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Join donation drive to celebrate 2023 Giving Thursday.

1 year and 3 months ago

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Giving Thursday 2023

 A whole day of online event, live Q&A, and followed by a networking event




Giving Thursday is a global day of giving back. With the support of professional translators and trainers, organizes this free conference which, over the years, has raised money for many different charities. The event includes sessions from experts in the profession and a free networking space. 



 This year, we want to support African Education Foundation (AEF)

 The African Education Foundation (AEF) is dedicated to the improvement of health and education in West Africa. AEF focuses primarily on the contruction of schools, health clinics, libraries, and other learning centers, as well as developing and maintaining clean water supplies.





How Can I donate?

To donate, click on the orange buttons above. matches donation dollar for dollar.  


Throughout the week of Giving Thursday you can get access to some excellent video recordings of 10 live panel discussions and presentations held during events

Support African Education Foundation by donating via the Giving Thursday event and get access to outstanding presentations that will help you grow your translation business, collaborate more effectively, and inspire you to take action! The package includes the following presentations:

✓ Startups: Paul Urwin and Andrew Morris

✓ Specialization tips for the multi-passionate translator

✓ What Do Agencies Look For when Hiring Translation Professionals?

✓ Marketing for language professionals

✓ Online Basics for Translators- SEO, Landing Pages & More

✓ How translators can expand their customer base

✓ Effective Collaboration

✓ Essential Non-translation skills for translators and how to acquire them

✓ “What if I don’t find any jobs?” – Addressing Freelancer Fears

✓ Can Transcreation Help Future-Proof Your Career








background image for The spirit of giving

13:05 - 13:36 GMT FINISHED

"The spirit of giving"

There’s a lot more to pro bono work than simply “translating for free”. In this talk we’ll do a quick tour of the personal, professional and social benefits this endeavour brings, with a chance to ask questions at the end.

background image for Singularity, AI, and MT: What a Professional Translator Cannot Ignore

13:36 - 13:56 GMT FINISHED

"Singularity, AI, and MT: What a Professional Translator Cannot Ignore"

Translation and interpreting businesses can largely depend on modern technological tools and applications, not to mention the professionalism requirements they impose nowadays. This webinar provides professional translator and interpreters with a deep insight into utilizing modern technology in translating and interpreting creatively and proactively.

background image for How to ensure longevity in the translation profession

13:56 - 14:13 GMT FINISHED

"How to ensure longevity in the translation profession"

background image for Surviving cataclysms in the language services industry

14:13 - 14:51 GMT FINISHED

"Surviving cataclysms in the language services industry"

Claudia Brauer will discuss how to survive the current "cataclysm" in translation and interpreting, brought about by the combination of Machine Translation and Artificial Intelligence. We must now rethink our jobs: what we do, how, where, and when. Let's talk about what is happening in our front yard, who will feel the impact, what to do to secure our future as professionals, and how to deal with the progressive replacement of "us" (humans) with new software coming from the development of large language models.

background image for Networking session

15:00 - 15:30 GMT FINISHED

"Networking session"

After the main event "Giving Tuesday" join the networking session, where you will be able to interact and share with other professionals.


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