The Interpreter by Suzanne Glass
Initiator des Themas: Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 13:35
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Feb 2, 2005

Sorry if this has already been discussed, but while browsing through a used book store, I found the following book. I have not read it yet, but it sounds really interesting and the reviews on are good.

The Interpreter by Suzanne Glass
ISBN: 0-345-45024-8

"Dominique Green is fluent in seven languages. At the end of a demanding day of translating speeches at an international medical conference in Manhattan, she accidently overhears something she is bound
... See more
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but while browsing through a used book store, I found the following book. I have not read it yet, but it sounds really interesting and the reviews on are good.

The Interpreter by Suzanne Glass
ISBN: 0-345-45024-8

"Dominique Green is fluent in seven languages. At the end of a demanding day of translating speeches at an international medical conference in Manhattan, she accidently overhears something she is bound by her interpreter's contract never to reveal. But she can't forget it. After discovering a potentially revoluntiary HIV treatment, a researcher has decided to keep it a secret from the company he works for, indefinitely postponing its trial and release. It is a treatment that could save Dominique's close friend, but only if it's available soon..."

Susana Galilea
Susana Galilea  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 12:35
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Coming soon to a big screen near you... Feb 2, 2005

It has been turned into a Sidney Pollack movie starring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn...and one of the few productions allowed to shoot on site at the United Nations:

I just saw the preview, can only imagine my interpreter colleagues will have a field day spotting the implausibilities...glamour, anyone?...
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It has been turned into a Sidney Pollack movie starring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn...and one of the few productions allowed to shoot on site at the United Nations:

I just saw the preview, can only imagine my interpreter colleagues will have a field day spotting the implausibilities...glamour, anyone?



[Edited at 2005-02-02 21:04]

Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 13:35
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Plot changes Feb 2, 2005

Cool! However, it looks like they may have changed the plot a little bit:

"...Political intrigue and deception unfold inside the United Nations, where an FBI agent (Penn) is assigned to protect an interpreter (Kidman) who overhears an assassination plot..."

Susana Galilea wrote:

It has been turned into a Sidney Pollack movie starring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn...and one of the few productions allowed to shoot on site at the United Nations.

I just saw the preview, can only imagine my interpreter colleagues will have a field day spotting the implausibilities...glamour, anyone?



Atenea Acevedo (X)
Atenea Acevedo (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:35
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Well... Feb 2, 2005

Don't they always change the plot? And more than a little bit...


CMJ_Trans (X)
CMJ_Trans (X)
Local time: 19:35
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Have read it! Feb 3, 2005

Almost as soon as the book appeared, some kind soul offered it to me, since at the time I was a staff interpreter in an international organisation. I have to say that I felt in familiar territory. A lot of it struck an immediate chord, which it should: the author has a similar professional background to my own. That said, although I now cannot remember the details and the book has long vanished from my life (must have lent it to someone who failed to return it!), I found the plot implausible in ... See more
Almost as soon as the book appeared, some kind soul offered it to me, since at the time I was a staff interpreter in an international organisation. I have to say that I felt in familiar territory. A lot of it struck an immediate chord, which it should: the author has a similar professional background to my own. That said, although I now cannot remember the details and the book has long vanished from my life (must have lent it to someone who failed to return it!), I found the plot implausible in the end. In terms of professional ethics I found some of it questionable in the least.

The film is bound to be different and may be a better "story" as a result.

Since then, I have never seen any further novels from the same author.

Natalia Elo
Natalia Elo  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:35
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Coming on 22nd April Apr 8, 2005

Mensch! Why Kidman? Don't like her.

Ioana Costache
Ioana Costache  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:35
Mitglied (2007)
Englisch > Rumänisch
+ ...
Nicole Kidman on BBC Radio 2 Apr 14, 2005

Tomorrow she's invited to talk to Steve Wright, whose show starts at 14.00 British time. I expect they'll be talking about The Interpreter - tune in and find out what you didn't know about your job!
I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to it, so if someone has the time to, I'd appreciate some information about Nicole's experience as an interpreter - if she says anything about it...
You can listen to BBC Radio 2 here:
... See more
Tomorrow she's invited to talk to Steve Wright, whose show starts at 14.00 British time. I expect they'll be talking about The Interpreter - tune in and find out what you didn't know about your job!
I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to it, so if someone has the time to, I'd appreciate some information about Nicole's experience as an interpreter - if she says anything about it...
You can listen to BBC Radio 2 here:

Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 13:35
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Movie is full of mistakes Apr 14, 2005

Apparently this movie is full of mistakes. Sorry this is only available in Spanish. The mistakes include the fact that her apartment is too expensive for the salary she would earn and that there is not a book or dictionary in sight.

Este artículo fue enviado por Sergio Viaggio, director
de traducción e interpretación de la ONU en Viena. Obviamente
sabe de lo que habla:

Ayer por la tarde fue el preestreno de "The Interpreter" aquí en
la ONU. Hab
... See more
Apparently this movie is full of mistakes. Sorry this is only available in Spanish. The mistakes include the fact that her apartment is too expensive for the salary she would earn and that there is not a book or dictionary in sight.

Este artículo fue enviado por Sergio Viaggio, director
de traducción e interpretación de la ONU en Viena. Obviamente
sabe de lo que habla:

Ayer por la tarde fue el preestreno de "The Interpreter" aquí en
la ONU. Habían invitado a los embajadores y demás mandamases y al
personal. La película es un desastre de mala, pero, sobre todo,
de inverosímilmente ignorante de la profesión y de la ONU. A la
final, la radio y televisión indígenas [austriacas] me hicieron
un reportaje.

La pregunta: Cómo veía un intérprete las cosas? Mi respuesta,

-La Kidmann tiene unos treinta y cortos, no puede ser, entonces,
más que P4 en el escalafón. Pero vive en un departamentazo en
Gramercy Park que ningún funcionario se puede pagar, a menos que
sea feliz poseedor de una fortuna personal. Solo que a la Kidmann
le han matado la familia cuando tenía seis años.

-En el dpto de esta intérprete no hay un solo libro, un solo

-La Kidmann interpreta aferrada al audífono.

-Habla francés como el culo.

-Vivió toda su vida en el África. Dónde aprendió castellano y
cómo se hizo intérprete? Para presentarse al examen de la ONU se
precisan 200 días de cabina certificados.

-La embajadora gringa se entrevista con el embajador de Matungo,
o como se llame el país africano imaginario EN LA ONU (no en la
misión americana, que está exactamente enfrente!). El embajador
habla Qu (la lengua extraterrestre de Matungo)! Y llaman para esa
entrevista entre dos estados a una intérprete de la ONU, porque
sabe matungués. Luego sucede que el embajador sí habla inglés!!!

-La intérprete habla AL MISMO TIEMPO que los oradores (la
interpretación se supone consecutiva)

-El Jefe de Seguridad de Matungo es BLANCO!!!!

-El servicio secreto gringo entra y sale a piacere de la ONU.

-Cuando el asesino sube a las cabinas, se ve en el fondo el salón
de pasos perdidos del segundo piso, al cual dan todas las salas
de conferencias, el lounge de delegados, etc., que se supone
permanentemente atestado de gente y guardias de seguridad, pero
está absolutamente desierto.... en plena Asamblea General y con
un alerta de seguridad!

-El asesino se mete en la cabina del técnico como pancho por su
casa. Hay alerta de seguridad y no hay guardias en las cabinas
que dominan toda la sala!

-El asesino mata al técnico, que entonces ya no puede abrir y
cerrar micrófonos. Pero en la sala nadie se da cuenta.

-La Kidmann se mete solita en su alma sin que nadie le pregunte
adónde va en la sala VIP de la Asamblea (donde hay SIEMPRE
guardias, solo que esta vez, cuando hay un Jefe de Estado al que
acaban de querer asesinar... no hay nadie!).

-Sean Penn se mete en esa salita solo y detiene, él, en nombre de
la USA, a un Jefe de Estado en el territorio extranacional de la

-El Consejo de Seguridad vota por unanimidad trasladar al quídam
al Tribunal Penal Internacional. Solo que los EEUUU están
resueltamente en contra del TPC!

Susana Galilea
Susana Galilea  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 12:35
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
That's not all... Apr 14, 2005

Jeff Whittaker wrote:
Apparently this movie is full of mistakes. Sorry this is only available in Spanish. The mistakes include the fact that her apartment is too expensive for the salary she would earn and that there is not a book or dictionary in sight.

...she also prances around NYC in a cute Eurofashionable little vespa. Rush hour in Midtown Manhattan on a vespino? No wonder they try to run her off the road


[Edited at 2005-04-14 20:53]

Atenea Acevedo (X)
Atenea Acevedo (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:35
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Perhaps the only positive thing... Apr 20, 2005

I don't know about other countries/languages, but where I live the majority of the people have no clue that being an interpreter and being a translator are two different things. Actually, most people use the word "translator" to refer to interpreters. I guess the only contribution of the movie will be that at least a few will start calling us interpreters when we're interpreting and translators when we're translating!


Stephanie Mitchel
Stephanie Mitchel  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 13:35
Französisch > Englisch
Small favors Apr 21, 2005

Atenea Acevedo wrote:

I guess the only contribution of the movie will be that at least a few will start calling us interpreters when we're interpreting and translators when we're translating!


Good point! This drives me nuts!

Susana Galilea
Susana Galilea  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 12:35
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
yes, but... Apr 21, 2005

Atenea Acevedo wrote:
I guess the only contribution of the movie will be that at least a few will start calling us interpreters when we're interpreting and translators when we're translating!


What will they call us when we become involved in a steamy romance with the cop who is investigating our case, who just happens to be dreamy Sean Penn? Oh wait, this only happens in Hollywood?


Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 13:35
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
And to think I really didn't like him when he was younger...:-) May 4, 2005

Susana Galilea wrote:

Atenea Acevedo wrote:
I guess the only contribution of the movie will be that at least a few will start calling us interpreters when we're interpreting and translators when we're translating!


What will they call us when we become involved in a steamy romance with the cop who is investigating our case, who just happens to be dreamy Sean Penn? Oh wait, this only happens in Hollywood?


Marinus Vesseur
Marinus Vesseur  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:35
Englisch > Niederländisch
+ ...
How many languages can one person speak on a professional level? May 14, 2005

Jeff Whittaker wrote:

The Interpreter by Suzanne Glass ISBN: 0-345-45024-8

"Dominique Green is fluent in seven languages. At the end of a demanding day of translating speeches at an international medical conference in Manhattan..."

Interpreter, fluent in seven languages. How many colleagues do you know who manage to keep more than 3 languages apart? I've met people that supposedly spoke 5 or more languages but it was always 'broken' English or German that I heard. Just one of those fables forged by someone who doesn't know what professional interpreting entails, I guess.

Raluca Furnea
Raluca Furnea  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:35
Deutsch > Rumänisch
+ ...
Not in Romania Jun 2, 2005

Atenea Acevedo wrote:

I don't know about other countries/languages, but where I live the majority of the people have no clue that being an interpreter and being a translator are two different things. Actually, most people use the word "translator" to refer to interpreters. I guess the only contribution of the movie will be that at least a few will start calling us interpreters when we're interpreting and translators when we're translating!


I'm afraid that is only wishful thinking!
The Romanian title of "The Interpreter" is "Traducatoarea" - that is "The Translator"!

No further comments...


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