Powwow Report for Vereinigtes Königreich - Nottingham (Apr 26 2008)

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Report from  Sarah Appleby (X)
Thanks to everyone who attended the recent powwow. Including friends/partners and lots of new faces, this was our biggest event in Nottingham to date so the change of venue was ideal.
The pub was extremely busy due to it being the first warm and sunny day of the year so apologies to those who couldn't find us easily - whenever I have been there before it has been virtually empty!

The next powwow will be early June so do please keep an eye out under Community/Powwows.

Best regards and happy translating,

Photos from  Sarah Appleby (X)

Photos from  Sarah Appleby (X)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Adam H
Dierk Widmann
Margret Vince
Frances Warburton
Sarah Appleby (X)
X \"Reporter\"
Charlie Smith (X)
Charles Rothwell (X)
Mattijs Warbroek
Celia Moody
Jennifer Guinot
matmcv (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Apr 30 '08  Dierk Widmann: Thanks from us, too
Thanks for organising this one again, Sarah. We had a very jolly time, as can be seen by the fact that we staid about 3 hours longer than planned.
Apr 29 '08  Sarah Appleby (X): Next powwow on 7th June
Due to popular demand, I've set the date for the next powwow for six weeks time on Saturday 7th June (usual time 3 pm). Keep an eye out for more details!
Apr 28 '08  msidarus: lost this one... :(
I see that this was the first powwow for other ProZians also, so I should really have been there for my 1st.
I found that it wasn't so cheap to travel to Nottingham. And I'm afraid in June it will be even more difficult for me, but I'll try. Could you please decide the day ASAP so I can buy the train tickets in advance?
Apr 28 '08  Languageman: Looks like you had fun
Looks like you had some fun Saturday, shame I couldn't make it. Hope to see you in June (not the 21st for me though!)
Apr 28 '08  Charles Rothwell (X): Nottingham pow-wow
Many thanks to Sarah for organising what was the first pow-wow I had attended. I look forward to more in the future!
Apr 28 '08  matmcv (X): Thanks
Many thanks Sarah for hosting what was my first Powwow, and to both you and Andrew for the photos!