long time. Our pairs are EN-PTBR and PTBR-EN. For many years we were extremely successful, busy all the time, turning down work for lack of time. But, over the last year, our business has plummeted. We have had 2 or 3 good months and the rest have been terrible. What is going on? Is it that machine translation is finally taking away work from us? Has anybody else had the same experience?
Local time: 09:19
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Local time: 05:19
Mitglied (2008)
Englisch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
I am a Brazilian, and work mainly with English-Portuguese too (over 90% of my jobs), just like you.
From 2008 until 2016, I was able to earn more in the respective year than in the previous one. I talked about it here: http://www.proz.com/forum/business_issues/302615-translation_track_record.html
I always have a few bad months during each ye... See more
I am a Brazilian, and work mainly with English-Portuguese too (over 90% of my jobs), just like you.
From 2008 until 2016, I was able to earn more in the respective year than in the previous one. I talked about it here: http://www.proz.com/forum/business_issues/302615-translation_track_record.html
I always have a few bad months during each year. In 2015, for example, I had 2 bad months. In 2016, I also had 2 bad months. What I mean by a bad month is earning around or a little less than 3 thousand USD. A regular or good month would be above 4 thousand USD.
But now in 2017, I have already had 3 bad months, and this only in the first semester.
My earnings in the first 5 months of 2017 represent 37% less than the same period in 2016. This decrease is unprecedented.
Perhaps this year will be the first year worse than the previous one since 2008 for me. Let’s hope not.
Some colleagues told me about MT too as a disruption cause.
[Edited at 2017-05-24 14:32 GMT] ▲ Collapse
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 08:19
Mitglied (2008)
Italienisch > Englisch
As someone who has been watching Google Translate closely, I can state that its machine translation engine has made more progress this year than in the last decade.
Oh yeah? How about this then:
Associazione Italiana Ulcere Cutanee
is translated by GT as
Italian Association of Cutaneous Ulcers
Whilst I do find it amusing to think of a bunch of Cutaneous Ulcers all getting together for an expenses-paid conference weekend, somehow I don't think that translation is correct.
Local time: 05:19
Mitglied (2008)
Englisch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
... told me that he was working in a huge project with 25+ translators. Then the translation agency adopted MT and dismissed all human translators.
He participated recently in a webinar about MT and he learned about a company working in a project with over 10 billion words.
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 08:19
Mitglied (2008)
Italienisch > Englisch
Ha ha - that made me laugh out loud
Local time: 09:19
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
I think I may be old enough not to have to worry, as by the time the machines fully take over, I'll probably be pushing up the daisies. However, what baffles me most about all this ballyhoo is the positive reaction to the news by some erstwhile translators, like turkeys voting for Christmas. I actually think that the translator's job will evolve along with the technology, which will probably require people to apply and post-edit it.
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